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Post: RE: I thought we didn't do permabans anymore in Feedback Forum
This isn't a forum event! I've been here all along. Watching. Waiting. The staff will delete my posts again and this is like my 9th account. Mark my words. But maybe if nobody remembers Puddin no one...
Post: RE: Unban mason? The poll in Pragmatic Potato Presentation
Is this what you do? Pretend I never existed?
Post: I thought we didn't do permabans anymore in Feedback Forum
Is the Derrike G/General/Teddy treatment newspeak for permaban? Why was I next on the chopping block? I thought people liked Puddin
Post: RE: Unban mason? The poll in Pragmatic Potato Presentation
Punished Puddin Every story in this thread about me is false but (((Draku))) and (((T-man))) are afraid of the truth so they indulge themselves by belieiving lies.
Post: RE: Unban mason? The poll in Pragmatic Potato Presentation
They also said I asked to have my account deleted but that's a lie. You've got to believe me!
Post: RE: Unban mason? The poll in Pragmatic Potato Presentation
They keep deleting my accounts because they found out I was a Trump supporter and keep writing these weird lies about me and claiming I did all this weird shit I don't remember doing. This is what I g...