We will be using Pretend You're Xyzzy to play Cards
Against Humanity with one another starting at 4PM PST (6PM CST, 7PM EST) and ending whenever we're all bored of it.
Pretend You're Xyzzy available at http://pretendyoure.xyz/zy/
Room: http://pyx-1.pretendyoure.xyz/zy/game.jsp#game=43
Password: marioworld
Check back during that time to see the link to the room and the password.
Pretend You're Xyzzy available at http://pretendyoure.xyz/zy/
Room: http://pyx-1.pretendyoure.xyz/zy/game.jsp#game=43
Password: marioworld
Check back during that time to see the link to the room and the password.