Cooking recipe for a model MFGGer

Being a MFGGer means that you have to eat the right diet on a daily basis. First you get 1 lb of crayons and throw them in a pot. Heat it up to high so all the crayons melts. Then you toss in 1 cup of diced erasers. To add some extra flavors, sprinkle 1 teaspoon of glitter. Let it simmer for 1 hour. While doing it, go outside, scream on top of your lungs, and chase a squirrel. And voila! You made yourself a healthy meal to become the next model MFGGer.

Also GeneralGuy always put glues in his recipe, no wonder why he likes to stick on unnecessary things.

Edit: A real squirrel is optional, you can use an imaginary one if your area don't have squirrel coverage.
[Image: Mario_Gun.gif]
"Mario Teaches Firearm Safety" ~Aidan
i always knew most of mfgg ate crayons

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