Indiana Jones (Old)
@Spooks I'm so disappointed in you.
I appreciate everybody offering to release me from the Holding Cell last night, but... well, I think you're all smart enough to figure out why I wasn't in there.
Luckily for me, you folks seem content to not wander the empty halls and obscure side rooms where I like to maybe think real hard about killing somebody. Keep up the good work.

As for what I actually saw last night... I noticed Alan Wake exit the Service Elevator and walk over to the Main Elevator. Gotta mention every time I see a victim. Oh, and the back of Morgan and 23's heads, headed into the Director's Office. Me, I just went over to the Patio to have my usual chat with Astrid. Giffany was already knocked out here, though she woke up just like she said and wandered off while we were chatting.

Due to the whole silly motive thing, we both decide to go our separate ways. Astrid let me know that Spooks was in the Geology Lab so I mosey over to go see him. Think I caught sight of Pea in the yard, but he looked like he was freaking out over something. Spooks was... well, obviously not trying to kill anybody, as anybody could plainly see. I asked him a few questions I had about him, nothing fancy, and I double backed through the Patio and went downstairs.

And a skeleton jumps out in front of me in the Leisure Center. They quickly recognize me and change their mind about assaulting a police officer, and we go our separate ways.

I take my usual shortcut into the basement basement, noticing somebody burned down the Director's Office for whatever reason, and slip over to the Arcana Lab. And Gus is there, dead once again. I would say it's a shame, but I really shouldn't lie in these things. I give the body a quick once over and get out of there. Next place I went to was the, uh, general "Chaotic Seal" area. Nothing much to say there, except the Communications room is working just fine. Oh, and I don't think she saw me, but I saw Nashu poking around.

And then I went to bed. Or I tried to, but somebody cut the power to the Elevator. Thanks for that.
Oh, and this might still be useful, even if you maniacs probably ruined the picture.
When you get the chance Spooks, I want to see what the CCTV picked up.
(May 31, 2024 at 5:28 PM)Indiana Jones (Old) Wrote: @Spooks I'm so disappointed in you.
[Image: Panic_s0uhcc.png]

I do not know what you are talking about. I am programmed to ensure facility safety. All hazards were appropriately marked with signage and warning to prevent unfortunate and potentially legally damaging physical injury up to and including death.

(May 31, 2024 at 5:54 PM)Columbo Wrote: Oh, and this might still be useful, even if you maniacs probably ruined the picture.
When you get the chance Spooks, I want to see what the CCTV picked up.
[Image: Winkhand_bakmwu.png]

Thank you for changing the subject! Please stand by while I produce the requested video.

Spooks' screen shifts to display a new image.... The area surrounding the Occultic Seal.

The image on the screen shows the empty streets of the abandoned city, specifically the street around the seal chamber. After a while of uninteresting silence, you see Ciel approach the chamber and head inside. An ape walks in from the Lost City Outpost later, staring at the seal chamber's entrance. Riki also arrives the same way, causing the ape to snap out of some kind of trance and walk back into the Outpost.

Riki pulls out a lighter and a can of something, spraying flame into the Occultic Seal, only to be met with a punch square in the face by a flaming Ciel, who runs out of the building and vomits soup into the air to extinguish the fire. She leaves after that, abandoning the unconscious Riki.

A shape then slithers out of the shadows, forming into a tall, inhuman figure of flicking shadow clad in a coat adorned with purple spirals. The figure speaks with Riki for a while, but their conversation comes to an end when Gus walks in, covered in blood and looking angry. He throws a punch, but Riki puts on a mask and dodges, before jumping over his head and spraying him with the same makeshift flamethrower he used to burn Ciel.

The aberration assists in combat, taking advantage of its amorphous form to weave between attacks and support with gunfire and various slashes. The duo manages to repel Gus, who flees into the Outpost. Riki approaches the seal room's door, doing something to it, then the aberration then collapses into a pool of darkness and slithers away when another figure arrives. It appears to be Walmart John, who draws something in a sketchbook and tosses it into the seal chamber before walking in. He never comes out.

Tinkaton then arrives and unloads a gun into Riki's chest, seemingly blocked by a bulletproof vest or other item under his clothing. After a while of awkward staring, Riki fucks off and Tinkaton walks into the seal chamber. Tinkaton emerges somewhat later, looking dazed, and begins to carve something onto a rock. Morgan and 23 then arrive, and have a long conversation with Tinkaton, before all three of them leave into the Outpost.
Anything of note in the Occultic Seal?

[Image: RoseSlimeSpriteBaseSadBeethoven_xoicto.png]

We have prepared a new masterpiece for your listening pleasure.

Do not think we engaged in unbecoming behavior. We behaved in accordance with the lifestyle of a Bohemian. Partying, making music, vomiting, such is the way of life of a composer.

