Angie Yonaga
Angie wakes up. Excitement covers her face. Today, her grand plan to sacrifice in Atua's name would come to completion, and He would bestow favor upon her for the sacrifices made here. Humming, Angie pulls aside her bed, and opens a hatch in the castle wall. This one had been disguised so none of the players could find it.

After all, Angie didn't want anyone getting the drawbridge controls until it was all over.

In her room, Rubber Duck wakes up. Setting up the spacesuit they received from the night 4 incentive, they place a blunted sword in its hands and hides in the closet. Waiting for someone to come in and make a move. As soon as they do...

The Duck is not the only one who's preparing for a kill in advance. Entering the bathroom, Bigfoot steps into the potted plant. He hunkers down, becoming almost invisible and leaving the door open. He's practically unseen at this point. All he has to do now is wait.

Inside the Library, Pea yawns as he wakes up, looking at his doppleganger. Wakka wakes up as well, removing his disguise. The two of them blink, before Wakka abruptly grabs a heavy object and takes a swing, catching Pea in the side. Before he can finish the job, though, Pea activates his speakers. The music distracts Wakka long enough for Pea to make his escape into the Smithy, where he grabs a makeshift knife from when Rubber Duck was crafting the spacesuit. Exiting to the west, he begins to walk through the bottom corridors, spinning occasionally. Angie, still working in the gatehouse, takes note of him.

Meanwhile, Wakka heads to the Garden, cutting into the Poolhouse. He retrieves his blitzball, and bounces it a couple times. He nods. Good. Going back to the Garden, Wakka begins to cross through the Hall of Statues and the Great Hall, aiming for the Kitchen.

In his pathway through the Bedroom Hall, Pea notices that the door to Rubber Duck's room is ajar. He creaks it open and sees the spacesuit sitting on the bed. Not foolish enough to immediately go for the kill, Pea instead twirls and plays his music, giving enough of a distraction for him to swing in and use his scepter to smash the visor of the spacesuit to pieces.

He realizes as the visor shatters that no one is inside. Rubber Duck barges out of the closet, knife at the ready, and stabs Pea straight in the chest. Pea realizes too late what the trap was, as he blares his music again, abandoning his music player and speakers for the sake of escape. Rubber Duck lets the injured Pea go, instead looking at the spacesuit. The visor damage was going to be a problem, but they put it on anyway. Emerging from the bedroom, they head downstairs, smashing the Machinery Room's pipes on the way.

As Pea runs up the bedroom hall, he passes by the Bathroom. A hand shoots out of the potted plant, catching him and crashing his head against the sink. Bigfoot's other hand emerges from the plant, forcing several nightshade berries into Pea's mouth. The cryptid brings out a kitchen knife and stabs Pea one more time, leaving him to die of both poison and blood loss. Bigfoot climbs out of the plant, heading down for the kitchen as well.

@Pea has been killed by Bigfoot! He was the ULTIMATE JESTER

Role Information:
Angie Yonaga
Wakka enters the kitchen first, going for the knife drawer. He ducks into the Freezer to attach the knives to his blitzball, peeling pieces of tape off items in the freezer and latching the knives on. It's a bit slow, but it's important to ensure his success.

Downstairs, Rubber Duck heads for the Armory, as water continues to pump into the basement, the electrification spreading over the rooms. There, they discard the blunted sword they had for so long, and grabs a new, sharp one. A brief look into the Treasure Room shows that the gun no longer exists, and thus they heads back through the water.

Meanwhile, Bigfoot reaches the kitchen, and begins to assemble a screen of vegetables right outside. Lettuce, broccoli, asparagus, onions... the kitchen had a LOT of vegetables, and Bigfoot is carefully assembling them all into an enormous pile. Once he's done, he ducks into the pile, blending with it as Rubber Duck comes up the stairs. The spacesuit prevents a kill with the electric water, so he waits, carefully emerging from his vegetable pile as Rubber Duck enters the kitchen.

There, the duck turns on the gas at full place. She turns to leave, but Bigfoot enters the kitchen, and Wakka exits the freezer. All three remaining players are in the same room, carefully watching the others for signs of movement.

Wakka is the first to act, hurling his Knife Blitzball at Rubber Duck. It's a ball, though, and the Duck possesses the power of dodgeball. An easy dodge sends the ball crashing into a gas pipe, causing more gas to pour out of the pipe. Bigfoot takes advantage of the distraction to grab two pans. One goes under his shirt to protect him, but he swings the other one at Wakka, smashing his shoulder. Bigfoot prepares to finish the job, only for a slash from the sword to cut down his back. He staggers, as Rubber Duck swings in a second time, this blow bouncing off the pan.

