On second thought, I'm fine with not having my posts in the archive deleted on one condition: I would like whoever has access to the archive to change my username on the archive "Coward" and change my usertitle and signature to "Warning: This post might be disingenuous."
While I don't ever* participate in internet trolling, I have the tendency to pretend to have opinions that I believe are more socially acceptable than my actual opinions.
However, I've decided that this is my opinion from now on: if a friend of mine ever disowns me over an opinion of mine (rather than try to persuade me to change my opinion, agree to disagree with me, or attempt some sort of compromise) then they don't deserve my friendship.
Another reason (initially the main reason) I wanted my posts to be removed from the archive was because I was worried a White Supremacist, a Critical Theorist, or Encyclopedia Dramatican might come across my posts and become angry enough with me to try to use them to destroy my personal livelihood.
While there probably aren't any White Supremicists on Minus World, there certainly are many Critical Theorists and at least a few Encyclopedia Dramaticans.
While I highly doubt that all Critical Theorists and Encyclopedia Dramaticans go out of their way to destroy the lives of people who disagree with their ideologies, it is undeniable that some people outside of Minus World who drink the Critical Theory Kool-Aid or Encyclopedia Dramatica Kool-Aid have done this in the past.
Anyway, I doubt Minus World is inhabited by any people who enjoy orchestrating the destruction of other peoples' livelihoods.
Oh wait. :fry: People on Minus World seem to want to destroy the livelihood of MechaBowser. But as far as I know, that was over MechaBowser doing shitloads of reprehensible things and getting off scot-free; not over doing something that specifically challenges Critical Theory or Encyclopodia Drmatica.
In recent months I've come to the realization that I'm not important enough for anyone to bother to go out of their way to mess with my personal life over shitposting on Mario forums anyway.
Additionally, the internet really is written in ink, not pencil, and my constant efforts to run away from my past are futile and cowardly.
Furthermore, I effectively have zero impulse control.
Due to that, on almost a daily basis I continue say things that are in ideological conflict with White Supremacy, Critical Theory, and Encyclopedia Dramatica.
Even if someone were to get a wild hair up their ass and orchestrate a witch hunt against me, having my posts deleted from Old MW would barely make a dent in the amount of things I've posted online that could anger someone from one of those three ideological camps.
For the sake of simplicity, in this post I referred to Encylopedia Dramatica as an ideology itself.
However, what I'm referring to is whatever ideology the users of /cow/, KiwiFarms, and Encyclopedia Dramtica subscribe to.
All I know is that it involves the belief that people who are "lolcows" deserve to suffer and be mocked and ridiculed.
I don't know what that ideology is called, and it's probably more of a sub-ideology than an ideology in and of itself.
I imagine that users of those three communities probably have a variety of different primary worldviews. :thinking:
*I have not purposefully trolled on the internet since 2009 (except on 4chan and 8chan.)