Dude: -WAKE UP
Dude: -okay who the fuck spiked my meds
Dude: -grab a couple adrenalines and exit my room
Dude: -head into aidan's and find pea exactly where i expected him to be
Dude: -jab myself with that sweet adrenaline
Dude: -jab pea with that sweet adrenaline

Draku: >wake up and take the adrenaline ive had nearly all game, putting on my mahou costume
Dude: -head to the recroom

Draku: >go out into the hall, see FWD and drop my SEVEN IS MY FAVORITE NUMBER card on the floor
Brainwyrms: >Wake up, take the EAST STAIRS upstairs as TWO_FINGER is taking them down. Head to the PHARMACY to grab some stuff and things.
Dude: -build MOUNT ARCADE

Dude: -head for the lobby, ADRENALINE DRAKU ACTION FIGURE and fwd also arrive from the west hall
Draku: >FWD and I go into the lobby together, dude and pea enter from cafeteria. they have adrenaline jitters
Brainwyrms: In PHARMACY

Draku: >FWD goes to gift shop, pea and dude go up the east stairs, and i head to the foyer
Dude: -fwd heads into the gift shop, draku goes into the foyer. we go upstairs, two's comin' down. two slaps my hand. looks like he might attack pea but i'm assuming he is intimidated by our duoness, or adrenalineness. blastwryrms is leaving the pharmacy as we head for storage
Brainwyrms: I leave, passing PEA and DUDE on their way towards STORAGE.

This is the last time TwoFinger is seen.

Draku: >press my button and head to the cafeteria
Dude: -we transform into the OINGO BOINGO BROTHAS

Draku: >see FWD go up the east stairs, blasterwyrms comes down them
Brainwyrms: >I run into FUN WITH DESPAIR heading up the STAIRS as I am descending them. Make it to the LOBBY and see MAGICAL GIRL ADRENALINE DRAKU heading to the CAFETERIA.

Draku: >lie down on a table in the cafeteria
Brainwyrms: >Take the MAIN STAIRS to the OFFICE

Draku: >PA comes on, blasterwyrms announces he will be pouring drinks to honor our fallen friends in the cafeteria later
Brainwyrms: announce to everyone over the PA that I'm pouring drinks to honor those fallen in the 3.5th Killing Game thus far, and implore everyone to stop by the CAFETERIA to partake.
Dude: -pa kicks in, blasterwyrms talking about being in the cafeteria to pour out drinks and shit

Brainwyrms: >Head back downstairs. ZENYATTA and MONDATTA are making their way to the CAFETERIA.
Dude: -head back downstairs, fwd's idling outside the pharmacy. head to the cafeteria, bw comes down the main stairs as we go in. ADRENALINE DRAKU ACTION FIGURE is in the cafeteria. use my STAND POWER to disguise OBAMEAT as MEATY SANDERS
Draku: >oingo and boingo (??????????) come in and start fucking around with meat obama

Draku: >i make a dumb face at them so they leave, but the damage is done and he is now bernie sanders. fuck you oingo and boingo
Dude: -head for the gift shop
Brainwyrms: >Walk through WEST HALL and spike Pea's meds with LAXATIVES; I notice a CARD on the floor that reads "SEVEN IS MY FAVORITE NUMBER." Alright.

Brainwyrms: >Admire the flora in the GARDEN for a little bit before heading back to the LOBBY through EAST HALL. MAGICAL GIRL ADRENALINE DRAKU is taking the EAST STAIRS up as I enter.
Draku: >im bored now so i go up the east stairs as blasterwyrms enters from the east hall. at the top of the stairs, FWD tries to stab me with a scalpel, i swerve to avoid him because im pumped up on adren LIKE HE ASKED ME TO BE. sprint to storage.
Dude: -trash the place

Draku: >get fireworks to celebrate the final night tomorrow and stuff them in my bag
Dude: -leave, spot bw entering the cafeteria. head upstairs to the pharmacy. fwd's still idling outside the pharmacy. spook him, he pops adrenaline and rushes off
Brainwyrms: >I go to the CAFETERIA as the OINGO & HOL HORSE CONBI leave the GIFT SHOP. I head to the KITCHEN and make labeled drinks for everyone. I grind up a tablet of TOXISANGUINE and drop it into DESPAIR'S drink.

