For example I really dislike ketchup, its just slimy tomato goop ffs how do people eat that shit Sick
oh and grape juice, just leaves a odd feeling in my mouth and it doesn't even taste like grapes like wtf
milk....p sure its just cum
[Image: nIMDSBE.png]
please banish mustard from this mortal realm it is disgusting
also sriracha is a pretty meh sauce that for some reason has this cult following that warrants merchandise. it's the monster energy of condiments
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Anything remotely good for me
i can taste if something has been in contact with celery and boy is it not a good taste
I really don't like mushrooms. They can provide some nice flavor in a dish provided I pick the actual mushrooms out, but the weird soft texture is what gets me.

I also have an aversion to seafood, probably just because "fishy" is a really distinct taste and I REALLY don't like eating anything that you can clearly tell used to be alive. I also tried fried calamari once, it just tasted like a weirdly chewy/fishy popcorn chicken nugget. Like yeah when you batter and fry something it's gonna taste better than before, it still doesn't stop me from just wishing I was eating chicken.

I want to like celery because of how good it is for you but it's really just not pleasant. It can be nice with peanut butter but then you're kind of adding fat thereby decreasing the health value. Carrot sticks are way better.

Tomatoes can go either way. Are they those floppy deep red tomatoes that are basically just water-and-seed-filled orbs? Hate 'em. The big pale ones with some crunch can actually be nice, but unfortunately anything that comes with tomatoes on it just loves to assume that I'm the fucking #1 world's biggest tomato fan because there are so many goddamn tomatoes

Oh yeah beverages too. Have you ever tried tonic water? If you read the bottle they make it sound like this delicious flavorful sparkling beverage, but what they forget to mention is that it's BITTER AS SHIT. If you've ever had that shit you paint on your nails to keep yourself from biting them, tonic water tastes like THAT. it's not even the good kind of bitter and it's way too much. I don't know how people can possibly enjoy that flavor.
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i culdnt eat fruits anymore once i found out they were TREE POoP
nr to both those posts. i alw feel really shallow complaining about this magical ground/tree/animal sh*t cause like i live in a society where i can have any of whatever of this stuff i want and im seriously gonna throw a fit cause im arbitrarily deciding that it feels a little weird on my teeth? fuckign please.
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Ehh, it's just a preference. Nothing wrong with that. If you were starving you wouldn't care, so I'm sure nature understands
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also celery's satisfying af to eat. luv the crunch and the subsequent littl blast of water it gives you. only shitty part is the strings get stuck in ur teeth sometimes but w.e thats not the veg's fault lol
& yea thats kind of my point. we only Care because of the excess. you shouldn't apply consumer mentality to the variety of shit the fuckin universe gave you to keep you alive ffs.
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the only immoral drinks are coca-cola and fiji water, both of these are drinks consumed by reactionaries and unfit for revolutionary peoples
"If Your Plate Doesn't Have Any Beef On It, Send It Back To The Hecking Cafeteria!!!" - OracularRELOADED

>only these couple products are anti-revolutionary

>not all products

my dick is revolutionary
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if you put any vegetables in my rice i will end you

unless it's carrots or tomatoes, then you're fine
wtf what about green unions
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Celery tastes worse than soap and you lose more calories eating it than you gain

Celery is the worst fucking inedible garbage and nature doesn't even want you to eat it
(Aug 10, 2016 at 6:58 PM)Yrr Wrote: Celery tastes worse than soap
this just aint true. my dad's the same way abt it tho and im just like jesus man how can a stalk piss you off so much
& how tf is the latter part a bad thing really?? fckin obv you shouldnt eat a celery xclusive diet but food that burns more calories than they have are a gr8 novelty esp when youre looking to lose some. also has alotta fiber iirc

like why are soda addicts gibing me health advice
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fuck mayonnaise
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