Occasionally minor alterations are made to things like the behavior of Spells, the amount of EXP earned through certain actions, etc. This thread will serve as a simple log to keep people aware of these otherwise unnoticeable changes.

  • 21 Oct 2016
    Modified Rally parameters slightly. Most notably, the increase provided by a spellcast will now incorporate your level: `$cost / (250 + ($level * 50))`
  • 2 Nov 2016
    More modifications to Rally to make it easier to keep your multiplier up. New spellcast increase is `$cost / (500 + ($level * 50))`. New Rally decay amount is `0.05 + ($level / 250)`, and Rally now decays DAILY rather than hourly. Also, the maximum Rally has been increased to 5.00.
  • 26 Nov 2016
    There were more modifications to Rally over the past month but I didn't keep this thread updated as often as I should've. Right now I'm getting rid of sub-1.00x rallies just to tide us over
  • 17 Jan 2017
    So I clearly haven't been updating this thread, but better late than never. Today Rally was adjusted to decay not per hour, but instead by 0.001 for every 1 EX you earn. In other EX news, you can now go over the 10,000 limit, but you'll stop gaining ex if you're over and donations will no longer work. We also updated the Empty reaction to award 0 EX, so it can be used as a no-reward way to combat Stick Around
  • 19 Jan 2017
    EX income for making a new post: 2 => 1
    EX income for receiving a thread reply: 2 => 1
    EX income for referring a member: 50 => 500
    These changes will be complemented by our adjustments to Rally, which no longer decays by hour. The referral change was a last minute thing from me, I don't think it's unreasonable to give someone 5 free levels if they bring a new member to our midst
  • 26 Jan 2017
    EX income for receiving a thread reply: 1 => 2
    Changed this back because it's a really good technique to make a thread you know will receive a lot of replies, and that should be rewarded. The income rate across the board has also seemed a little slow
  • 8 Feb 2017
    Stick Around has been disabled. I still love the spell but a lot of people have issues with it (technical issues, usability issues, moral issues, pretty much every kind of issue). We keep trying to think of compromises to make it work but at this point the simplest solution is to just get rid of it and try to make less annoying spells in the future.
Bumping so everyone sees this, as we changed Rally pretty significantly yesterday. It should now be much easier to keep a higher multiplier, with it becoming more and more difficult as you climb through the levels.
26 Nov 2016
There were more modifications to Rally over the past month but I didn't keep this thread updated as often as I should've. Right now I'm getting rid of sub-1.00x rallies just to tide us over
Lots of updates, I need to update this thread more consistently
8 Feb 2017
Stick Around has been disabled. I still love the spell but a lot of people have issues with it (technical issues, usability issues, moral issues, pretty much every kind of issue). We keep trying to think of compromises to make it work but at this point the simplest solution is to just get rid of it and try to make less annoying spells in the future.
[Image: supercorrect.png]

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