Any new matchboxes missing from the Boiler Room? Or any other room that might have them. Kitchen, Cafeteria, Break Room, to name a few places.
(Jun 1, 2024 at 11:42 PM)Columbo Wrote: There any signs of some kind of container for sulphuric acid in the Drafting Office or Mining Equipment are?
Or if anybody could recall, anyway.
You look around the burned-out Mining Equipment. There are some plastic jugs, but they are badly melted and their contents are gone. The Drafting Office doesn't seem to have any though.

(Jun 1, 2024 at 11:50 PM)Columbo Wrote: Any new matchboxes missing from the Boiler Room? Or any other room that might have them. Kitchen, Cafeteria, Break Room, to name a few places.
You go searching the Boiler Room, Kitchen, Cafeteria, and Break Room for matchboxes. They are present in all the above places, but it is impossible to tell whether any are missing. You suppose the Boiler Room looks a bit lower on stock, but that doesn't seem to tell you whether they were taken tonight, or if any are missing from the other rooms.
Nashu Mhakaracca
I attempt to make an object with roughly the same shape and mass as the Boiler Room object (best estimate), and then a pipe identical to the one already made. Does the amount of aluminum shavings left over match up more closely with the original amount now?
Riki see anything like safety goggles and mine clothes in Locker Room?
(Jun 2, 2024 at 12:22 AM)Nashu Mhakaracca Wrote: I attempt to make an object with roughly the same shape and mass as the Boiler Room object (best estimate), and then a pipe identical to the one already made. Does the amount of aluminum shavings left over match up more closely with the original amount now?
After cleaning the room out, you look at the melted item and estimate what a rough circular donut-esque object would look like, using the same amount of materials, more or less. Down in the Drafting Office, you fabricate a small disc in the same shape. You then load up the pipe schematics and fabricate a third identical pipe.

It looks like there's the same amount of shavings in here.

(Jun 2, 2024 at 12:27 AM)Riki Wrote: Riki see anything like safety goggles and mine clothes in Locker Room?
It appears as though the Locker Room contains coveralls and hard hats, however it does not contain safety googles or dust masks.
'Scuse me Lyra, can you elaborate on something? Was Hazel in the Chem Lab before you arrived, or did she show up while you were in there?
Riki see coveralls and hard hats in Locker Room already look through by mystery friend, or those clothes not get touch?

Bleach look gone in Aux. Bathrooms?
(Jun 2, 2024 at 12:43 AM)Columbo Wrote: 'Scuse me Lyra, can you elaborate on something? Was Hazel in the Chem Lab before you arrived, or did she show up while you were in there?
[Image: new1_kfsrjq.png]

Huh? I... don't really remember. I walked in, then got splashed while looking for the syringe. Couldn't tell you if she walked in after, or if she was off to the side or something. I've got a one-track mind when I'm focused on a goal.

(Jun 2, 2024 at 12:48 AM)Riki Wrote: Riki see coveralls and hard hats in Locker Room already look through by mystery friend, or those clothes not get touch?

Bleach look gone in Aux. Bathrooms?
It doesn't appear as though those articles of clothing have been touched, as far as you can tell.

You can't tell if bleach is missing from the Aux. Bathrooms or not. There is a supply in here, but you don't have a metric with which to compare it to.
Indiana Jones (Old)
Where else can I find coveralls in this place?
Safety goggles and dust masks too, actually. I was thinking in the Mines, personally... or Mining Equipment before it uh, blew up.
(Jun 2, 2024 at 1:13 AM)Indiana Jones (Old) Wrote: Where else can I find coveralls in this place?
You think about it for a bit, and based on past investigations recall that coveralls can be found in the Mines, the Mining Equipment room, and the Locker Room.
(Jun 2, 2024 at 1:14 AM)Columbo Wrote: Safety goggles and dust masks too, actually. I was thinking in the Mines, personally... or Mining Equipment before it uh, blew up.
It seems as though safety goggles and dust masks of some variety can be found in most labs, however the goggles in the elevator appear to be heavy duty and likely to be only found in the Mines with the equipment in the Crystal Cave, the Mining Equipment Room, or the Geology Lab - though the latter two rooms are far too trashed for any of these to be salvageable at this point for comparison.
Feel like we've overlooked Botany Lab and the secret room hidden nearby, so lets give those a good once over.
Riki big sniff sniff Mine Elevator clothes, find out all smells - smell like Hazel?
(Jun 2, 2024 at 1:39 AM)Columbo Wrote: Feel like we've overlooked Botany Lab and the secret room hidden nearby, so lets give those a good once over.
You check the Botany Lab and the room nearby with the power switch. It appears that the power switch is flipped to an ON position, but the Botany Lab is untouched.

