(Jun 1, 2024 at 2:06 AM)Columbo Wrote: There any shavings or anything we can tell are aluminum by the CNC machine?
The Drafting Office is covered in aluminum shavings, it seems. The CNC machine appears to have been used, with a large aluminum pipe currently sitting in its fabrication area.

(Jun 1, 2024 at 2:20 AM)Phenera Wrote: Can we take a little sulfuric acid and splash the hand of Walmart John (Corpse)? How do the burns compare to Alan? How about to Gus, for good measure?
You take some sulfuric acid and splash it onto Walmart John's body. He is already too burned to really tell, so instead you splash it on Revy. Her flesh sizzles and burns, leaving behind wounds identical to Alan.

It looks nothing like Gus though. Gus appears as though he was burned by fire.

(Jun 1, 2024 at 2:33 AM)Izumi Konata Wrote: Does the trail from climate control look like the body moved from the climate control to into it?
The trail from Climate Control appears as a smear of blood leading from the room to the Arboretum, as though something was dragged. It does appear to match up with Alan's size and position.
Riki not sure how to word, but Alan Wake burns less burny where Alan would have clothes on? Clothes stop burn from seep-seep lots, right? Or too much rot to tell?
Nashu Mhakaracca
[Image: bigpout.png]

Hey! What's the big idea, stealing my mark again?! That crimbo was MINE! And right when I finally started doing my job...

Well, all's well that ends well. Shame about Mr. Wake, but at least we can stop losing our marbles over horseplay now.

[Image: shock.png]

The first thing I saw when I left my room last night was...a phantom! The Warrior of Light, risen from his grave! Did he get a raise already? I thought he might be cross with me for ignoring him while he was alive and calling him a stinky facsimile, but he just...challenged me to a jam battle with makeshift maracas? I felt compelled by forces most unnatural to participate in this mummer's farce, so I fetched my guitar and engaged him in rhythmic rivalry.

[Image: day8note1.png]

It was...rather pleasant, actually. I haven't had a chance to just wind down and enjoy myself in the last few suns, between all of the killing and conspiracies. Thank you, somehow-even-more-off-brand Warrior of Light. I wish you hadn't taken my scrying glass as a victory trophy though.

Afterward, I stopped by the Leisure Center for something I might need for my attempt, then I went to meet up with my favorite no-longer-conflicted Hunter of magicked beasts. I saw Miss Nancy speaking with Tinkaton along the way, but she...seemed to be faring even worse than before. I fear she's fully enthralled by that wannabe primal. She afforded me only a suspicious side-eye as I slipped into Counter-Terrorism to see her partner, who was busy strapping himself to the gills in prepration for his grand hunt. We exchanged some pleasant words and well wishes, and then he left to see his mission through. For my part, I combed the Control Department for remaining lore and found one more document that I'll share anon.

I took the elevator upstairs and headed out the Patio to the spooky forest, which was decidedly less spooky tonight on account of the new lighting. I love what we've done with the place! As I made my way to the shack in the woods, I bumped into Dexter who looked positively gobsmacked. Suppose I know why now.

[Image: day8note2.png]

When I came upon the relay station, I was startled to find the bloody thing burned to a crisp! Someone was leaving it, but I couldn't tell who, and they slipped into the night while I approached. Aside from the radio tower, the rest of the building seemed utterly ruined by the blaze, but fortunately I wasn't looking for anything in the building itself. No, what I sought was under the building. If you recall the Director's investigation logs, the serial killer used a system of tunnels to move beneath Whisper Valley, and one of them connected to this very building. Sure enough, I found the hatch under the floorboards.

Mr. Columbo already demonstrated it, but that tunnel connects the forest to the underground city. It's not quite a whole system anymore due to cave-ins, so I don't think we can use it to escape from here, unfortunately. It also gets rather steep, and I ended up sliding on my arse most of the way before being dumped by the Chaotic Seal. Ooh, that smarts...

[Image: tearingup.png]

I brushed myself off and took a look around the place, which was considerably more exploded than the last time I'd been here. I crossed the chasm and headed to Mining Equipment for some bombs of my own, only to find that room was also considerably exploded, and poor Riki too. Nothing in the room was salvageable, so I moved on to the mines elevator, where I noticed someone had abandoned some gear like a hard hat and goggles. I took the thing up and waded through the mines to the Survey Dorm, where Hustler and their arguably avian associate were staked out. I slipped by them, seeking no quarrel tonight, and pilfered a briefcase from the late Lita's room. It's probably just from her role, since it seems to be sealed by a spell of some sort.

