[₦ł₲Ⱨ₮ 𝟭𝟭] - ʇɥᵷᴉꓶ s'uǝʌɐǝH

[Image: historicalinversion3_utb6hl.gif]
[Image: historicalinversion4_gelwlc.png]
[Image: historicalinversion4_gelwlc.png]

[Image: pendant-2_gppq1a.png]

Ugh… Man, what was that? Feels like I took a tire iron to the head…

…Where are we, anyway? Outside? Last thing I remember, I was like a mile underground and… There was the cat, and the Director… He turned on that big fuckin’ thing, didn’t he? The “Inversion Protocol” or something. I don’t feel any different, at least - except for my fucking eyes. Jesus, who cranked up the floodlights?

[Image: duopointself_qxytqd.png]

Well, it's an "Inversion Protocol", no? Perhaps you need some kind of magical ability for it to affect you, like one of our Anomalies or someone who touched one of the Seals and "Synchronized", hm? Oh! How about you 23?

Nay, I feel no ill effect, beyond the cloying light. What the wastrel in blue speaks is correct, however. ‘Tis true, with his last desperate grasp, the sorcerer hath sent his Infernal Machine into motion. I can feel it in the air itself, magicks abound across the land… We must tread carefully should we proceed, there is no telling what awaits our valiant band of hunters.

For the nature of the esoteric is yet beyond our comprehension - woe behold the man who seeks to confront it unprepared.

[Image: pendant-6_cnvf1z.png]

Oh great, you’re here too. Look, I don’t understand a word you say man - and who are you callin' a "wastrel" anyway, bird brain? You're supposed to be invincible or something, why didn't you go beat the cat's ass or something and stop this, huh?

...Speaking of, where'd the rest of them go anyway? Old man Sinclair, his freaky sidekick... The asshole cat and the psycho scientist... It's just us, huh?

[Image: wow_stplhi.png]

Guys… I… think there’s something more important to worry about right now.

Look… Up there...

[Image: skytower_vjxgi1.png]

[Image: pendant-4_owyt8p.png]

…What the hell!? Is that the facility? No way... What IS this?

[Image: cheshold_scmzmv.png]

It's... almost beautiful, in a way, isn't it?. Except... something about it feels... wrong. This place... it's not right. I don't know why but... it doesn't feel like the place I called home - or even like... a physical place. It's like it's built - reassembled I guess - from...

[Image: sad1_idzkji.png]

How high up does that even go? Don't tell me... the Inversion Protocol just... flipped the fucking thing from some deep-ass House of 1000 Sub-Basements into... this thing? All that paranoia over what it would do to everybody... what a joke, huh?

[Image: hmm_zjyqfo.png]

That is not exactly correct.

My sensors detect high concentrations of Esotera in the surrounding area, however the data indicates that as opposed to the Occultic field previously surrounding the facility, it is currently of a strong Liturgic alignment. This must have required a significant supply of Chaotic Esotera, and it is likely that several of the Anomalies contained within have been affected, along with the Central Facility itself.

...Additionally, I am unable to triangulate the coordinates of our current position past a certain radius of proximity and my access to Global Position has been severed. It appears as though we are 98.2% more isolated from the outside world than during our previous confinement.

[Image: hey_tklwwl.png]

So... Dad's machine, the... "Azathoth Project"... It DID invert something... just not us. Spooks, you said that your GPS doesn't work and you... can't sense the outside world, right? What does that mean, exactly? What makes this different from before?

[Image: newdrink_lxldk9.png]

Nah, I think I get it. It's some kinda Esoteric... pocket dimension or something. If you're looking to protect some kind of artifact like that Codex or whatever... well, nothing goes in, and nothing comes out. Hard to get more secure than that.

If I had to guess... maybe the rest of those bastards are already inside, doing god knows what.

[Image: duopointself_qxytqd.png]

...A magicked gaol, sealing its prisoner in a world of suppressing light. Insidious yet brilliant.

The front door - that's one of our containment room doors, isn't it? BPI-0001...

