
[Image: spooks1_aqgizm.png]

Two victims once again, both taken by proper killers this time! Truly, this was everything I hoped for and more. Even an Abyss member too... How scandalous! I believe you've had plenty time to come to a conclusion about the nature of these murders, so I believe it's time to put your theories to the test.

[Image: happy2_hincca.png]

I wouldn't get too confident though. I see you, running about like rats in an ever changing maze. Will your renewed sense of confidence after our previous evening serve to help you find the cheese, I wonder?

[Image: spooks1_aqgizm.png]

Or will you be paralyzed by indecision, as the walls close ever inwards upon you?

Ahahaha, go on then. Place your votes. One for each, don't forget. Whether you consider the custodian an enemy or not, it IS still a murder that requires solving, after all.

Let's see... how about...

Vote: [INSERT SUSPECT] for Gus's killer - (#a2a2a1)
Vote: [INSERT SUSPECT] for @Alan Wake's killer - (#8742f5)

[Image: hehe2_kcvfin.png]

Of course, I will accept any vote provided it is properly signposted regardless of coloration. You will simply be branded with the mark of sloth.

Please place your votes in this thread. This trial will conclude at the same time as the investigation, at 8:00 PM PST on Saturday, June 1st.

As there were two victims, you may vote for the killer in either case. Please specify in your post as to which kill you are voting for. The chosen culprit will be executed, and their role will be revealed.
Rookie Journalist currently fits the profile for Alan Wake's killer.
Not that I'm biased or anything.

Not really sure for Gus, but I'll trust in what I know.
Or maybe I just want to see Lyra defend herself. Who's to say?
Indiana Jones (Old)
Vote: Lyra - Not sure if I completely understand this one but maybe joining Columbo's vote can put a bit of pressure onto Lyra to explain herself better.
Vote: Hustler - They have the coveralls on that were worn by the person who attacked me. That person is very likely the CNC user who we know for sure milled the weapon used to kill Alan Wake.
Rookie Journalist
Columbo for Alan Wake and Columbo for Gus.

Not that I'm biased or anything ;)
Izumi Konata
Hustler definitely wore this if they wore coveralls
I guess Lyra did it, based on what Columbo's saying
(Jun 2, 2024 at 1:33 AM)Columbo Wrote: Rookie Journalist currently fits the profile for Alan Wake's killer.
Not that I'm biased or anything.

Not really sure for Gus, but I'll trust in what I know.
Or maybe I just want to see Lyra defend herself. Who's to say?
[Image: transparenthey_oujqcp.png]

W-what? Hey! I did NOT kill that stupid janitor! Are you out of your mind? I already gave you my attempt, front-to-back! Where the hell would I get a pallet jack? I already told you - I went to the Esotera Lab before heading upstairs at all! Then I was on the other side of the facility, in a whole other building!

Where'd the pallet jack go then? I didn't have time to go all the way downstairs and back over there to grab some awkward clunky thing like that! I didn't leave it outside and come back either! Someone would've seen it, are you kidding me?!

Indiana Jones (Old)
Thanks. Unvote Lyra.
...I'm thinking Lyra for Gus' murder. There are some inconsistencies with her pathing, as far as I can tell. Anyone got any better ideas?

For Alan, though.... I'm going with Huslter. I believe they had Nancy draw the Runes in the Director's Office, and help cover the timing inconsistencies. The Office also has convenient access straight down to the CNC machine that was used in the kill.

Nancy. You've been quiet today. I'm guessing it's a gag order from your new "boss."

Please, consider voting with me. I want to get to the bottom of the Mastermind's plan before it's too late, and I can't do it without you. You have to fight Hustler. If you can't for your own sake, do it for Hunter. Please.
I'll show you a real dance....
Nashu Mhakaracca
[Image: angy.png]

I'm pretty certain that Lyra killed Gus.
Less certain about Mr. Wake, but I'll trust the detective's judgment and vote the Rookie Journalist for now.
[Image: new3_ccvyen.png]

Wait, you're... serious about this?

No... No I mean it! I... really didn't...

[Image: sad_teb8pi.png]

I don't know how else I can prove it! I didn't touch a pallet jack, I didn't move that stupid coffin! I... I didn't...

That murderin' ghost killed Alan. Fuck ghosts.

As for Gus. I don't care.
(Jun 2, 2024 at 2:11 AM)Morgan Wrote: ...I'm thinking Lyra for Gus' murder. There are some inconsistencies with her pathing, as far as I can tell. Anyone got any better ideas?

For Alan, though.... I'm going with Huslter. I believe they had Nancy draw the Runes in the Director's Office, and help cover the timing inconsistencies. The Office also has convenient access straight down to the CNC machine that was used in the kill.

Nancy. You've been quiet today. I'm guessing it's a gag order from your new "boss."

Please, consider voting with me. I want to get to the bottom of the Mastermind's plan before it's too late, and I can't do it without you. You have to fight Hustler. If you can't for your own sake, do it for Hunter. Please.

[Image: nancyscared_xp1xhx.png]

For 23...

[Image: solonance1_nbquwp.png]

I see what you're trying to do~ You're trying to use my Bond Power, aren't you? Unfortunately, silly, I can't in good conscience vote with you at all - but not for the reason you think! Hehe, despite what you might expect, it's not in any blind defense of Hustler. I just don't think either of them did it, and I'm not going to sacrifice an innocent life.

You can take me to the Holding Cell as the ability dictates. I have the skillset to survive - it's my job, after all!
Hail Mary time

Vote: Columbo

Vote: Giffany

Giffany was playing with fire and in the general area at the right general time to entomb and burn Gus

Columbo left the Patio at the right general time to go and sneak through the forest and fairy warp to kill Wake

@Lyra Cancel Nashu's vote on you, thanks
Shout out to Rose for the base talksprite
I cna't get the color codes again but I'm moving to Hazel for Alan's murder just to ensure a clearer outcome, abstian on the gusvote
I'll show you a real dance....
I don't believe Lyra could've done it.
We're just going to shotgun this real quick. Don't take it personally.
Rookie Journalist killed Alan
Lyra killed Gus
Indiana Jones (Old)
Unvote: Hustler
Izumi Konata
Changing my vote from Lyra to Phenera
(Jun 2, 2024 at 2:44 AM)Phenera Wrote: Hail Mary time

Vote: Columbo

Vote: Giffany

Giffany was playing with fire and in the general area at the right general time to entomb and burn Gus

Columbo left the Patio at the right general time to go and sneak through the forest and fairy warp to kill Wake

@Lyra Cancel Nashu's vote on you, thanks
[Image: sad_teb8pi.png]

R-right. I can do that. Kyeh.. heh... I forgot I still had that up my sleeve...

Nashu's vote for Lyra Orpheus has now been removed due to a bond power. It will not count towards the total.
Vote: lyra for Gus's killer
Vote: hazel for @Alan Wake's killer

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