(Jun 2, 2024 at 1:44 AM)Riki Wrote: Riki big sniff sniff Mine Elevator clothes, find out all smells - smell like Hazel?
You sniff the clothing in the Mine Elevator. It smells... mostly of aluminum and dirt. Sniffing Hazel, she smells predominantly of bleach. It burns your nose a bit.
Indiana Jones (Old)
(Jun 2, 2024 at 1:52 AM)Spooks? Wrote:
(Jun 2, 2024 at 1:39 AM)Columbo Wrote: Feel like we've overlooked Botany Lab and the secret room hidden nearby, so lets give those a good once over.
You check the Botany Lab and the room nearby with the power switch. It appears that the power switch is flipped to an ON position, but the Botany Lab is untouched.

(Jun 2, 2024 at 1:44 AM)Riki Wrote: Riki big sniff sniff Mine Elevator clothes, find out all smells - smell like Hazel?
You sniff the clothing in the Mine Elevator. It smells... mostly of aluminum and dirt. Sniffing Hazel, she smells predominantly of bleach. It burns your nose a bit.

What happens if I turn the switch OFF?
Anything in 1650 room, or 3999?

Plant have big big eats in Stairway to Heaven?
[Image: solonance1_nbquwp.png]

Hehe, you know I can hear you all talking. I'm afraid my own plans didn't really work out, but you'd have to be silly to think I'm seriously work to help someone else commit murder - even if that "someone" IS our only hope for survival at this point.

I'm afraid I don't have terribly much to say, but I will say I did no such thing. How ridiculous, me drawing runes on the walls to provide an alibi. No, no. I'm afraid you all have a few lessons to learn.

[Image: sololadysmile_uemcr7.png]

Lesson 1: Timing. Even if I was to spend time scrawling runes to give Hustler an alibi, well, it's just be silly~ After all, Hustler and Morgan's little brawl was only partway through the night - surely not too far off from when Giffany heard those sounds in the woods!

Lesson 2: Accessibility. Now, how would Hustler get the pallet and take it out? It seems like a stretch, doesn't it? They were seen outside by the dorms, caught on camera even! Aaaaall the way over by the Survey Dorms - early on, too! Now, how would it be possible for them to have taken the pallet jack, hm?

Lesson 3: Motive! Let's think, why would Hustler kill that nasty janitor of all people? They have enemies far more capable and immediately threatening to the greater safety of everyone here, like Morgan!

[Image: solonance2_epdlws.png]

Don't you worry about my own night, it was a catastrophic failure - but I was in the Director's Office early on, I just wanted to get a special item and plant it on my potential victim. Ah, but nobody came to the Anomaly Records. It's too bad, huh?

Nancy presents a copy of The King in Yellow. There is nothing remarkable about it.
Present my knives and compare them to the runic carvings in the Director's Office. Look for indications of residue/wear and tear.
Beyond sigma. Life coach and trading consultant. V.I.P blogger and investigator. Trader in rare fish and various oddities. Contact for free business conundrums.
(Jun 2, 2024 at 2:15 AM)Riki Wrote: Anything in 1650 room, or 3999?

Plant have big big eats in Stairway to Heaven?
There is nothing of note in these rooms. The plant does not appear to have eaten though, and is surrounded by both pizza roles and now-bad meat. It seems to still be satiated from last night.

(Jun 2, 2024 at 2:25 AM)DxHustler3000 Wrote: Present my knives and compare them to the runic carvings in the Director's Office. Look for indications of residue/wear and tear.
You present your signature Sigma Blades. Strapped to your arms and tied to wire are two kitchen knives, now heavily worn down and dull. It does appear as though they could carve the runes in the wall and have a reasonable amount of damage that may coincide.
Big sniff sniff pallet jack and Morgan. Gave consent.

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