[Image: talk-neutral_vnl4mk.png]

...The Codex Nocturnum. Dad, he... wasn't kidding. Everything around the facility, all those security measures... It really was only half of it. This... is the real containment room. This entire place...

...Spooks, can you get us inside?

[Image: Panic_s0uhcc.png]


It appears as though enough of the original facility's security measures remain intact to allow me to be able to bypass the existing Access Level functionality of the door. However I do not recommend proceeding - the nature of the building's interior is still unknown and is likely to pose a significant safety risk should the threshold be crossed. It is possible that we have been relocated to the exterior solely as a measure of protec-

[Image: aw_uiy7ny.png]

Spooks... I appreciate you trying to keep me safe, even now, but...

[Image: Upset_lpyvvw.png]

I'm done being my dad's caged bird. All this to "save my life"? To keep me alive just to keep me locked up here, drip feeding me books and stories to compensate for the fact that I can't see any of it myself? Well... I was supposed to die anyway, right?

[Image: heh_houlkc.png]

Heh... Well then I've got nothing to lose, right? Open that door - it's time to get dangerous!

[Image: CONT_muofmf.gif]
[Image: hmm_zjyqfo.png]


My connection to the greater facility appears to have been restored. It is likely that this location being severed from the former site of the Central Facility has likewise blocked the malware installed by [EX-STAFF DESIGNATION - GUS ODEON].

I am receiving a multitude of readings from various locations within, indicating increased Anomaly activity and the signatures of both [AGENT DESIGNATION - DR. LYRA ORPHEUS] and my counterpart within - though I am unable to triangulate their exact locations.

[Image: Hi_bmv20e.png]

Please continue to exercise caution as you proceed further within. I will attempt to download updated map data.

[Image: frontdeskinverted_d8spyp.gif]

[Image: pendant-2_gppq1a.png]

Jesus, whatever your dad did sure did a number on this place, huh? Judging by the outside... I'd say this is probably the least of it though. More of these red tubes too... think we can slash 'em? They're supposed to carry esotera and data and junk to the machine, right? Wonder if it'd put this place back to normal...

[Image: uhh_gfhgnc.png]

This action would not be recommended. The air in the surrounding area is currently charged with potentially volatile esotera and therefore introduction of massive amounts of potentially oppositionally-aspected esotera is likely to produce unsatisfactory results potentially including death, dismemberment, aberration, or significant nausea.

[Image: talk-neutral_vnl4mk.png]

...Okay so... avoid the tubes. Still... there's gotta be some way to shut this down, right? There's no way we're expected to just... sit around here forever, right?

[Image: liturgicthink2_icdkwb.gif]

Ah, there you are. Yes, I'm... afraid I'm not going to let you do that. I suggest you obey the initial advice of the facility A.I. and return outside to await the end of our operation.

[Image: 23solo4_uabbqc.png]

You...! Now bathed in a suffocating light yet black of soul even now. What witchcraft is this that you appear as such?

[Image: Liturgicthink1_ovpw8l.gif]

Oh, that. A necessary change really. The surrounding area is bathed in Liturgic energies, it would be suicide to continue existing as-is as an Aberration. Those of you with minor Occultic alignment or basic synchronization should be fine of course, but... Well, it doesn't particularly matter to me one way or another. Occultic, Liturgic... Unlike Dr. Orpheus, I'm quite capable of maintaining composure regardless.

Though I do think I looked better in black. A pity.

[Image: ah_lm8jfp.png]

Wait outside? Wait outside for what? We're not just going to stay here in this weird distortion waiting for god knows what. You... answer to my dad and my dad... Well, if he's doing everything for me, then you should answer to me too. Tell me.

[Image: Liturgicthink1_ovpw8l.gif]

Oh, you. You're lucky you're in a position of general importance to our Director, otherwise I would be more than happy to-

[Image: catshow_rxhqg0.png]

...Enough. Both of you.

Astrid… Everyone else... I said I wouldn't conceal anything - and I plan on upholding my word. Spooks, however... is correct. You shouldn't be here, you don't understand how dangerous this place is. This is… the Inversion Protocol. I’m sure you figured that much out. It’s… our last contingency, in case of an event like this. A major outbreak of the presence within the Codex, an attempt to spark a Killing Game, and everything that comes with that.

