@Yrrzy was the bat even wooden or was it like aluminum or some shit
yeah what was the bat made of and also check for bat fragments of whatever it was made of if it wasnt wood
[Image: s2n7oi.png]
Shadow the Hedgehog
@Yrrzy if someone specifically chooses a target by name and they do not show up at a location, do you force them to kill a random person? Asking for @"StirlADrei".
hey yrr wanna display a certain clean bill of health :^)
[Image: s2n7oi.png]
(Aug 28, 2017 at 6:59 PM)Draku Wrote: yeah what was the bat made of and also check for bat fragments of whatever it was made of if it wasnt wood

The BAT is made of WOOD, the only SPLINTERS are in the MORGUE.

(Aug 28, 2017 at 7:00 PM)Shadow the Hedgehog Wrote: @Yrrzy if someone specifically chooses a target by name and they do not show up at a location, do you force them to kill a random person? Asking for @"StirlADrei".


(Aug 28, 2017 at 7:03 PM)Draku Wrote: hey yrr wanna display a certain clean bill of health :^)

In my capacity as a DOCTOR, I can confirm that DRAKU is PERFECTLY HEALTHY, with no SYMPTOMS or SIDE-EFFECTS.
I figured this would place me in a bad spot but since all the shenanigans are out in the open now I did see one additional thing. I didn't see the two bodies there immediately, I saw up the stairs and someone without a hand throwing DUDE's body down. After that I went and yelled at the toilets and fell asleep
The chief function of the body is to carry the brain around.
(Aug 28, 2017 at 8:00 PM)BrainMaster Wrote: I figured this would place me in a bad spot but since all the shenanigans are out in the open now I did see one additional thing. I didn't see the two bodies there immediately, I saw up the stairs and someone without a hand throwing DUDE's body down. After that I went and yelled at the toilets and fell asleep
[Image: s2n7oi.png]
@BrainMaster post your full fuckin account
(Aug 28, 2017 at 8:09 PM)Diantha Wrote: @BrainMaster post your full fuckin account


- Leave Room and head for Lobby, PEA and ELYK are there.
- Pass through the CAFETERIA where PEA has built (is building?) a mountain of tables
- Head to TOILETS but hear some ruckus and head to the STAIRS, where I noticed DUDE'S body tumble down them with someone missing a hand tossing them
- Go back to my main purpose, re-enacting this video in front of the LOCKED TOILET ROOM:

I did that til I fell asleep, oddly enough it seems like only PEA heard me??
The chief function of the body is to carry the brain around.
Shadow the Hedgehog

@"StirlADrei" claims this is @BrainMaster's account that he gave him:

Quote:Kesha left his room and headed to the lobby where he met PEA and ELYK. He built, in the GIFTSHOP, a PAPERCRAFT MARIO COSTUME out of stationary. He went to the TOILETS, passing through the CAFETERIA, where PEA is being a weirdo. At the bottom of the WEST STAIRS he saw the body of DUDE, covered in BRUISES and has a BROKEN NECK. He's DEAD. He stood in front of the TOILETS for a while. Eventually he fall asleep in his true abode; the bathroom.
I think the only thing I can have Yrr confirm is that I woke up in front of the toilets today, right?
The chief function of the body is to carry the brain around.
Yea I guess I can confirm wake up positions. You did indeed wake up in front of the toilets.
(Aug 28, 2017 at 8:15 PM)Shadow the Hedgehog Wrote: FROM THE DISCORD:

@"StirlADrei" claims this is @BrainMaster's account that he gave him:

Quote:Kesha left his room and headed to the lobby where he met PEA and ELYK. He built, in the GIFTSHOP, a PAPERCRAFT MARIO COSTUME out of stationary. He went to the TOILETS, passing through the CAFETERIA, where PEA is being a weirdo. At the bottom of the WEST STAIRS he saw the body of DUDE, covered in BRUISES and has a BROKEN NECK. He's DEAD. He stood in front of the TOILETS for a while. Eventually he fall asleep in his true abode; the bathroom.

Cases aren't unsolvable, and there's really not enough evidence to rule a suicide. You don't have to believe me, but if I'm lying it means someone else is withholding information or there's something we still need to investigate.
The chief function of the body is to carry the brain around.
Crash Bandicoot
@Yrrzy PLEASE analyze the flashlight. Specifically the blood on it. Are you able to confirm if the blood is from more than one person? (Names not necessary)
Also how old the blood is
(Aug 28, 2017 at 9:12 PM)Blasterwyrms Wrote: @Yrrzy PLEASE analyze the flashlight. Specifically the blood on it. Are you able to confirm if the blood is from more than one person? (Names not necessary)
Also how old the blood is

Its a SMALL BATTERY-POWERED FLASHLIGHT. It produces a RED LIGHT due to the BLOOD coating the lens.
The BLOOD seems to only be from ONE source. It is at least a day old.
@T-man can you post your account
The chief function of the body is to carry the brain around.
@T-man you fucker post your account rtsmarty swapped places with you and made you kill Dude just give us the cocksucking testimony
[Image: s2n7oi.png]
Shadow the Hedgehog
For the record, from THE DISCORD:

idiot - Today at 4:11 PM
I knew Mario's account
It wasn't fwd

Pedigree - Today at 4:11 PM

idiot - Today at 4:11 PM
He just was bad at not looking guilty and had all the means.

darko - Today at 4:11 PM

Yrrzy - Today at 4:12 PM
i cant wait for the statute of limitations/NDA to wear off so i can rant about night 2

darko - Today at 4:12 PM
well played drei
again yrr i apologize for my bullshit placement

Pedigree - Today at 4:12 PM
so you knew it wasn't fwd and argued it anyways, even telling Mario to plant information that might make it look like him

darko - Today at 4:12 PM
i realize that that is the actual worst hell to write

idiot - Today at 4:12 PM
Superchao deserved the 4th badge

Mod With Despair - Today at 4:12 PM
No, no. Yrr is angry because I allied with people

darko - Today at 4:12 PM
but i didnt have any other ideas and it actually was vital

Yrrzy - Today at 4:12 PM
lol dw

idiot - Today at 4:12 PM
Yes, Ped.

Don't trust Drei (username is idiot in Discord)

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