Do you buy bottled water to drink? Maybe fill it up by the jug? Or do you just get your water straight from the sink like a barbarian?

Just kidding, but seriously, I don't understand how people can drink tap water. I'm sure the quality + additives vary depending on the location, but here in California, I've never had tap water that didn't taste as if it had been siphoned from a public pool. Vegas was even worse. I've heard many people make fun of the idea of bottled water, but I'll tell you right now, this Reverse Osmosis thing or whatever the fuck really does the trick. For fuck's sake I can drink a bottle of water, then fill it up from the fridge (filtered tap water) and it'll suddenly taste bad. It has to be the chlorine, or I'm just an asshole experiencing the placebo effect (but I really think if you had me try both side by side I could tell the difference)

What about you, MW? Do you like bottled or tap water? Maybe even the $3.99 water that's black and came from a volcano or some shit?
[Image: supercorrect.png]
I've lived out in the country for my whole life, and tap water in every area I've lived wasn't/isn't bad. However, whenever I went to my aunt and uncle's (when they were still together) house, I never liked drinking the water because they always lived in suburban areas and the water would always taste weird. While I have no issue drinking tap water (because I have access to decent tap water), I certainly don't blame you for hating it in your situation.

That said, I don't buy regular bottled water. If I buy bottled water, it's flavored water. I do like flavored water.
My tap water isn't safe for drinking so it is out of the question. I buy bottled water occasionally but IMO its never worth the money. Normally for drinking I just collect rain water, tastes good, its free, and all you need is a large barrel and some mesh.
the very thought of drinking tap water has always skeeved me the frick out
[Image: xPhNzA9.jpg]
the tap water here is okay but i have a filter on my tap most of the time and that makes it taste 1000x better
i'd never buy bottled water tho. huge waste of money and those companies are actually evil
my fridge has water what does that count as
[Image: yrrzy.gif]
(Sep 24, 2016 at 6:02 PM)Yrr Wrote: my fridge has water what does that count as
Filtered tap water. Usually tastes a bit better than plain tap for me, but if the filter gets dirty then it makes it taste worse lol
[Image: supercorrect.png]


(Sep 24, 2016 at 7:10 PM)T-man Wrote: >water

Always been my mentality as well. Didn't really think there was a huge difference and I just kinda assumed bottled water just tap water but now it sits on a shelf in a shop anyways
i can't taste the difference and i've drunk almost nothing but tap water for the last 3 months+
tap water quality varies wildly depending on location and requires filtration in many parts, bottled water is mostly consistent even if it basically is filtered tap water from somewhere else.

i don't think it's worth the obscene tax, but if you simply want an easy solution and hate filters or something bottled is useful, if expensive for what it is. though if you live in some area with absolutely horrific tap water conditions then yeah absolutely worth it lol
[Image: s2n7oi.png]
tap water is fine if you like being brainwashed by fluoride.
filtered tap water from a public source

literally evading the something memes from buying water dumped with chemicals to keep it from rotting
[Image: vI6LrbC.gif]
depends on the location but I usually go tap water
it tastes great here if left running for a mintue
[Image: GrFo47K.jpg]
I only trust water filtered with the INFOWARS STORE Prisonplanet.tv Alexapure Pro™ Water Filtration System.
(Sep 24, 2016 at 7:35 PM)T-man Wrote: tap water is fine if you like being brainwashed by fluoride.

lmao america

(google tells me 10% of the uk gets fluoride water too but not my part)
[Image: yrrzy.gif]
filtered tap water. my parents stopped going bottled recently so the recycling bin isn't made of water bottles.
I was drinking water straight from the tap until I noticed that it had been leaving orange stains on my dish drying rack and shower. I need to buy a filter because I don't want to buy bottled water all of the time. If I only have bottled water I can't keep myself properly hydrated because I don't want to drink more than a single bottle a day (which isn't nearly enough).
(Sep 25, 2016 at 8:15 AM)Elyk Wrote: I was drinking water straight from the tap until I noticed that it had been leaving orange stains on my dish drying rack and shower. I need to buy a filter because I don't want to buy bottled water all of the time. If I only have bottled water I can't keep myself properly hydrated because I don't want to drink more than a single bottle a day (which isn't nearly enough).
sounds like you've got hard water. that's caused by the minerals in it, doesn't necessarily mean it's dangerous or anything, though yeah you probably want to filter it lol.
[Image: s2n7oi.png]

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