[Image: day8note3.png]

After that, I returned to bed, only to find it occupied by a now vomit-soaked Walmart John. I dealt with my fair share of drunkards during my years as a tavern wench, but they never had the audacity to pass out in my living space. Maybe this Warrior of Light is stinky after all...
Riki see anything weird in Leisure Center?
(Jun 1, 2024 at 3:23 AM)Riki Wrote: Riki not sure how to word, but Alan Wake burns less burny where Alan would have clothes on? Clothes stop burn from seep-seep lots, right? Or too much rot to tell?
You check Alan's body. It does indeed seem that his burns are most severe on his hands, lowering in intensity around his wrists where a shirt would presumably end.

(Jun 1, 2024 at 3:35 AM)Riki Wrote: Riki see anything weird in Leisure Center?
You inspect the Leisure Center. There is a single dumbbell on the floor, as well as a bloody chef's knife in the corner.
Fairy Circle scorch and Gus scorch really similar? Any ash near Circle?
(Jun 1, 2024 at 3:52 AM)Riki Wrote: Fairy Circle scorch and Gus scorch really similar? Any ash near Circle?
The Fairy Circle's center is nowhere near as burned as Gus, but it also appears closer to a fire burn than a chemical burn still.

There is no ash near the circle.
What center of Circle like exactly? No sign of scorch except in center? No trail, or funny Gus imprint? Heropon think to self, "maybe Gus throw in Circle, then more fire in Lab," but... don't know. Too much stuff.
To think I've survived this night. I've done nothing but cause trouble, yet you all spared me. I can only deduce of it all being pity.

So it is what it is. We've killed more of our enemies. I wish I could leave it at that. Kinda wish I had a go at Gus myself, but you can't win them all. You can lose them all, however.

I sound like I'm at my lowest, and perhaps it's true, but I won't give up. We're getting out of here. Alive.

I start the night at the Chapel, obviously. I have a new knife in hand, courtesy of a fairy who might have screwed up even worse than I did. However, this knife hasn't made it to the list of the scattered ones out there. If you want to frisk me, so be it.

First thing I see is when I get to the Patio, where Giffany is knocked out. Would have been the perfect moment for me to do a kill, but I couldn't: It would have made me an easy suspect, given my circumstances that everyone knew about. So I let her be. I had an extra beer with me, so I drank that while talking with Dexter. He told me about his murder plan, rather, what he confessed to everyone here now. I eventually head towards my dorm to get, what else, but my trusty Invisible Cloak. It was going to be my murder weapon. I almost considered dousing it with chloroform, but went against it, for the sake of not letting anyone sniff out its location afterwards. It was a long plan, so I'll leave it at this: I clearly didn't kill anyone with it.

I got distracted on the way there, however, cause I found Astrid, and I asked her if she knew anything about artifacts that would help me fend off against some evil dudes. Like an idiot, I never considered the Liturgic Study, so I went there, and got myself a little artifact.

I had some questions to ask to Lyra next, so I set off to find her. That's where I found her with a certain non-John at the anomaly lab. I didn't want to interrupt her, so I left.

I went back to my dorm, to catch my Invisible Cloak, for real this time. That's when someone popped from the bushes and shot me with a dark laser. I've seen some shit here, but that, I'll admit, scared me a bit.

I then went to the Sleep Lab, but not before seeing Gifanny, leaving the Arboretum with a bunch of clothes under her usual outfit. I tried out my cloak kill, but no good came from it. Instead, I got beaten up.

To the museum, I found Hazel, who I also attempted to... hurt? Again, I got outmatched, this time with a bottle of bleach. Nothing else to add to this, I'm not taking questions.

I then decided to go underground, to go "meet" with Gus, so I took the service elevator. It's nice to not use the stairs, but of course, the elevator stopped half way down: Someone shut down the power at that time, so I had to head down from the emergency hatch, getting to the Observation Room. From the laser hallway, I exit east, from the city to the chasm, leading to the Chaotic Seal. As I got there, someone passed the bridge, then Nashu, then Riki comes through from a nearby explosion.

I waited for Gus some more, but he never showed up, so I went back to my dorm room. That is all.
Anything outside in Survey Dorm bush?

