I just want off this all. All I do is fuck up
the day something nice happens to me I fuck it up for somebody else
I can't do anything right in this world
Analyze the ways in which you think you "fuck it up for somebody else" and try not doing it if possible. I don't really know your circumstances because I don't really know who you are, but if you have any means to analyze your perceived mistakes and learn from them then I think you're pretty much in the same position as the rest of us.

>not doing it if possible

its not, if I could do something, anything at all but I cant. I cant do anything. Whenever I try to do anything it fails
I'm worthless
it's worth it
the whole point is that you don't know but the odds are in your favor
im pretty sure no one on mw is pushing 40 yet, so you have literally more than half your natural life span left (and it'll increase due to medical advancements anyway)
you have so many chances to do good things and be happy. it's absolutely worth it to keep living as long as there's new things for you to experience
yeah it's definitely worth it, for all the good times you spend, no matter how short those moments are
Bee, I promise you're cooler than you think you are
just fuckin live
ima be the asshole to say idgaf what you think you want you should live anyways
giving up while things are bad is a waste, its the ultimate Make Things Worse option
normally I would agree with you all, I've said similar things to other people. But I've reached my tipping point, and I more just couldn't hold in all this then actually look for help. I think I would fuck up doing more, I already have once before. I'm sorry
its been a few months and fuck its not gotten better at all friends
What exactly happened to even make you feel this way; it's anon so just come clean so we can help you.
Its not really something I can uh say without revealing myself
I'd be willing to talk about it in private
Life is a lot of work...
it may also be the case that not willing to come off anon is part of the issue.
You know you're probably right however I think you can understand why I don't want to pubically say these things
yeah i hear ya. this is oracular/God and you can talk to me whenever
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