Some people have said they want to write something but don't know what to write. Let's post some ideas here for people to use.
Write video game reviews from the perspective of a serf in the middle ages
[Image: supercorrect.png]
Top 5 Favorite Minus World Arguments and Why They Are Amazing
We need a Listicle plugin asap
[Image: supercorrect.png]
rank mwer dateability
[Image: yrrzy.gif]
when i was in 1st grade my class had to take an hour of each day to do creative writing. i never knew what to write and never cared. one day another student went up to the teacher and asked for the pledge of allegiance so that she could have a character in her story recite it. i asked for the pledge of allegiance too and my teacher said "you cant just write the pledge of allegiance down in your notebook, that doesnt count" and i was like "darn i got caught"
100% pure gamer 100%

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