if a music video uses manga panels would it be more interesting to use straight up RAW nippon scans or english-translated text? this is important
From a viewers perspective
it depends on a lot of things but imo raw scans would be better "art" wise
i'd agree with that and it'd add a bit of style to it due to hiragana/kanji unarguably being cooler to look at than english text but some relatablitlity might be lost every scene used isn't impactful
but anyway thanks two finger truly the master as expected
is relatability not a word? i feel like it was at some point in my life. fuck it
why tho
yeah like I said it depends on a lot of factors
if the text in the panels are relevant to the song, or rather what you're trying to present, it'd be better for it to be readable by your audience
if the text in the panels are relevant to the song, or rather what you're trying to present, it'd be better for it to be readable by your audience
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