Tales of Amoresta
Listen.........I saw you watching one of those terrible MMD music videos and i saw you really get in a trance when hatsune miku started shaking her ass to WAP.....and....i got insecure because I can't shake
my ass like that....I..kind of am insecure about it. Plus one your science homework questions asked how much of a radius would Melissa shake her ass for and that just...i don't know.........A lot of girls go through their life insecure about things..
and that's one of mine..
I think....we're at that point...
There comes a time in every relationship where you have to make a decision is this person who you want to be with
for the rest of your life? Flaws and all. You can try to change them but at their core...that is them and MFAN well....
I'm....I'm a car fucker. I love automobiles. I always have. I used to fall asleep in the car while the window was down and my
hair would blow in the wind..it would feel so amazing.
I could look at the sunrise. I could watch the sunset and the only things I would feel was the wind..the smell of clean nature
and the wetness of my pussy.
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