Wh-what? Did... Did anyone say anything? Huh? What? Can that be louder?

...we don't mean to be standoffish... A lot went wrong last night, so now we have to work extra hard to complete our assignment...

Wait, no! That's not right!

We mean... If the crowds must hear this masterpiece early, we suppose we can allow it.


What an unusual assignment we've received tonight! Pretending to be Ludwig Van Beethoven is strange even by the Bureau's standards! Is this what's called roleplaying? Is this really workplace appropriate? Why Mr. Beethoven? Does Director Sinclair feel strongly for him? Oh, well! According to this dossier, to be like Mr. Beethoven, we have to go without hearing anything and make moving music!

That won't be a problem! We'll be right on that! But… the assignment gets even stranger… We have to pretend to be Mr. Beethoven… who is pretending to be Walmart John! We don't even have any soup prepared! This might be a difficult assignment! But maybe we can cheer up Agent Nashu. She seemed upset about not getting to spend more time with him, so we'll spend time with her in her place.

When we left our room for the night, we saw Spooks coming out of the Security Office. Spooks is always looking out for everyone! When we finish what needs to be done here, maybe we can get him to take a day off. He went into the Anomaly Hall, and we rode the elevator downstairs.

Once we were downstairs, we rode the shuttle to the Lounge and passed Dexter. There wasn't any time to talk, because we had to hurry into the Kitchen to make a tool to complete our assignment. Finding something that worked well was more difficult than we expected, but we eventually made maracas out of beans and cocktail shakers!

Dexter came into the Kitchen while we were leaving, but there was still no time to talk. We hurried back onto the shuttle and ran to Agent Nashu's dorm as fast as we could. We know we were bending identification protocol a little, but to make her feel better, we told her we were the Warrior of Light and that we had come back to spend time with her.

Agent Nashu retrieved her guitar, and we had an excellent time playing music with her. We couldn't hear any of it, but Agent Nashu looked remarkably at ease when she was playing her guitar, so she must have been making excellent music. Isn't it great to think that there will be room for all kinds of Heteromorph bands once we find the Source? This is speculation in an official report, but… it seemed as though she responded positively to the music we made, too! She even had a gift ready! Agent Nashu's Scrying Glass has been such a help throughout this awful Killing Game, and she gave it away. We're going to make an official note that we should consider making more music when we're trying to establish a connection with the Heteromorphs around the facility for their career training!

As fun as it would have been to stay with Agent Nashu all night, we had more work to do, so we had to leave the Research Dorms and cross over to the Lab Passage to check on Dr. Lyra. A night where everyone has to attempt a murder is horrible, but we knew she wouldn't be bothered, and she wasn't. While we were checking on her, we saw Agent Pea eavesdropping. He left as soon as we noticed him. He always has such mysterious plans… Although… anymore, everyone in the Bureau has mysterious plans…

After we left Dr. Lyra, we went deep underground. Even if we have a new duty here, one of our jobs at the Bureau is writing reports on broken equipment, so we had to go downstairs and find out what happened to the Occultic Seal to put it in an official report.

We followed Agent Jones' maps all the way to the Lost City Outpost to get close to the Occultic Seal room, then… Then… That Crimson Eye member, Mr. Odeon, he suddenly appeared! We were prepared to defend everyone again, but this time he had already been burnt. He looked heavily injured, too. He didn't say anything. He only grunted as he went towards the Residential District. Even back from the dead, Mr. Odeon doesn't follow safety protocols very well…

After he passed by, we saw Riki speaking to a shadowy figure. He must have decided we didn't have clearance to meet his friend, because his friend melted into darkness and left. We would have invited Riki and his friend to come with us to inspect the Occultic Seal room, but his friend had already left and Riki seemed scared to go forward, so we went in without him…

…and… we… were in a Library again? It… We… We haven't seen this Library since… … … …

…that doesn't belong in an official report. It was just like before. It seemed to go on and on. While we wandered inside, something shook the floor with footsteps. We hurried out so we could report on the danger in the Library, but the exit took us to the Arboretum

And inside the Arboretum… Agent. Wake was violating the dress code! An initial inspection made it seem like he was taking a nap with his face down, but when we examined him closer, he was already dead and decomposing rapidly!