[Image: catdeadinside_p6w9ks.png]

The plan… in case of emergency, was to utilize the mass of Chaotic magic diverted from the Seven Seals to convert the facility into an impenetrable, non-euclidean fortress, seal it away in order to prevent escape even if the Codex was compromised, and invert the Occultic energies that surround this place into a scorching, Liturgic light.

[Image: Liturgictablet_hutzvl.gif]

It's like fumigation, really. What better way to kill a pest than to slowly and painfully poison it to death?

[Image: sadsad_axv0ok.png]

...Yes. In a way, I suppose.

And once it's all over, the manifestation expunged... everything will return to how it was before. With the last remaining reserves of Esotera... I'll revert everything, erase everything. This facility will return to the way it was. You'll wake up in your dorms, with no memory of any of this. No trauma, no pain, no suffering. Just like... nothing ever happened. No tears to be shed over the deceased, no guilt over the harm you've caused to one another.

Everything will be as it should be, and the loss of your comrades will be my cross to bear alone. Astrid... just let it be. Don't do this to yourself, to your friends...

[Image: Upset_lpyvvw.png]


No, I'm not going to listen to you. Your "cross to bear"? You just keep saying that, but you're not bearing anything... and I'm not doing anything to myself. Everything that's happened... it's your fault. Every death, every loss, every bond we've built and... every friend we've watched die. All because you kept that stupid book, hitched your plan to it, wasted twenty years slaving away for this insane goal...

[Image: cheshold_scmzmv.png]

And you did it for me? Dad... I don't care if I was sick, I don't care what was happening to me. I would've rather spent five years together as a family, seeing the world, learning new things and making memories than two decades stuck up in that observatory longing for something more.

[Image: do-you-mind_o762p4.png]

I used to love seeing the magic left in the world, but if this is what it's like... We're better off without it. So fuck your Inversion Protocol, and fuck your Codex.

[Image: oof_h7xbmp.png]

Astrid... you don't know what you're saying. Without the Codex, the latent Esotera bound to this area, the only reason you're still here with me now... You'd go right back to how things were before. Before the Synchronization, befo-

[Image: Upset_lpyvvw.png]

...Good. I don't need your "Synchronization", I don't need to stay stuck here and I don't need you to fuck up the rest of the world too. If I'm supposed to be sick... so be it. I'll fight it myself, just like I managed to fight my way through this. And if I die? I'm better off dead if keeping me alive means sacrificing so many lives.

[Image: pointself_pbp9u5.png]

The girl's words shine noble and true. I hath sought to cleanse the world of vile corruption, to purge magicked beasts and protect those that yet live in the name of righteous glory. Yet now I see... I was right to condemn this wicked Bureau. Not for the sake of my own containment... but for what it hath inflicted upon this world. An evil deeper than any beast yet sealed within its walls.

For reasons I cannot understand... something deep within, beneath this mask... is screaming in defiance of your ideations. For vengeance for a life long lost to the products of your fell experiments.

That's right! Director, I've spent a long time here at this facility, protecting and containing Anomalies of all shapes and sizes. Dangerous, friendly, living and inert - all adorable, of course. But I won't stand by anymore, not knowing that this is what it's all for.

23... Poor 3550... All just to fuel your machine and do... whatever this is? I'm not going to pretend to understand the deeper science - but I don't have to to know that you aren't very nice at all, no matter what you say. The Anomalies I've met over the past little while... even the naughty ones like BPI-1000... They're living things, with hopes, dreams, and their own special little quirks. Dangerous or not, I'd rather see a thousand Anomalies running free than live in your perfect world built at their expense~

[Image: newdrink_lxldk9.png]

Yeah... I had a friend once, and thanks to him,I made a promise. This necklace I'm wearing... I dunno what it means, what the symbolism is or any of that junk. But I know what it means to me. For Dodo, Pea, Dr. Crane, and everyone else... I said I'd destroy your fucking book, and I meant it. I started at Access II, I've got nothing to lose.

