I went downstairs in the elevator, seeing Skelebutler come up the other one. Upon my glorious arrival down I tried to smash the controls to the ??? elevator. This way no one could use it and it'd save electricity! Unfortunately I failed in this. BUT I did see that skeleton comeback downstairs and got to tell him a quality nature joke before he left into the hallway!
Why are there soldiers by my greenhouse? Because they're GARDEN it!
Then I saw an ACTUAL GHOST walking by, but my glorious jokes had no affect on it either!
And then that dastard Gundam Tanaka came by and decked me in the face, knocking me out cold! I can't BELIEVE a so called friend of animals would do such a thing to me, animal's greatest friends!
After awhile I woke up to see the other Monokuma (bears are precious animals, even insolent ones like him) enter one elevator while Maitre exited the other. Afterwards I went to bed, seeing nothing of interest the rest of the night.