Let's get that Airing of Grievances out of the way, shall we?
Zelma, you never respected my Gundam waifu tastes!
Superchao, come on, buddy, it's just one failed garrison! It's not even close to a failed Soviet nuclear plant!
Mario....I don't got any specific instances for you, you just weird me out.
Stir, Aidan, shame on the both of ya! I know airing of grievances is a Festivus tradition, but you just take it to the next level! I would give you lumps of coal, but we don't do that for Festivus, so instead, have some BOGO White Castle coupons that expire today.
Also for Aidan, don't you DARE call me Olive Oil again!
That's all from me this year! Better not piss me off next year!