i kinda miss stick around
I miss it too, maybe if we relented and made it only stick once, people might be cool with it
The complaints should have ended when could disable it without rewarding the poster any EX. Literally no reason to complain after that was implemented. Punishing the poster for the sins of the caster was a really strange reaction from our players, though, and it'd probably have to come back as Pepperoni on that basis alone.
I am in favor of bringing Stick Around back for Season 2.
I am in favor of bringing Stick Around back for Season 2.
Again just make it so you can throw the arrow away.
We already have an upcoming S2 spell that incorporates throwing shit away anyway.
Stick Around should also yeah, only do it once. In my opinion Stick Around should be meant to highlight and draw people scrolling through a thread back to a good post, not act as some kind of EX machine.
We already have an upcoming S2 spell that incorporates throwing shit away anyway.
Stick Around should also yeah, only do it once. In my opinion Stick Around should be meant to highlight and draw people scrolling through a thread back to a good post, not act as some kind of EX machine.
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