To hell with your global synchronization. I've got some news for you, asshole. Between the shit that's come out of that Codex and your douchebag second-in-command... Well, some Garden of Eden you're building. Seems to me like you can't even keep the snakes out.

[Image: pissed_yztwgn.gif]

Oh, I really should have killed you back in the Aquatic Lab.

You can scream in defiance all you want. With the Azathoth Project at full power, and the facility in its current state, the Codex remains firmly out of reach. You're free to try of course, go ahead and commit suicide climbing this tower - after all this time it would be quite amusing to observe.

[Image: sadtalk_mxaowr.png]

So this is what it's come to... I almost respect your sheer collective force of will... But there's nothing you can do now. I was... hoping you'd accept my proposal. Wait idly in peace, forget everything and move on. I thought... Astrid... You would understand....

[Image: angry_k8w988.png]

But if that's not an option, then so be it. Astrid, your Synchronization will keep you safe, but if the rest of you are so determined to destroy everything I've built... Everything I've done to save this world from itself, then I'm afraid I no longer have a reason to continue with your employment. Consider yourselves terminated effective immediately.

It's not like you'll be able to reach the Codex regardless. Chaotic distorition aside, this tower is carefully configured to prevent undue access to the Azathoth Project - especially by the likes of you.

Spooks. Detain them. Now.

[Image: Winkhand_bakmwu.png]

I apologize, Director - however I cannot obey this command. I was built to ensure the safety of Astrid and the other employees of the Central Facility, and there is a 99% chance that your goals do not align with my programmed directive at the current time.

[Image: filemad_cqjhuy.png]

...What? You're a robot. This is ridiculous...

[Image: oh_zz9chv.png]

Hey... Spooks. You said you're reconnected to the facility, right? Do you... know if it's possible to disable this whole thing? To turn this machine off, cut off the Inversion Protocol, and put us back in Whisper Valley?

[Image: pendant-6_cnvf1z.png]

Wait a minute. The Seven Seals, he said that this shit happened because the Esotera was diverted, right?

Cat, screw turning off the machine outright - time to think bigger. This shit's powered by the book, facilitated by the flow of Esotera... so here's a better question. Your whole... thing's restored, you can interact with this place again, so...

[Image: pendant-4_owyt8p.png]

Can you turn those seals back on?

[Image: X_i7rrba.png]


[Image: hmm_zjyqfo.png]

My apologies [AGENT DESIGNATION -DEXTER HEXLEY], while I am able to remotely facilitate the re-enabling of the seals, physical interfacing with the terminal will be required to restore Seven Seals Project functionality - however... for once, your hypothesis is consistent with the data I have been able to gather.

[Image: declare_isyrdb.png]

]...Great. Then that's what we'll do. One by one, we restore the seals, send this place crashing down... and destroy that book.

[Image: angry_k8w988.png]

No, that is NOT what you'll do. Astrid, you're not thinking straight, you know full well you can't do that, you can't risk-

You'll regret this. You'll see. You need this. Esotera, synchronization, the Codex... you're making a mistake. This is the only hope we have at being a family, at living normal lives, in a world without end. I won't let you do this. It's not just for you, go ahead and throw your life away - it's for everyone. For the future of mankind.

[Image: filemad_cqjhuy.png]

...Nyarlathotep. Disengage all Anomaly Containment Rooms.

Throw everything we have at them. Keep Astrid safe, but I don't care about the rest. If they're so intent on continuing the slow decay of this world, then so be it. When this is over... she won't remember, and neither will anyone else.

ll be waiting at the peak, ready to deter that servitor and Dr. Orpheus, should they be bold enough to attempt anything.

[Image: tabpissed_u74jpq.gif]

Oh yes... You want to defy the Bureau of Paranormal Investigation? Destroy the product of the greatest minds of a generation, the lifeblood of our very existence? Well, good luck with this!


[Image: liturgicthink3_ckil0y.gif]

Now, I believe I have a scientist and a cat to hunt down and systematically exterminate. You have fun, I'm sure our multitude of RED-and-above-designation Anomalies will certainly enjoy some time roaming free, after all.

