It begins.

RINKO awakens and throws off her covers, bursting out of her room and rushing down the OUTSIDE STAIRS. TONY awakens, signaling for his BOOGEYMAN to come out. He is the ULTIMATE BOOGEY-FRIEND-OR-FOE after all. They commence their JERKOFF GAY-ASS HANDSHAKE and HUG one final time, before the BOOGEYMAN hops onto TONY'S BACK and grabs the GUN out of his NECKERCHIEF. Time to get serious. Out the door with you.

MAGILOU wakes up wearing her newly obtained DARK TALISMAN and unleashes her DAEMON ARM. You know, that thing you saw the BOOGEYMAN imitating a few nights ago. People caught onto that, right? I mean, she's the ULTIMATE VELVET. She heads out into the HALL, meeting BOOGEY TONYZOOIE. They hop into the ELEVATOR and start heading down.


The ULTIMATE CHUUNI awakens, casting off his EYEPATCHES to reveal his THANATOS EYE. He grabs his ZIPLOC BAG OF ECTO-MIST and INHALES DEEPLY, absorbing UNTOLD POWER. DARK ELYK'S RAGNAROK PROTECTION roars to life, zapping the area around him. He leaves his room as the DUMB DUO... TRIO ACTUALLY enter the ELEVATOR. Bolting down the STAIRS, yes that's a pun laugh at it you CUCKS, he activates his FLIGHT, which BURNS OFF HIS CLOTHES. That happens to reveal his HIDDEN STAT, his F-- RANK PENIS. What a loser! He soars into the AIR and goes over to the PLANE, before stopping over the GAP between the BUILDINGS.

TONY, MAGILOU, and TONY'S BOOGEYMAN all look up in awe at how FUCKING TINY DARK ELYK'S PENIS IS. Also probably at the fact that he's flying. Either way, the CHUUNI yells out "RAGNAROK REVERSAL!", pointing his SILVER FORK at the DAEMON MAGE. LIGHTNING flies out of it... doing NOTHING. The DARK TALISMAN'S PROTECTIVE BARRIER activates, shielding MAGILOU completely. You know, she... kinda warned you about this, dude. Could've targeted TONY instead or something.

UNDETERRED, DARK ELYK zaps his PEANUT BRAIN, speeding it up. This allows him to perform ALCHEMY again, and he combines the ability of his ALCHEMICAL ARMPITS and his GOLD COINS, which I guess he STUFFED UP HIS ASS EARLIER, given that he has NO CLOTHES ON. He begins to perform a CHRySOPOEIA.

At that moment, SHADOW'S GHOST materializes. "The FIREBALL'S estimated destructive power is TEN MEGATONS! DAMN!" TONY'S EARS perk up, as shock dawns on his face. "The same as the TUNGUSKA EVENT?!" Knowing that this is DANGEROUS, he runs with his BOOGEYMAN as far as possible, clearing the AREA. MAGILOU gets a NUCLEAR ALCHEMIC GOLD BOMB THING dropped on her.

But at that moment, her DAEMON ARM activates, GRABBING the ENERGY and DEVOURING it. The DARK TALISMAN has saved her life twice over! TONY rushes back over to ASSIST, as LASSIE'S GHOST appears to cheer on MAGILOU. "BARK! BARK BARK, BARK!" There were a lot of BARKS, probably MORSE CODE or SOMETHING for a statement about REPAYMENT OR WHATEVER. SAKURA'S GHOST is petting KERO-CHAN'S GHOST in the PLANE, musing about INTEREST and SOME MORE. TONY reaches MAGILOU. "This is how you show others that you're GRRRREAT!"

MAGILOU undergoes a TRANSFORMATION, activating her ROLE POWER to become MADE OF GOLD. DARK ELYK scoffs. "CHRYSOPOEIA?! You're not even an ALCHEMIST!"

TONY and his BOOGEYMAN hoist up GOLDEN DAEMON MAGILOU. TONY chucks the BOOGEYMAN, and the BOOGEYMAN, while in MIDAIR, chucks MAGILOU. Unable to reach DARK ELYK despite this, RON JEREMY'S GHOSTLY PENIS materializes, which she GRABS ONTO and uses as a FINAL LIFT. "LETHAL PAIN!" is shouted, before GOLDEN MAGILOU relentlessly claws DARK ELYK to shit, shouting ORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORA. Unable to retaliate with even his LEFT ARM'S BLUE FLAMES OF KERBEROS, which is funny, considering KERO-CHAN is with SAKURA, the CHUUNI is soundly defeated.