This is the last time Brainwyrms is seen.

Dude: grab the meme mushroom spores drug everyone keeps using because this is literally my last chance for shenanigans with it. draku's outside the pharmacy, we head back downstairs with him
Draku: >FWD is no longer outside, oingo and boingo leave the pharmacy, we all go downstairs together. im onto you bastards.
Brainwyrms: >I walk back to the CAFETERIA, drinks in tow, waiting for people to stop by.

Dude: draku enters the west hall. take the stairs and head to the morgue through the labs
Draku: >split up in the lobby, oingo and boingo go up the main stairs as i go back to west hall and drop my SHIT I HATE THE NUMBER EIGHT card.
Brainwyrms: >But nobody came haha just a little undertale ref for the gamers in the crowd ;>

This is the last time Draku, Pea, and Dude are seen.

Dude: -pa turns on and bad impression seal starts scatting (despair i assume). activate seal
Draku: >before i fall asleep i hear a bad seal impression doing scatman's world over the PA
Brainwyrms: >While I'm waiting, someone on the PA is doing an impression of SEAL scatting widly

Dude: send her to block despair's doorway hoping to lock him out of his room
Brainwyrms: >Eventually ACTUAL DEAD SEAL fumbles through the CAFETERIA. I come to the idea that this can't be good, so I decide to follow behind her.

Dude: -our night ends with us sleeping in the morgue
Brainwyrms: >We go to the WEST HALL through the LOBBY. DESPAIR enters his room, and SEAL walks over and BLOCKS THE DOOR. The card that was here earlier has since been covered with ANOTHER CARD that says "SHIT I HATE THE NUMBER EIGHT."

This is the last time FWD is seen.

Brainwyrms: >SEAL just sorta stands there for a while so I just head back to my room to sleep.
[Image: s2n7oi.png]
@Yrrzy deerhead question, is the first ⏰ a longer time period than the second ⏰
tbf the deer head probably doesn't wear a watch
Crash Bandicoot
[Image: xnnxqj.gif]
reposting at pea's behest. perhaps an indirect confession?
thank you
@Yrrzy investigate the cafeteria for drinks
@Yrrzy -There is an UNOPENED bottle of CYANIDE in his pocket, as well as an OPENED bottle of RECOGNISOL

Investigate the Recognisol bottle for traces of piss
@Yrrzy Check the morgue's bodies
[Image: s2n7oi.png]
(Sep 13, 2017 at 3:17 AM)Draku Wrote: @Yrrzy investigate the cafeteria for drinks

There is a TRAY of drinks on a table.
It looks like nobody drunk any.
(Sep 13, 2017 at 3:25 AM)Draku Wrote: @Yrrzy -There is an UNOPENED bottle of CYANIDE in his pocket, as well as an OPENED bottle of RECOGNISOL

Investigate the Recognisol bottle for traces of piss

The bottle is DRY.
(Sep 13, 2017 at 3:49 AM)Draku Wrote: @Yrrzy Check the morgue's bodies

None of the bodies have been touched, besides SEAL being missing.
@Yrrzy Permission to ask my deer head anything granted.
[Image: s2n7oi.png]
@Yrrzy querying draku's deer head
also asking if spiking somebody's meds is allowed to be included in the mini emoji timeline
oh right
@Yrrzy can medical science prove any of the drinks in the cafeteria are drugged
(Sep 13, 2017 at 9:24 PM)Dude Wrote: @Yrrzy querying draku's deer head

(Sep 13, 2017 at 9:24 PM)Dude Wrote: also asking if spiking somebody's meds is allowed to be included in the mini emoji timeline

(Sep 13, 2017 at 9:37 PM)Dude Wrote: oh right
@Yrrzy can medical science prove any of the drinks in the cafeteria are drugged

One of the drinks contains TOXISANGUINE.
@Yrrzy is there any trace of piss anywhere in public facility areas
if that's too large a search area, just despair's room
Draku's deer elaborates;


(Sep 13, 2017 at 9:42 PM)Dude Wrote: @Yrrzy is there any trace of piss anywhere in public facility areas
if that's too large a search area, just despair's room

There is no piss in any PUBLIC area.
@Yrrzy uh ask my deer head for a full account of what happened in my room

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