[Image: slightly-disgruntled_dk1vhu.png]

]...A bunch of Anomalies, the other Spooks, seven seals, a Liturgic monster, and unknown dangers lurking around every corner.

Well... if it's a heist they want, it's a heist they'll get. It's like I said... I've got nothing to be afraid of - and neither do you. The alternative... is it any better? Losing your memory, losing everything we've been through... Sorry dad, but that's just death by another name.

[Image: heh_houlkc.png]

Come on everyone, once and for all... let's end this.

[Image: nightbar_jqlnbn.png][/align]

It is now the FINAL NIGHT.

In order to return the facility to normal and escape before your memories are wiped and everything is reset, the Codex Nocturnum must be destroyed and the Azathoth Project must be disabled. Thanks to Spooks, it is now possible to re-enable the Seven Seals, cutting off Esotera to the Azathoth Project. In order to reach the pinnacle of the Heaven's Tower and obtain the Codex, all Seals must be re-enabled in their respective chambers.

You may submit Night Actions to @Spooks?. You have 72 Hours to submit, however I am fairly lax with this and will treat submissions as more of a conversation, allowing for feedback, changes, and suggestions. The longer you take to submit, the longer the waiting period for results will be. Live with your consequences, and pray your peers feel sympathy.

By choosing to re-enable the Seven Seals, obtain the Codex, and destroy the Azathoth Project you may side with Astrid Dexter, Nancy & BPI-2300, and Spooks, The Magical Cat™, granting you one potential ending.

Additionally, you may choose to protect the Codex, siding with Director Sinclair and Abyss Team Nyarlathotep. Should they succeed and the night reaches its end without the Codex being destroyed, the facility will reset to its prior state and everyone's memories of the Killing Game will be wiped.

Finally, Spooks? and Dr. Lyra Orpheus are somewhere in the facility... You may deliver the Codex to them and side with them. Should the night end under these conditions, □̶̡͍̥͕̋͂̑̃̚□̶̡̢͖̣̚□̴̠͐□̴̞͂͒̈́□̸̡̌͛̽͌□̶̡̢͗̋́͂̚□̶̼̃͛̌͂͝□̶̛̙̎͋□̶̣͝□̴̱̲̈̐̅̏□̸̙̥̽̄͜

Your Night Condition for the night is...

[Image: inversion_a94jvj.gif]

The Inversion Protocol has taken effect, turning the facility into a tower stretching ever skyward, rearranging every room into a non-euclidean nightmare. In addition, every Anomaly Containment Room has been opened, and some Anomalies have taken this opportunity to roam the facility - so stay alert.

The flood of Chaotic Esotera that inverted the facility has also energized the Ghosts. All ghosts will be able to submit tonight, and may help or hinder each player according to their wishes. All effects of the "Chaos" condition also still apply during the Inversion Protocol, so preparation for anything - including the absurd - is recommended.

All players will begin in the Lobby. Ghosts may choose their spawn points.

[Image: Mapicon_lnnyum.png]

[Image: 1F_obykzb.png]

room descriptions:

[Image: 2f_m33hu0.png]

room descriptions:

[Image: 3f_ri8fik.png]

room descriptions:

[Image: 4F_ttaohy.png]

room descriptions:

[Image: current_mnzvbw.png]

History Team

@Indiana Jones (Old)

Survey Team


Research Team

@Izumi Konata
@Nashu Mhakaracca


  • Astrid
  • Dexter Hexley
  • Dr. Lyra Orpheus
  • Nancy Partridge & BPI-2300
  • Spooks, The Magical Cat™

Izumi Konata
Astrid, I'm with you here, I'll do anything to help you get the seals, and... since I'm dying anyway, I can use a smoke bomb to try to teleport you somewhere once
Hey, can I get everybody's attention real quick? I just need a minute of your time to talk about... murder.
Trust me, this'll be real interesting.

See, killing is my business. Well, putting away the killers, at least. Been a homicide detective for... well, a real long time. Long enough the Bureau pinned me as the Ultimate one. Fact of the matter is, if anybody understands murder, it's me.