Riki also check CCTV. Not sure if TV in Observation Room, or same place as nice Hom Hom detective TV... don't mind either way.
Nashu Mhakaracca
Can we take a closer look at Mr. Wake's head wound? Roughly what size is it, and where on his head is it?
(Jun 1, 2024 at 4:01 AM)Riki Wrote: What center of Circle like exactly? No sign of scorch except in center? No trail, or funny Gus imprint? Heropon think to self, "maybe Gus throw in Circle, then more fire in Lab," but... don't know. Too much stuff.
The center of the circle is scorched, and the scorch mark has a slight train leading outside the circle. It does not look like a cartoonish imprint of Gus however.

(Jun 1, 2024 at 4:55 AM)Riki Wrote: Anything outside in Survey Dorm bush?

Riki also check CCTV. Not sure if TV in Observation Room, or same place as nice Hom Hom detective TV... don't mind either way.
There is nothing by the bushes outside the dorm.

Your CCTV, upon showing it, appears to be identical to Columbo's. Unfortunate.

(Jun 1, 2024 at 5:04 AM)Nashu Mhakaracca Wrote: Can we take a closer look at Mr. Wake's head wound? Roughly what size is it, and where on his head is it?
You examine Alan's head wound. It appears to be a pierce wound, as though something was stuck into his head. It isn't very deep however, appearing to be similar to the neck wound in basic depth and shape.
Riki spot weird things in Cafeteria?

[Image: new2_jjeqde.png]

Kyahaha, I should've figured that Hexley's attempt would be so blatant. Bloody knives everywhere? Get real! They were all obviously sourced back to the Kitchen if you think about it. Luckily, I did nothing of the sort. My attempt was well constructed, and relied on previous meta-knowlege of the current ongoings within the Killing Game. In other words, no one would ever suspect that it was me, just like I said!

[Image: madglassesclear_fxmhfr.png]

...But I didn't do it. I mean please, I'm not dumb enough to go after that hulking monstrosity of a custodial worker! Look, I'll explain - but I don't expect any of you to be able to comprehend it. You'll probably think I'm crazy, but they said that about everything back in the day.

I started off in the Anomaly Lab, as you may have expected. I was gathering some... items for my murder attempt, when Walmart John walked in! At first I was confused, without the presence of Lazarin or another revival formula, he shouldn't be walking among us - though very quickly they clarified that they were Phenera the whole time. My faithful assistant suffers from yet another unfortunate anomalous occurrence.

Despite her unfortunate fate, we had a conversation about our time as colleagues - which would've been much nicer if it wasn't for Pea trying to eavesdrop! Seriously, get lost! I'm not gonna share any of my top-secret research with you!

[Image: new1_kfsrjq.png]

After my business with Phenera was done, I went over to the Esotera Lab. I had samples to procure, specifically of Void Conduit. All will become clear soon enough, but just know it was integral in my plan. I then made my way to the Chem Lab. I took the Shuttle, in case you were wondering. When I got up there, I was hoping to obtain some materials to use for a fake attempt... except that Rookie Journalist started splashing me with chemicals!

Thankfully, I had my trusty lab coat to shield me from any notable hazards, and she left shortly after. Good riddance! No respect for a laboratory environment. The next person I saw was Astrid's little crony. I should've attempted on her, but that would've been too obvious. I left though, I had no desire to share a working environment with someone who kept their head so high in the clouds.

I stopped at the Arboretum after leaving. And yes, I did see the writer, dead as dirt on the ground. It was none of my business though, as to why some guy would be lying naked on the floor. I didn't even know he was dead! I just wanted to turn on that power switch. It was related to the Relay Station, as far as I could tell - and I've wanted to check the place out for a while.

[Image: new2_jjeqde.png]

It was off to the Black Forest after that, and now's when I'll present my plan for the enjoyment of all potential scientific investors: I'd noticed that weird guy with the axe that showed up in the Thalassic Seal area. Shrouded in darkness, carrying an axe, talking about capitalistic practices. Multiple sightings too. Naturally, I deduced that everyone would suspect that the appearance of another one of these figures would simply be written off as another such apparition - a hypothesis that was proven correct!

Wearing a mask that concealed my face, carrying an axe, and splatting my coat with the Void Conduit to ideally give myself a similar appearance... I set off into the forest! These figures traditionally showed up around areas of high importance, and again, I wanted to investigate the Relay Station for myself, anyway. Now, while I may be a scientific genius... I've never been very good at directions. Evidently, my brain has no more room for these subjects with the rest of the knowledge held within. The point is, I wandered through the trees for longer than I wanted...

