(Jun 1, 2024 at 6:46 PM)Columbo Wrote: Inspect the flare gun in excruciating detail.
You carefully inspect the flare gun, turning it over in your hands. You notice a small button near the trigger, and press it. Somehow, a katana blade pops out from the barrel, causing you to drop the gun in surprise.

...What? What kind of edgelord weapon is this?

(Jun 1, 2024 at 6:48 PM)Nashu Mhakaracca Wrote: Are there any bloody gardening tools in the Arboretum and adjoining rooms? Any tools missing?
You check the Arboretum, Climate Controls, and Botany Lab. It doesn't look like any of the tools are missing or bloody.

(Jun 1, 2024 at 6:50 PM)Indiana Jones (Old) Wrote: Is the spear of Spear of Longinus still in its containment cell?
You peer into the containment room window... it looks like the spear in question is indeed missing from its spot.
For another night in a row, I still got Jack's creatures, right?
Can we toss a knife into the Fairy Circle and see if it gets warped?
Shout out to Rose for the base talksprite
Big pat down Hazel, Pea, Konata.

Also check Lyra and Dex-Dex stuff?
Shot in the dark, can we tell if anything around Mr. Wake's acid burned arm looks like aluminum, reacted with sulfuric acid?
I'm sure we have enough brilliant scientific minds to test this theory.
Can we print another pipe and compare the shavings quantity to the shavings already present?
Indiana Jones (Old)
I would like to take a look at the code loaded onto the CNC machine. Are we able to determine what it was making? If not let's rerun it.

Alternatively can we take a look at the scrap metal that's left over and deduce what was made?
(Jun 1, 2024 at 7:07 PM)Columbo Wrote: For another night in a row, I still got Jack's creatures, right?
You present Jack of Spades' strange creatures. They appear intact and they are all present.

(Jun 1, 2024 at 7:07 PM)Phenera Wrote: Can we toss a knife into the Fairy Circle and see if it gets warped?
You take a kitchen knife and toss it into the Fairy Circle. It disappears before your eyes, though... you don't know where it went.

(Jun 1, 2024 at 7:20 PM)Riki Wrote: Big pat down Hazel, Pea, Konata.

Also check Lyra and Dex-Dex stuff?
You pat down Hazel, Pea, and Konata, checking them for items...

Hazel doesn't seem to have anything on her except a jug of bleach. Pea has the rigging knife planted on him yesterday, and it looks to be in about the same condition. Konata doesn't have anything on her.

You then ask Lyra and Dexter if you can check them.

[Image: madglassesclear_fxmhfr.png]

I already told you everything I did, and now you wanna go through my stuff too? Kyeh, go ahead. You won't find anything besides what I already told you about though.

Indeed, upon checking her items, you see that she has a gas mask, a bloody axe, and a syringe. Next, you turn to Dexter.

[Image: pendant-5_vmjghj.png]

Yeah, yeah. Getting to it. Anyway, I do have one... weird thing, but I can explain. Promise. Was gonna be part of my alibi, but we know how that went, right? Go ahead, take a look.

You check Dexter's inventory. He's got his gun, as usual, as well as Dodo's necklace and a trash bag. Inside the trash bag... is a large ham, covered in blood.

[Image: pendant-4_owyt8p.png]

Look, I needed something to say if people questioned my knife bag, so I dumped a ham in there too! I was gonna... I dunno, try to beat someone with it or something, claim that was my attempt. Instead, some asshole shoved me onto the tracks and I had to pull my gun.

I never said it was a good alibi!

(Jun 1, 2024 at 7:25 PM)Columbo Wrote: Shot in the dark, can we tell if anything around Mr. Wake's acid burned arm looks like aluminum, reacted with sulfuric acid?
I'm sure we have enough brilliant scientific minds to test this theory.
You check Alan's arm, looking around the area for anything like Aluminum post-reaction. There's nothing besides blood.

(Jun 1, 2024 at 7:27 PM)Columbo Wrote: Can we print another pipe and compare the shavings quantity to the shavings already present?
(Jun 1, 2024 at 7:27 PM)Indiana Jones (Old) Wrote: I would like to take a look at the code loaded onto the CNC machine. Are we able to determine what it was making? If not let's rerun it.

Alternatively can we take a look at the scrap metal that's left over and deduce what was made?
You both take a look at the control panel for the CNC machine. Columbo notes that the screen appears to display the schematic for the pipe currently in the machine. It doesn't look like there's a way to view the history though.

The two of you clean up the room, noting the amount of scraps and dust, then run the print again, loading another cube of aluminum into the machine. It finishes its work after a while, and you note that there is much less dust than the stuff you just cleaned out of the room.
Dex, mind telling us about Alan's kill? You think something's odd with it, like someone's got a hidden power they won't tell us that was used here?
(Jun 1, 2024 at 8:07 PM)Pea Wrote: Dex, mind telling us about Alan's kill? You think something's odd with it, like someone's got a hidden power they won't tell us that was used here?
[Image: newdrink_lxldk9.png]

The writer? Nah, maybe if you asked about the other guy, but it seems like a pretty open-and-shut case of standard brutality to me. Throat's cut, got some other injuries too. Doesn't really seem like there was much to this one, if you're asking me.
While we're at it. Could we figure out if Gus still has some sort of (of the six) energies lingering within him?
Any chance we can test the edges of the piece of metal from the boiler to see if they're sharp? Try to roughly match it to Alan's wounds, too.
May Riki investigate ham?
Hustler consent to body and room check, so Riki will do.

Once more check-check lake ice for jack track? And Receiving Bay tunnel, too. Riki really want know how coffin got outside.
Are the wheels on the pallet jack burnt? Courtesy of Riki.
I'll show you a real dance....
Anything off with the pallet jack we found? Burnt wheels or ash or blood?
(Jun 1, 2024 at 6:21 PM)Riki Wrote: Any pallet jack tracks on icy-icy lake, or in Receiving Bay tunnel?
You walk along Mirror Lake. You think that a pallet jack would likely leave trails in the snow outside, but you do not see any here. You also cannot discern any tracks in the tunnel, though it's a concrete road so it's relatively understandable.

(Jun 1, 2024 at 8:19 PM)Columbo Wrote: Any chance we can test the edges of the piece of metal from the boiler to see if they're sharp? Try to roughly match it to Alan's wounds, too.
You pick up the piece of metal, turning it over in your hands. The edges are relatively sharp, due to the fact that the melted metal seems to have begun as a fairly thin object. Due to the melting and warping of the object, it is mostly impossible to compare to Alan's wounds though.

(Jun 1, 2024 at 8:21 PM)Riki Wrote: May Riki investigate ham?
You pull the ham out of Dexter's bag and investigate it. It's a half-frozen ham of a large size. There are various small cuts and puncture wounds around it. The ham is relatively bloody, though it appears more like blood was rubbed on it.

(Jun 1, 2024 at 8:32 PM)Riki Wrote: Hustler consent to body and room check, so Riki will do.
You check Hustler's body and their room as well. DXHustler is wearing coveralls over their usual outfit, the legs of which appear to be wet. Beyond that, they still have their signature blades and wire strapped to their arms. They are also wearing a bulletproof vest, and are also in possession of a gun and some grenades.

In their room, you see only the freaky bird thing. It's huddled in the corner, recovering from injury.
Kick Looob in his bald head
I'll show you a real dance....
Don't suppose Hustler would mind if I thoroughly checked the coveralls' pockets?
Just to be certain.
Any trails from the Receiving Bay tunnel to the forest? In fact, scour the edge of the forest for any obvious trails.

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