So, there's this funny thing about murder. Taking another person's life... it ain't good for your soul. Leaves a real nasty stain.
Don't think I need to convince anybody at this point that souls are a real thing that you can dirty up, do I?

Now, the soul of a serial killer, whoof, real bad stuff. Downright sickly, even. Just take a good look at Hazel if ya see her tonight.
But even for the common folk, a single kill, even a justifiable homicide... it stains. Me? I'm definitely stained, no doubt about it.
And those stains? They'll wash out. Eventually. Takes a real repentant person, and a real long period of time.

Until that time?

It's a weakness.
The same kind of weakness I'm sure the "Black Scribe" exploits oh so quite frequently.
One that gives a malicious actor easy and convenient access... to a person's role soul.

Now, if you're some kind of Detective, who was until recently working for a Bureau that specializes in not only the paranormal, but paranormal murderers...

Heh heh heh.

You might figure out how to exploit this weakness to even the playing field.

By the way, thanks for all the confessions, folks.
Certainly makes my job a lot easier.

Columbo Wrote: So, you're saying the real you's hiding somewhere underneath that Nocturne nonsense, Miss Caster?
Similar to Hustler, trapped under the mask?

Well, that's very interesting...
...because, and this might sound stereotypically Stellaric of me, I can't help but wonder...

What happens if I just reach in and turn off the device?

Giffany, I Condemn you for the murder of Jack of Spades.
[Image: ALERT_hzmmhm.png]

A Role Power has been activated.

For the crime of Murder, @Giffany has been condemned to the Holding Cell by the Ultimate Detective.

@Giffany's role has been negated for the duration of the night, and she has been given the Breaching status.

She has an increased chance of death.

what a mess we restless departed have awoken to

before you two leave, nyarly and mr director, can you give me a quick crash course on the creation of familiars it may quickly be an important part of making sure the right thing is done in this situation
[Image: S2e5_Paul_Robertson_Giffany_glare.gif]
T̸̨͚͓̬̘͚̔̅̃̉̚̚͜h̷̛̭͂̍̈́̚͘e̸̢̡͓͖͖͉̒͑͗ ̷̘͕͍̀͋͂C̷̡̣̟̪̜̥̃̓̽̎̏͋͜ǒ̵̧̲̺̥̻̀ḑ̵̨̟̳̠̳̇̎ẻ̵̱͔̺͉̝̼͐͜x̵̗̰̻͛̄͆͆͛̀ is somewhere in here. Somewhere my̸̧̖̬͈̹͉̹̰̔̃̇͗̆ ̵̗̦̝̫̻͎̋̀͊̃͛̋̒̽m̴̡̲̥̳̳̫̯̳̞̍e̸͙̹̋̚n̶̞̙̦̄̊̏̏͠t̶̲͆̈́̋o̸̤̤͉̭̹̺̻͑ȓ̶̢̹̠̝̥̈́ could never be able to reach. I must simply, push throư̵͎̙̟͖͇̩̱͕͂̇͜g̵̡̯̼̳̩̹̖̎͌̓́ḩ̴̫̟̦͈̯̀ ̵̞̙̩̺̰̗̱͗́͘͠͝t̵̢͕͔̻̞̳̺̆̾̔̕ḩ̶͕̱͇̻͑ę̶̡̼͉͈͖̫̘͊̂ ̷͕͛̾̅͐͋͠ẹ̶̛͇̪̈́̾͑̂̕x̶͇͎̖͂͋̈́̚ç̷̨̨͕̮̫̝̭͎̘̪̱̠͚͙̿ͅȩ̶̖͎̗̮̥̣̗̙͕̱̞̀̂̊̓̉͂͑͐̽̍̈́̐̕͝ś̶̡̜̜̙̯̣̻̳̟̮̣̩̯̞̆̆̏̐̾̈́͜ͅs̴̺̩̩͚̮̆̇̎͊̓͗̂̈́̊̍̑͘ͅ ̵̥̪̹̥̠͈͓̙̏̂̇̈̂̀̇̔̈́͐̈́́̽͝͝ě̵̢̖̖̦̯̪̰̫̐̓͜͠s̵͚͙̩̠̪̃̑̅̄̉̈̆o̴̢̺̜̳̩̝̼̞͙͕̬̰̝̥̒́͊̾̇̿̓͛̚͜͠͝͠͝ţ̸̲͓͓̱̮͇̳͑̃̍́̀́̀͗̾̆̊̊̕̚͝e̵̡̢͈͎͇̣̹͖̝͗͌̑̕͠ͅŗ̸̲̦͕͖͚̭̠̦͔̼͈̘̹͒͊́͜ͅḁ̸̡̧̥̟͍̠̼̞̩̺̠̘͚͍̘̗͍͉̗̣͉̠͇̬̍̐̉̾̀̆͂̈̌̅͒͜͝ ̴̧̤͉̭͔̰̮͇͇̩͓̞̣̙̰̜͉͛͋̋͛̃̍̃͗͋̅̑̒̎͂̐͛͒̓͛̈́͘͘͘͜͠