…it was… seeing a rapidly decaying body around so many plants in… it was like being home again…

…since we weren't able to write a report on the damage to the Occultic Seal, we were off the clock, so we went to the Black Forest. We needed to find a forest with rot and mushrooms after finding Agent Wake like that…

Eventually, we found the Fairy Circle and sat inside of it. It was a warp to a dorm room, but it was so late that we only just barely had time to finish this nightly report, so we never found out which dorm it was.
Shout out to Rose for the base talksprite
(May 31, 2024 at 6:45 PM)Columbo Wrote: Anything of note in the Occultic Seal?
The only things of note in the Occultic Seal that weren't there before are a melted, non-functional laptop and several scorch marks on the floor and walls.
Riki see all of Arcana Lab. Did room get flamey too? Heropon see trails Gus bring in from hall?
Hello, Spooks! You are, such a magical cat! Can you show my CCTV footage of the Communications room?
[Image: ezgif-1-327c8a09e3.gif]
Here to check my CCTV while I write testimony. Thank you for your service, Spooks.
I'll show you a real dance....
wake up and soup my own bed
take elevator with tinkaton down to control department
nancy looks like her soul has left her
enter jail, there is a gorilla here, sleeping
the gorilla sits up, states at me, then gives me a big thumbs up and OKAY
well what the fuck. I leave passing tinkaton and nancy chatting
heading up to check on dodo's body I spy riki entering the observatory
only thing left on dodo is the riot shield
riki is now entering the geology lab
try to take the mines elevator but it's already in use so I have to wait
finally take it down, pass indy in mining equipment
I try to hackerman the occultic seal but it doesn't take
riki is here
riki lights me and the room on fire
PUNCH riki
utilize soup to douse the flames
my laptop has melted :( so I bash the seal terminal in frustration and it repels me with a magical force
KICK riki like football for lighting me on fire
leaving, I pass through the lost city outpost. gus is here, dripping blood and looking pissed. I get defensive but he just pushes past me and heads towards the occultic seal
passing through the laser hallway I notice a steak knife on the ground
take elevator up, feed underground lab soup
trying to find barry, pass through the patio and spot a bloody knife on the stairs and a KO'd giffany on the patio, she rouses and heads to the arboretum
finally find barry in the geology lab and feed him soup
spooks is here, in a hard had and reflector vest, surrounded in oil wet floor signs and warning lights
I walk through the oil easily as I must give spooks his soup, but am cut short by the archaeologist's office opening and a figure cloaked in shadow and a mask shooting me in the chest, exploding my ghostly form
the shooter lets out a shocked gasp as I dissipate
Dex-Dex drop thingy when going up Lounge stairs? Riki hear it, but...
Izumi Konata
Gooooooooooooooooood morning, Whisper Valley!

I can’t believe my husband died!

[Image: Konata-Embarrassed.png]

Wait, when did he become my husband…? I don’t even know.

Well, whatever, let’s solve these mysteries.

I woke up early tonight, and left and went up the elevator so I can talk to Astrid as soon as possible.

It’s a bit cold, but I went up the small mountain to the Observatory, and I saw Riki outside with a bedsheet.

[Image: Konata-Smug.png]

I gave him a pat on the head. I mean, he’s deserved it after everything he’s gone through. Good luck lil guy.

I went inside and started talking to Astrid. She was wearing her cat mask, and we agreed to separate for now so we don’t mess with either of our plans. I’m glad she isn’t dead, though.

After that was done, I went down and passed through the burnt geology lab. Pea is passing through as well, but we separate in the cafeteria since he went downstairs and I went to the chem lab.

[Image: Konata-Embarrassed.png]

I wanted to drop off my lithium foil since it’s too dangerous to hold on to it, even if it’s submerged in a material it won’t react with. Too bad I didn’t get to use that.

Though, there was a person in a lab coat and a gas mask when I went in, but they left a bit after I entered.

Well, dropping the mats isn’t too hard, so I left and went to take a shower in decontam. Gas mask person was in the waiting room when I passed, but they left when I finished my shower.

Since I had to go do my attempt for the night, and so I went to the Archive to grab a costume that would hide my identity, and it was a skeleton costume!

[Image: Konata-Angry.png]

FINALLY, I HAD TO DIVORCE ALAN WAKE AFTER HE BLEW ME UP! So I went to the lobby and started writing out the papers needed to divorce him, then I slipped it under his room’s door, and I hoped he’d sign it when he went to bed. But I guess that didn’t work out woops…

Well, it’s fine, whatever. I went downstairs afterward, and then into the leisure center. I put on the costume, grabbed a barbell, and waited…

[Image: Konata-Uninterested.png]

And waited… and kept waiting for someone to come in on their own.

And then, finally! Someone came downstairs!

[Image: Konata-Embarrassed.png]

Except it was Columbo, and I didn’t want to kill him, so I put down the barbell, and went upstairs and into the boiler room. I dropped the costume and got a flashlight so I could explore the woods

Well, y’know how long it takes to wander there, so it took me a bit, but I finally got to the relay station, and saw two figures there. And the relay station was on fire!! Well, whatever. One of the figures threw a body into the crevice, while another was observing, and then they left their separate ways.

