Yooka-Laylee (Available Now!)
>Wii U cucked into oblivion, unforeseen technical issues causes cancellation of Wii U version. Expansion pack didn't help.
>Playtonic is "working closely" with Nintendo to bring the game to the Switch instead.
>Box art is revealed, is an homage to the original Banjo-Kazooie box.
Why would anybody buy this for the Wii U
That console has basically been dead since 2013
That console has basically been dead since 2013
(Dec 13, 2016 at 9:08 PM)SonicProject Wrote: You do realize there are people out there that do own a Wii U? Perhaps they might be interested in the game on the Wii U?The Wii U has literally been discontinued and was irrelevant long before then. Releasing your game on a company's discontinued console the month after the new one is slated to release is just silly. Also Unity runs like shit even on real consoles, the Wii U version was fucked from the very beginning.
I have a Wii U and no other current gen console and at this point I think it'd be a waste to release anything for it and not the Switch. if they have the resources for one and not the other, of course the switch is the way to go. I doubt it's as much of a technical issue as more of a timing one honestly- I'm sure there are technical issues getting it onto the Wii U but they'd be ones they'd figure out if it was worth the effort- it's just not
(Feb 6, 2017 at 10:32 PM)T-man Wrote:
13 minutes of Capital Cashino! A lot of people seem pretty down on this footage, but I think it looks pretty good.
this isn't a good area for them to be showing off at all
it doesn't have many interesting details in the environment
they had an arena that could have housed a boss fight just have endless enemy spawners
the presence of so many moves seems to hint that this isn't an early game stage (if you compare to how your move pool grew in banjo-kazooie)
the helicopter transformation looks useless for this zone and doesn't fit thematically
the music didn't feel like it fit well either