Despite being SUPER FUCKED UP, DARK ELYK lets out his last words. "HOPE was crushed today. In your TOMORROW, in your FUTURE, lies only DESPAIR!"

He then explodes.

TONY'S BOOGEYMAN and TONY catch GOLDEN MAGILOU, who falls back down, unable to FLY. Just then, RINKO appears, coming around the CORNER from the AIRPORT ENTRANCE. She has TWO KNIVES, which she then focuses ENERGY into, causing them to become DOUBLE-BLADED KNIVES. She is the ULTIAMTE DEATH MAUL.

TONY'S BOOGEYMAN begins unloading SHOTS into her, sensing danger. Unphazed due to SHEER WILL, she activates another ROLE POWER, causing GOLDEN MAGILOU to be stuck MEDITATING. Advancing, she STABS MAGILOU through the CHEST with one of the FOUR BLADES, killing her as she is EXHAUSTED. TONY'S BOOGEYMAN does not let up his assault, finally leading RINKO to be split into TWO HALVES due to the sheer amount of BULLETS unloaded into her MIDSECTION.

We all knew that the KILLING GAME was always about the BOTTOM HALF of the ULTIAMTE DEATH MAUL fighting the TOP HALF of the ULTIAMTE DEATH MAUL, right?

Right, onward. TONY is the LAST MAN STANDING, aside from his BOOGEYMAN. He goes into the AIRPORT and goes up the ESCALATOR, signaling for MONOKUMA to come with him. They all board the PLANE and sit near the GHOSTS, who are already present because they cheated and phased through it. TONY and his BOOGEYMAN unnecessarily hide in the BAGGAGE HOLDS up above the SEATS, given that there's NO MORE THREATS.

DRAKU, the ULTIMATE GHOST OF DESP-AIR, hops into the COCKPIT and activates it with his GHOSTLY ABILITIES. The ENGINES roar to life, and the PLANE begins takeoff as the GROUND of the AIRPORT splits open, revealing the massive BOMB #-1, which was HIDDEN UNDERGROUND the entire time. The PLANE climactically takes off, clearing the now open ground and soaring into the distance, as a RIDICULOUSLY LARGE EXPLOSION can be seen. Crisis averted... for one person.


+You are best friends with your BOOGEYMAN and can direct him to do anything to people who enter your room, including while you're not in it. Do note that he will still mime out whatever it was, but it may not be entirely clear it was him doing it.
-Your BOOGEYMAN needs to know you care. You must spend some time with him each night, part of which will be instructing him on his actions to inflict.
-Other BOOGEYMEN are jealous of your friendship and will be very hostile. Proceed with caution when entering other people's rooms!

+Unlike certain fake chuunis that own pet animals, your powers are REAL. The demon in your left arm howls for vengeance, and the latent powers hidden in your eye wait to be unleashed! So long as you submit accordingly, anything that sounds chuuni enough might just work!
-Roleplay is optional, but encouraged!

+You have a DAEMON ARM that you can both unleash and will away at any given time. This arm allows you to consume items and give you properties according to what was consumed.
-Gained powers only last one night, and you can only consume a given item type once.
-Your DAEMON ARM is hungry and you MUST eat one new item type per night with it. If you do not I will write a portion of the night where it freaks out and eats whatever. However, its stomach is not BOTTOMLESS, and as such you can only feed it up to one large item/two smaller items in one night.
-Larger objects take longer to consume and are thus easier to get caught eating.

+Can procure and retract blades from both sides out of any weapon, bladed or not
+Two times only through the entire game (limit once per night), you can make someone within your immediate vicinity pause whatever they are doing and meditate for the span of a full action or two (your choice).

That's all, FOLKS!
[Image: s2n7oi.png]
Rinko Shirokane

now i’m dead

all these fuckers had op af roles
Get it by your own hands.

MFGG Staff Slaying Expert
Kill List
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Tony the Tiger
Boogeyman and I survived... what a whirlwind of disaster these nights were. I wouldn't have made it without my boogeyman or Stir stealing the spotlight on my kill. Grin Thanks to Magilou for not killing me, I really appreciate it!

Rest in peace all those who died, except you Bubsy... FUCK YOU!
Ron Jeremy
Now that I have my revenge on Elyk, I can finally orgy in peace.

Hell ain't so bad, fam.

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