post about being gay in here, but only until the end of june. @"Gengar" you are NOT allowed to post in here, because you are a 31 year old heterosexual who is NOT gay. @Elyk same goes for you, you are NOT gay so DO NOT post here. @Cdiplayer while i am aware you are not gay i will allow you to post in here because i appreciate your posts. everyone else is allowed to post.
official gay month thread
i would like to clarify that anyone who identifies as ace is also welcome in this thread too. especially my boy @"El Huesudo II: The Quickening"
with the proceedings officially underway, i have a question for the gays of minus world: when the fuck are they going to reveal steve for super smash brothers? like jesus, it's been like a month since joker came out, and i know they've given us stage editor and plenty of big patches, but i still want steve!!!
100% pure gamer 100%
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