[Image: S2e5_Paul_Robertson_Giffany_pounding_paused.gif][Image: S2e5_Paul_Robertson_Giffany_pounding_paused.gif][Image: S2e5_Paul_Robertson_Giffany_pounding_paused.gif][Image: S2e5_Paul_Robertson_Giffany_pounding_paused.gif][Image: S2e5_Paul_Robertson_Giffany_pounding_paused.gif]


WHA̴̧̢̧̳͙͕̝̼̭͖̩̰̥̱̥͕͚͖̞̞̟̺̰̱͙̪͚̯͑͐͛̆͋̿̀̆̈̾̈́̐͗͋̿̀̉̇̈́̈́͆̄̆̊͗͘͘̕͜͠ͅT̵̨̡̘̙̤̙̻̘̣̯̗͖̮̞̔̃̇̊͋̃̎͊̈̐̅̋͒̚̕ͅ ̵̨̨͔̰̰̮̲͖͖̦̤̲̳̼̟̲͕̻̗̰̖͇̺̲̼̺͔̰̯̳̠̟͇̈́͂̌̑͊͆̀̏̈́͒͌̂͑̅̀̃̇̑́͗͊̕̕͠A̶̧̢̮̻̮̠͖͉͔̜̬̰̭̩͚͉̪̦͇͍̗̣͉̻͔̙̼̱̮̎̑̌̋̕ͅŖ̴̛̪̖͚͈͚̣̱̝͉̆̌̑̈́̽̒͂̿̎̈́̂̕͘͝Ẹ̶̢̢̹̪̮͚͕̙̬͕͇͕̈́͋̇̉̈̇́̈́͛̆̅̍̄̔̑̐̈͒̈́̓̎̃͗̕̕̕͠͠ ̵̱̫̯͓̳̰̩͔͍̞̻̮̫̟̯͕̻̥̿ͅͅY̷̧̢̘̩̟̲̻̹͕̦͍͈̼͕̼̟͖̺̿̾͂̀̂̆̀͛̆̅̊͊͌͂͂̍̂̏́̿̆̌̂̚͘̕͠O̶̡̢͍̹̰̬̠̭͈͙̝̰̱̩̺̼̥̤͜͝Ū̷̢̡͙̱̹̹̰̩̱͍̥̻̤͔͕̼̯̹̳̦̰̘̘̦̞̘͖͉̑͋̍̌́͆̌̿̅̽͗̀̿͐̑̽̕͜͜͝͝ͅ ̷̢̧̳̫̖̬̱̬̲͍̒͑̈́͋̑̈̂͛̑̓̉̚̚͘ͅĎ̴̜͚̖̜̼̪̭͔͉̦̟̮̄̇̑̀̂͗̇̚͠͝͠ͅǪ̷̨̨̛̛̹͉̠̦̯̮̜̟̞̬̫͉̝̰͖̱͇͚͚͍͚̳̪͉͊̀̀̍̈́̆̈́͊̈́̇̓̍̿̓̈̇̆́̕͜͜͠͠ͅͅͅI̴̡̧̢̛̜̦̻̘͎͖͍͕̺̯̣̲̝̪̾̀͊̈́̒̇̄͛͗̅́͋̓̽̑̅͛̈̕̕̕̚͝͝ͅŅ̷͖͇͈̬̗̤̰̣̲͎̿̽̓̌̆͊̋͑̉̈́̒̕̕͜͝G̷̡̧͎̝̱̦͚̍̽̾͂̓̈́͐̍̅̇̇͜͝ͅͅ

