Ho ho ho! I am most certainly SANTA! And not any sort of IMITATION OF HIM! That Gabe fellow was kind enough to fill in for my fat ass last year, but not this one! He's going on the NAUGHTY LIST for making me materialize into this MORTAL REALM!
The rules are below, you KIND LITTLE BOYS AND GIRLS (except people who got banned!)
You have until the end of December 2nd to sign up. The following day you will receive a conversation with your assignment. Remember, it's called Secret Santa for a reason. Telling people will ruin the fun, especially if it's who you're making your present for! You better FUCKING LISTEN!
Banned from this year:
The rules are below, you KIND LITTLE BOYS AND GIRLS (except people who got banned!)
Signup Rules:
You have until the end of December 2nd to sign up. The following day you will receive a conversation with your assignment. Remember, it's called Secret Santa for a reason. Telling people will ruin the fun, especially if it's who you're making your present for! You better FUCKING LISTEN!
Banned from this year: