ARMS Nintendo Direct (With Splatoon 2 Trailer) Tomorrow!

[Image: 3m8XFWR.png]

As someone who's still not sold on ARMS I'd really like to be wowed by this direct. I really like all the character designs and it's all really fresh but I'm not sure about the gameplay.

I'm much more interested in Splatoon 2, which the trailer feels like bait to get me to watch.
who /Mechanica/ here?
Excellent taste, she's the best character so far.
I'm wondering if this is going to be a multiplayer fighter only or if they're going to add meaningful 1P content.

I am not sure I want to spend $60 on this
the character and weapon trailers made me kind of interested when i wasn't at all before
I didn't know about this! Gonna get some LEGS while I'm at work, hell yeah.
Cool thread
Fun With Despair
if someone buys it for me I promise to only ever play the mummy
This may officially be my favorite thread, guys.

And the stream isn't even close to starting yet.
characters already got leaked???
how tf
Lookin' pretty neat! The gameplay modes and stuff are much more interesting than what they were showing previously.
but that splatoon 2 trailer though
[Image: B3S9ub9.png]
I wasn't too interested in this game when it was first revealed. I might end up picking it up if I like the test punch enough.

All in on Splatoon though.

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