Yep, poor man here. Also unemployed, which is probably why I'm poor.
Well, it's not that I'm poor, technically, but actually that the money I do have has to be saved for College and other, more important things...
Curse you, responsibilities!
Well, it's not that I'm poor, technically, but actually that the money I do have has to be saved for College and other, more important things...
Curse you, responsibilities!
i doubt we're missing much if they wont make metroid tbh. now who's going to be the leader of this vault
100% pure gamer 100%
I could buy one if I needed to, but the only thing I give a shit about is Mario Odyssey so I'll just wait until that's released
Don't worry my friends, I won't spoil the Zeldas to you... maybe
dont need it, breath of the wilds will be on wiiu as well
If life gives you lemons... RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!!!
Reference Humanoid reference Photobucket has sold out, so just take my word
on it that I have every pic anyone ever made for me, lovingly saved on 3 separate
Reference Humanoid reference Photobucket has sold out, so just take my word
on it that I have every pic anyone ever made for me, lovingly saved on 3 separate
>no games
Dude: Super Bomberman R, Snipperclips, Shovel Knight Treasure Trove and Spectre of Torment (the newest expansion), Fast RMX (closest thing we'll probably ever get to a new F-zero), Blaster Master 0 on March 9th, Snake Pass on March 28th among others I am forgetting to mention.
I don't have enough money for all of the games I'm wanting on Switch this month.
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