[Image: madglassesclear_fxmhfr.png]

Kyeh... It wasn't much fun. I almost ran right into that psycho janitor, though I managed to duck behind some trees until he was gone. I'm sure I could've fought him off with my seal power, but I wasn't about to take any chances with a Crimbo involved! I did make it to the Relay Station eventually, actually following the same path the janitor took. Thankfully, he was nowhere in sight, but someone torched the place! Completely unusable! Not that it really mattered, aconsidering I really was mostly here for my attempt - which I carried out flawlessly, mind you,

[Image: new2_jjeqde.png]

That's right, Morgan walked right up to me! Kyahaha, I gave him a stupid catchphrase to fool the seance, then took a couple swings with the axe. he was quicker than I thought though, and he managed to get away.

I went back to the Patio after that, found my way eventually and headed back to the lab. As much as I'd like to gloat about my attempt, I'm not gonna complain about not ending up the killer. After all, if I did it, you'd surely go after some innocent. At least now we'll get it right!
Anything weird with that pipe in the Drafting Office, like a piece was cut off or something?
Oh, and properly compare it to the bit of metal we found in the Boiler.

Lyra not tell Derleth dead? But... lots and lots blood around. Arboretum hot hot, burn on Derleth arm, all that. Really not see?
Lyra lie to friends? Lie-ra?
Oh and, Lyra, can you be more specific about what chemicals you took from the Chem Lab? And the state of Alan Wake's body, if you can recall.
Take some aluminium shavings and, in a controlled and safe environment, set them on fire. Does this fire seem capable of causing the burns seen on Gus?
Beyond sigma. Life coach and trading consultant. V.I.P blogger and investigator. Trader in rare fish and various oddities. Contact for free business conundrums.
Are there pallets around somewhere? Receiving Bay, perhaps? If so, how well do they burn? Use a, uh, kitchen torch or something if we need a specific source for the test. If they burn, inspect the the result. Any similarity to the ash under Gus?
Shout out to Rose for the base talksprite
(Jun 1, 2024 at 6:23 AM)Columbo Wrote: Anything weird with that pipe in the Drafting Office, like a piece was cut off or something?
Oh, and properly compare it to the bit of metal we found in the Boiler.
You inspect the Drafting Office pipe, removing it from the machine. It appears to be pristine and completely untouched, not appearing as though anything has been cut off at all.

It does however also appear to be Aluminum. Same as the boiler metal.

(Jun 1, 2024 at 6:33 AM)Riki Wrote:

Lyra not tell Derleth dead? But... lots and lots blood around. Arboretum hot hot, burn on Derleth arm, all that. Really not see?
Lyra lie to friends? Lie-ra?
(Jun 1, 2024 at 6:34 AM)Columbo Wrote: Oh and, Lyra, can you be more specific about what chemicals you took from the Chem Lab? And the state of Alan Wake's body, if you can recall.
[Image: madglassesclear_fxmhfr.png]

Hey! Look! I walked in and saw a naked guy on the ground, excuse me for not wanting to spend much time examining the fine details! He WAS bloody, but he was lying face down! For all I knew, he could've just been injured - or the killer himself! Or maybe the Bloody Face got him!

[Image: new3_ccvyen.png]

...and I didn't take any chemicals. If you must know, I took a syringe. Ideally, once I had subdued my suspect with the axe, I was hoping to give them an embolism to actually kill them - therefore giving me a potential out in case I somehow got caught with the axe. "I wasn't the killer!", etc. etc.

I was hoping to save the syringe for a second night, but not if my neck's on the line! If you think I took a jug of Sulphuric Acid anyway, just ask that little blue-haired simp! She saw me leaving, I didn't have anything like that!

(Jun 1, 2024 at 7:27 AM)DxHustler3000 Wrote: Take some aluminium shavings and, in a controlled and safe environment, set them on fire. Does this fire seem capable of causing the burns seen on Gus?
You take some aluminum dust out of the room and take them into the city streets with plenty of room to get away if the fire spreads. Lighting the pile up, it ignites with a pale flame. This... Maybe could have burned Gus? But it wouldn't produce any of the wood ash around him.

(Jun 1, 2024 at 11:32 AM)Phenera Wrote: Are there pallets around somewhere? Receiving Bay, perhaps? If so, how well do they burn? Use a, uh, kitchen torch or something if we need a specific source for the test. If they burn, inspect the the result. Any similarity to the ash under Gus?
You take a pallet from the Receiving Bay, setting it on fire with a blowtorch. It does burn fairly easily, being dry wood. Once it is fully burned, it does appear to be similar to the ash under Gus, however you don't think any would get on top of him.

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