(Dec 9, 2020 at 11:18 PM)Neil deGrasse Tyson Wrote: You're nothing but a hack, Mr. Junior. In the 2018 movie Marvel's The Avengers: Infinity War, your character, the Iron Man, is depicted transforming his suit in order to break through the atmosphere into outer space to reach a spaceship. However, this is scientifically impossible, as that level of gravity and G-force would crush this Iron Man like a tin can. I'm suing you for your entire salary on the grounds that you offended me and my scientifically-sensitive nipples.
"youR'e Nothing But A haCK, Mr. JuniOr", I'm fucking Robert Downey Jr.
Some people. It's Iron Man, there's not much science to it besides that fact. You're in a movie called "Ice Age", yet there's a lot of dinosaurs and whatsnot who clearly shouldn't have lived past the first three movies. Nobody's questioning that though, huh?
I'll pay you $1 to shut the fuck up.