NIGHT 6 - There Goes the Strong Bad

Honoka Kosakatua
Honoka Kosakatua
And that's the beginning of another night. I recognize that you might seek to do to me what you did to Deathborn... and to that I say, that's the risk I'm taking.

Momoyo Himemushi
And if you kill her, I'll be sure to keep the game running!

Hollywood Bowl
Wait, so you wouldn't stop us from killing her?

Momoyo Himemushi
Nah. She's a fair target, like anyone else participating in the game!

Agent Evangeline
You've certainly taken well to your role as the mastermind.

Honoka Kosakatua
It's not pleasant, but someone has to do it. And speaking of, someone has to give the motive for tonight.

We've had enough positive motives - you used up the carrot, now comes the stick.
If you do not make an attempt tonight, you will start Night 7 jailed.

Hollywood Bowl
Do these apply to us, as well?

Honoka Kosakatua
Of course.

Agent Evangeline
Like I said. You've taken well to this.


Tonight's weather is Heat Wave. The temperatures are rising, and the heat saps your energy. Spending a prolonged period outside will cause you to lose the ability to do anything physically taxing; spending another prolonged period outside will KO you from heatstroke.

THE MAP (Credit to Yap for the centipede graphic!)
[Image: wildwest1-1.png]
First Floor:

[Image: wildwest2.png]

Second Floor:

[Image: wildwestBF-C.png]

Basement Floor:

Desert Sage Dorm
-@Not Shane
-@North Star
-@Madame Zalsarona
-@Hollywood Bowl (NPC)

Prickly Pear Dorm
-@Partitio Yellowil
-@Akira Kogami
-@Ace Ventura: Pet Detective
-@Agent Evangeline (NPC)

Century Agave Dorm
-@Kroos the Keen Glint
-@Nico Yazawa
-@Honoka Kosakatua (NPC)

-@Momoyo Himemushi (NPC Observer)
-@Pete n VB (Wraith)

Submissions are due in 48 hours, at 10 PM EDT on March 19th.
Bees in danger...
Pete n VB
Pete n VB
Well well well
Look who decided to roll into town

[Image: 8556fb343cd898d6c24c385e6d180e82c4d73c50.pnj]
You folks ain't lookin too good
Worse for wear I reckon

[Image: e0aa85a6b38c9937ff18190bc6d9e15c38b86301.pnj]
Lost your lawman?
Lookin for another bringer of justice?

[Image: 8eadeb5d048a40a518d5a44fb646e3c528c4eaaa.pnj]

Look no further!
My name's Pete n VB, but you can call me Pete!
I'm a great vigilante from a great town called Pride Wood!
Least I was until the network cut my program on account of my dyin on set

[Image: f98dca1b618005051a1ff62242973427f1275c84.pnj]

Real unfortunate circumstances all around
But I'm back and it looks like another film's shootin here in Silver Junction!
CHOOOOOOWEEEEEEE I've been waitin for another day like this
Being buried under the dirt can get real demoralizin

Anyway don't mind me none I'll be outta your hair

[Image: 1dacd54a9ea9f03b07f93e67b544a01c48eaa00f.pnj]

Long as ya stay outta mine of course
Got some matters I need to take care of, you'll understand

Madame Zalsarona
(Mar 18, 2025 at 2:05 AM)Bud Wrote: Bees in danger...

[Image: caf0a256045e085e08b17e5703b13b320afb5ef2.pnj]

Do not fear. The little honey bees will make it through the heat.

You know why that is?

[Image: a4338a35b4f386ce5fb354842a181b5fc7fa6a19.pnj]

Because on this night we will unite our strength to make it so.
[Image: 24f1bdca9a1d6253e5f871457ae0593bbf3a230d.pnj]

It has come to McJangos attention that everyone thinks he is getting 'fat' and or 'football shaped'.
He would hate to return to his owner and not be able to be picked up, so he has decided to work out to get fit again!!

Please feel free to join Mcjango on his fitness adventure at the Sound stage tonight!

Madame Zalsarona
(Mar 18, 2025 at 10:07 PM)Kright Wrote:
Please feel free to join Mcjango on his fitness adventure at the Sound stage tonight!

[Image: 1de44450b8e60abed6b6065a76ffb393f8a2f099.gifv]

(They want to work out during heat wave...
while all our water supply is contaminated with wrestle man booty flakes...?)

(Well, I guess next case is going to be mass suicide then...)

[Image: a2bb357d2dbc2a42f9ec17c90099c6212c9be994.pnj]

Ah, uh... U-unfortunately I will be quite too busy to join you. What a shame.

G-good luck with the exercise?

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