Everyone's favorite classic online action-RPG that you either have many fun memories of or have never heard of before!
Currently there's four private servers or so, but the only one that really matters is Ephinea, because I play there (and there aren't broken custom items that you """""donate""""" for). We should all like make characters and hit things or something. I can even make characters without having them inherit a ton of old gear so we can all be on level playing fields!
Besides, what other online RPG allows you to play as a robo-knight? That's what I thought.
please join me on my psycho wand hunts i get very lonely
Currently there's four private servers or so, but the only one that really matters is Ephinea, because I play there (and there aren't broken custom items that you """""donate""""" for). We should all like make characters and hit things or something. I can even make characters without having them inherit a ton of old gear so we can all be on level playing fields!
Besides, what other online RPG allows you to play as a robo-knight? That's what I thought.
please join me on my psycho wand hunts i get very lonely