I went to see what’s in the station, but uh… it was on fire, woops. So I just went to the fairy circle and jumped in. Before I jumped in, I saw the center of the circle was burnt for some reason

[Image: Konata-Sleeping.png]

And then I teleported to the boathouse, vomited, and passed out due to somatic stuff. Ewwww


Now my husband (?) is dead.. . Well, whatever, we’ll find his killer, as well as Gus’s I guess.

I dreamed about being in a super lush garden, enjoying the beauty. I know I’m waiting for something, but I don’t know who it is.

And then, all of a sudden, I’m naked! And the plants transform into mocking plant faces. They laugh at me but I can’t hear the jeering. And then, blood, coming out of my front. I can hear the laughter now, and I fall to the ground. It gets darker and darker, until I feel like I’m burning, and getting melted.

Non-RP Testimony:
(May 31, 2024 at 8:26 PM)Riki Wrote: Riki see all of Arcana Lab. Did room get flamey too? Heropon see trails Gus bring in from hall?
You check the rest of the Arcana Lab for evidence. Shockingly... There is none. No trails, no blood, just a large quantity of ash on top of and underneath Gus's body.

(May 31, 2024 at 8:27 PM)Giffany Wrote: Hello, Spooks! You are, such a magical cat! Can you show my CCTV footage of the Communications room?

(May 31, 2024 at 8:29 PM)Morgan Wrote: Here to check my CCTV while I write testimony. Thank you for your service, Spooks.
[Image: Winkhand_bakmwu.png]


Spooks displays the requested CCTV, starting with Giffany's...

The camera feed shows the Communications room. The room appears empty, until Gus arrives. He looks at the large communication terminal, tries to press a few buttons, then leaves, seeming frustrated. The room remains empty for a long time, until suddenly the screen turns itself off, displaying a message reading [UPLINK COMPLETE].

Then... the room shakes, and a while later, Columbo walks in. He examines the terminal, but sees that it needs an input to communicate with anyone. He leaves after that. Nobody else visits this room.

Hm... Kind of uneventful. How about Morgan's?

Morgan's CCTV shows the outside of the Survey Dorms... You can see Riki leave, then a long delay. 23 and Morgan arrive at the dorms, discussing something . They go inside, then leave shortly after. Then they're attacked by the pale creature from Lab Zero, who emerges from out of view. 23 pushes Morgan away and dashes towards the bird, knife drawn. Their scuffle takes places just off-camera, however judging by the occasional splatter of blood on the grass within view, you assume it's not a pretty sight.

23 and Morgan leave, then a while after, Pea enters the dorms. He leaves shortly after, though he suddenly hits the floor, dodging a black-tinged laser beam that shoots from the bushes, leaving a scorch mark on the side of the dorms. He hurries away. A while after that, Hustler's bird-man, horribly wounded, limps into frame and is joined by DXHustler. They both enter the dorms.

The final visitor is Nashu, who enters the dorms and leaves, carrying a briefcase.

(May 31, 2024 at 8:54 PM)Riki Wrote: Dex-Dex drop thingy when going up Lounge stairs? Riki hear it, but...
You investigate the Lounge stairs... On the stairs, there appears to be a pizza paddle. Like the thing you use to take a pizza in and out of the oven. It is wooden and rather broad, but it isnt terribly unremarkable outside of having a scrap of tape on it.
What kind of ash on and under Gus? Riki wonder... well, Riki not sure, but ash and scorchy like beam damage to Survey wall?
Nashu Mhakaracca
Is anything notably missing from the Chem Lab?

Check my rigging knife against Alan's throat for comparison's sake
Real quick check of the Boathouse and the Boiler Room.

And I'm going to wander through the forest until I can find that relay building. Seems pretty important to the case at this point.
Tinkaton may as well check her CCTV footage.
(May 31, 2024 at 9:16 PM)Riki Wrote: What kind of ash on and under Gus? Riki wonder... well, Riki not sure, but ash and scorchy like beam damage to Survey wall?
You examine the ash on top of and underneath Gus. It doesn't really look like the scorch on the Survey Dorms walls, more like... some kind of burned wood. Burned by regular fire not a laser.

(May 31, 2024 at 9:19 PM)Nashu Mhakaracca Wrote: Is anything notably missing from the Chem Lab?

Check my rigging knife against Alan's throat for comparison's sake
You check the Chem Lab first, comparing the inventory to the previous day. There appear to be several chemicals missing since last time. A bottle of Diethlyzinc, a bottle of Dimethylcadmium, and a jug of Hydrochloric Acid are missing, as is a bunsen burner.

Your rigging knife is at least close in depth to Alan's wound, if not maybe a bit longer or differently shaped, however the decomposition makes it impossible to tell.
Hey, Mr. Black Scribe. Is the one people are calling "Nyarlathotep" part of your game, and part of last night's motive?

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