As Rubber Duck attempts to finish off Bigfoot, and the latter keeps deflecting with his pan, Wakka takes the chance to grab his knife blitzball with his good hand. Rubber Duck is focused on Bigfoot, and so a powerful throw of the Knife Blitzball is able to slice open a knee joint of the suit. Defense breached, Wakka attempts to go for a disabling blow, only for Rubber Duck to swing around. They stab their sword deep into Wakka, pinning him to the oven.

Rubber Duck prepares to draw their sword and leave Wakka to die, when Bigfoot nails them in the back of the knee with one of his two kitchen knives. He pulls it out, preparing to finish the job. Before he can bring down the knife and finish things off, though, Rubber Duck makes a hail mary play.

They turn on the oven.

With the gas that had been filling the room the entire fight, the kitchen goes up in a massive explosion, which starts right behind Wakka. He's ripped to pieces by the blast, while the fleeing Bigfoot and suited Rubber Duck are both blown out of the room, alive.

@Wakka has been killed by Rubber Duck! He was the ULTIMATE DOPPLEGANGER

Angie Yonaga
Bigfoot and Rubber Duck both crash outside the kitchen. The former had been running away at the time of the blast, and had barely made it in time to avoid fatal injuries. He groans as he picks himself up, still possessing one knife and two pots. As for the Duck, the spacesuit had saved them despite their being at the epicenter of the explosion. However, as they stand up, the spacesuit falls away in chunks, the material simply unable to handle it. They pick up Wakka's knife blitzball, now their only weapon with the sword lost in the blast.

Good thing they were ready to play dodgeball.

Quickly, Rubber Duck hurls the knifeball at Bigfoot, who bats it back with his pan. They catch it with ease and hurl it again, Bigfoot forced to stop and bat it back as he attempts to get close. The duck is able to keep him on the defensive, but Bigfoot's the one forcing their direction of movement, even as the knife blitzball occasionally gets past his blocks and cuts into him.

For his part, Bigfoot's already realized that he'll never be able to get close enough to Rubber Duck for a simple knife kill. He'll have to come up with something. Something in the area... there's got to be something... ah. Of course. That's it.

Slowly, Bigfoot begins to push Rubber Duck back and towards the left, in this lethal game of dodgeball. Rubber Duck is busy focusing on the constant barrage, knowing that letting up even once will allow Bigfoot to claim victory. All they have to do, though, is wait for him to tire. All they have to do is hold out a little longer... Keep on the backstep, just a little longer...

They take a step back. Nothing but air beneath Rubber Duck's foot causes them to flail, the Knife Blitzball going off course enough that it misses Bigfoot entirely and bounces off somewhere in the castle hallways. Bigfoot had forced them back to the stairs down to the machinery room, and both of them knew what was down there.

The moment of surprise is enough for Bigfoot to run in, planting his knife in Rubber Duck's chest. He then uses his pan to smash them in the face, sending Rubber Duck tumbling down the stairs and into the electrified water. A massive electric spark kicks up, Rubber Duck killed on impact. Bigfoot stands at the top of the stairs, the last survivor of this Killing Game.

@Rubber Duck has been killed by Bigfoot! They were the ULTIMATE SPORTSBALLER


@Bigfoot has survived, and is the winner of the Atua Castle Killing Game!


Angie Yonaga
With all his competition dead, Bigfoot takes a moment to breath. He'd been severely injured by both Wakka and Rubber Duck in that final deathmatch. While he rests, Angie walks up from the Gatehouse.

"Congratulations~~! You're our sole survivor! Truly, Atua's blessing shines upon thee!

Now, you might be wondering: What next? Where do you go now that you've survived this killing game! And to that, I say: Come with Angie!"

Bigfoot slowly follows Angie, who goes to the Gatehouse. There, she pulls the lever, and with a creaking of chains, the drawbridge finally descends. They watch as it touches down on the other side of the moat, the first access to the outside world anyone has had in five days and six nights. Angie had led sixteen people across that drawbridge, and now she leads a single one out.

On the other side of the drawbridge is a fancy limousine. Bigfoot can't see the driver, and Angie gestures him away as she opens a passenger door for him. He gingerly climbs in, and Angie goes around and enters on the other side. She giggles as the driver begins to pull away, the castle shrinking in the rearview mirror.

"There's a lot of people who are interested in you now, Mr. Bigfoot. And Angie is the most interested of them all! Atua's chosen surely has a role to play in the future.

Now, why don't you settle in? Angie has a lot to tell you!"

And so, the limo drives off, to an unknown future for the two of them...


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