Now that I've had time to collect my thoughts, here's some thoughts for the current KG and future KGs in general.

-Each phase is TOO LONG. I understand this is Yrr's first KG and she may be busy, but several days between kills and to investigate is a detriment. I'm not the only one who has noticed that players are way more aggressive this KG and the anticipation for the next case may be a factor. Long investigations with the ability to request an extension at any time are especially hard on killers as well.

It's 100% my fault for getting salty and quitting the case against me instead of seeing it through, but the length was getting to me anyways especially since I have a huge trip coming that would have fucked me over in the game and I really wasn't expecting the game to last this long. Plus waiting for Class Trial to begin and end with people being like "lmao gotcha" is pretty frustrating after you really went for a creative kill, possibly the only environmental kill in the history of KG. ;) [SALT CAM]

-Witness accounts are TOO DETAILED. In previous KGs, it wasn't this easy to confirm everyone you saw as an example. Often your account would say something vague like "you saw a person with a shovel". The timeline is also too exact. For example, the Witness Accounts and Timeline were so detailed and exact that it really only left two possibilities for my case, both for my characters being the possible killer. Granted, that may happen anyways as people die off but Draku himself clarified that the case was too easy after I made stupid assumptions about why he said that and I understand now where he was coming from: https://minus.world/showthread.php?tid=3...1#pid46781

-Future KGs need action limitations. You shouldn't be able to visit literally every room. Maybe you fall asleep due to exhaustion after a certain point. There should probably be some penalty for standing in a central location too long and watching everyone too. Maybe you get bored and fall asleep or some shit.

-Mulligan mechanics that allow multiple players to come back from the dead after gaining access to Ghost World may be bullshit. If it's not a specific role with a negative to balance it, maybe we shouldn't have mulligan mechanics.

-A boy and his dog is probably an okay idea for a role but having two votes is too powerful. Lassie shouldn't have been able to vote at all, to be honest. AFAIK, it really only fucked up one case though. Both should probably be held responsible for any kills as well, since someone raised concern that they are a perfect criminal and accomplice but idk.

-KG physics kills based on mechanics such as those caused by roles and as a result of medications sometimes more likely to roll than planned kills. Elyk's Agastya kill comes to mind, specifically, unless I'm still misunderstanding that case which is entirely possible.

KG 3.5 has some fun mechanics and ideas as well as a great map, though I feel like it's held back greatly by the length if nothing else. What do you guys think? I also think we should take whatever time is left before Halloween KG off from KG as well. Shame we won't have a longer period of time off to prevent burnout though.
i agree w a lot of this based on seeing how they played out

Altho "why is my account missing this" vs "why ISNT my account missing anything" is a mess to balance properly
turb dying to weed smoke was environmental too
(also The Trade was planned from the start)
(Sep 13, 2017 at 12:44 AM)Pea Wrote: turb dying to weed smoke was environmental too
Must be kg2.5 because I missed it, lol. In any case, my bad.
also im really sorry about the length of this game, its way longer than intended

phases are taking longer to do because of the density of mistakes in the first few, the complexity of some of the submitted events, schedules getting busier than expected, and just general depression inhibiting my ability to work on things
What happened with case 2 was that Elyk's role causes him to only be able to attempt on people he thinks are deer.

By taking Lazarin, I forced myself to be the victim for the night, so Elyk had no choice but to see me as a deer and shoot me.

Every game past 2 has been getting bigger and more complex, and thus are adding more moving parts to the machine. While we can safely agree that "coming back from the dead and playing again" mechanics are pretty bad in practice, its best that we're figuring these things out now so we know not to try them again in the future.

I, personally, also really don't like items. They take away from a lot of the fun of figuring out what stuff would be present in rooms (paint in KG2) in favor of just grabbing random nonsensical shit and encouraging shenanigans. I think removing them would be a better step forward.

Action limits are likely also important. A lot of the timelines this game have been busted because of everyone trying to go everywhere and do everything after the Lazarin case.

My personal thought for gameflow would be:

DAY PHASE - This is where antics and shenanigans and environmental examination happen, investigations on room can either be public or private
NIGHT PHASE - Only kill actions are accounted for here. You spend the next DAY PHASE investigating for clues. If you are not killing, meeting up with somebody for a nefarious kill plan, or ending your day phase in a specific room, you will be in your own room for the night
DAY PHASE 2 - If no kill happens during the first NIGHT PHASE, you get a second DAY PHASE to investigate and plan. If a kill happens during the night phase then it is mentioned that someone seems to be missing from the usual lineup and then you get to discover the body
NIGHT PHASE 2 - It's like NIGHT PHASE but the second
DAY PHASE 3 - If nobody kills during NIGHT PHASE 2, a random user is executed to make an example out of them. Any map changes happen etc then it starts over from DAY PHASE

INVESTIGATION PHASE: If a user is killed you get a two day investigation and the TRIAL thread comes up during the second day

.. but that'd also be a lot of work.
quite frankly it is BULLSHIT someone was able to kill me. i want a re-do
in seriousness tho i wanna wait til the Edn for feedback (if i remember to write any)
yea ill def have more to say myself at the end about some behind the scenes / spoilery stuff
(Sep 13, 2017 at 12:54 AM)Mario Wrote: in seriousness tho i wanna wait til the Edn for feedback (if i remember to write any)
That's fair, though I'd estimate the game would be over by the time my 12 day trip is over and I probably wouldn't remember to write any of this by then... Sorry. Sad

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