This post was last modified: Apr 13, 2017 at 3:43 AM by
So, I've played a good chunk of the game, I've got like 50 pagies and I gotta say that this game is painfully inconsistent. At it's worst it's woefully mediocre, at it's best it's just as fun as it's inspiration. The first two worlds are okay, but the third world is where I've had the most fun so far. I'm very torn on my experience so far, there's a lot to like about Yooka-Laylee but at the same time it's marred by (frankly) amateurish execution.
It lacks a lot of polish in all areas, especially in regards to attention to detail. For example, there are these shooting gallery segments where you shoot at wooden targets. Upon hitting a target, what should be a satisfying
krrrthunk amidst a flurry of broken planks is instead a
bling and a vanishing target. Capital B will also randomly quip at you in Hivory Towers, this could have been elevated greatly by sound of an activating intercom before he speaks, as it is these interactions are more like telepathy.
Dunkey put it best in his review of the game, saying that it feels like a fan tribute as opposed to a work by professionals. The game's skeptics ought to feel vindicated, but at the same time this is a serviceable experience for someone who's desperate for this style of game.
There's now a very real possibility that A Hat in Time will be better than Yooka-Laylee