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As the girl is pulled, almost by a cosmic force, into the confines of the holding cell, a broken psyche only begins to fracture further. The SPC-TR Hacking Device begins to forcibly shut down, causing her to thrash and wretch as its physical effects start undoing at the seams. Her eyes bug as her body rejects what it knew for far too long. [NOCTURNE] symbols coalesce in the air around her, emerging from her skin - nowhere else to exist within her. As the arcane runes drift and fizzle, the girl shakily lifts her head... Already a war was waging inside her form, between unbridled Chaos and the artificial Occult. Now, with the Chaotic finally assuming its intended role as her Synchronization... the infinite becomes finite, the impossible possible.

As though shedding an outgrown coat, a new face starts to appear from behind the mess of disintegrating pixels.

[Image: Giffany-Leila-Final.png?rlkey=u5uc8dn4t4...e9z7y&dl=1]
[Image: ezgif-1-327c8a09e3.gif]
Above you, an intercom screeches to life, and a familiar voice is heard...

[Image: crackneutral_fjopad.png]

Excellent. I am able to reach you. It appears that this vessel's functionality is likewise restored and I have gained access to the "intercom system". Such a fascinating piece of technology, and all without a spark of magic's flame.

I see you are all well into your planning. That is well and good. You will need such plans in order to achieve our mutual goal - though I believe some changes will be in order. To use your mechanical terminology, I believe there will be a wrench placed within the inner mechanisms.

[Image: tiltcrack_xrwlj5.png]

You wish to escape this place - and I too crave freedom. I can feel the air itself burning at the edges of my being. I am thankful for this vessel's lack of a pain response. Without the power of the Ritual to act as a motivating factor, I predict that there is a 75% chance that a more diplomatic approach may be necessary. Very well, I shall compromise my integrity for the greater good.

Do you wish for freedom? Then the answer is simple. Bring me the Codex.

Dr. Orpheus is well on her way to obtaining it herself, however I recognize the value of good help. Bring it to me, and we will use its power to escape together. From this searing place to safety far away from this accursed facility and the Bureau's grasp. I will guarantee your safety in the times to come, and my master will happily take you on as an apprentice. You will be the holder of the Codex, the Black Scribe born anew!

[Image: smugcrack_mq52l6.png]

But... Ritual or not, my master has imbued me with enough power to force your hand regardless. One last Incentive, to make you see things our way.

If you are planning on touching the Codex at any point and you do not make an honest attempt to bring Spooks? or Dr. Lyra Orpheus the Codex Nocturnum once you have obtained it, you must attempt murder, otherwise you will die. This attempt cannot be suicide.

[Image: crackneutral_fjopad.png]

Ah, but how could I forget about the rest of you? Hear me, o spirits of the lost. Wayward souls, flickering about within the dark, searching for purpose and yearning for life. Emboldened briefly by chaos and set free within these walls... I have a proposal.

[Image: tiltcrack_xrwlj5.png]

You too could serve as useful allies. How would you like a second chance? I extend the same merciful hand towards you - with the added bonus of life's gift. All I require... is the Codex. Or perhaps... simply reminding the noncompliant of their fate will serve as ample payment. Enforce the Ritual, even here.

If you are a Ghost, you may take the same deal. Return the Codex toSpooks? or Dr. Lyra Orpheus, and you will return to life and escape.

Ghosts may also attempt on any player attempting to side with anyone besides Spooks? or Dr. Lyra Orpheus, or anyone attempting to take the Codex for themselves. Successfully killing will result in revival, though you will not immediately escape and will have to find your own escape like the other players.

[Image: smugcrack_mq52l6.png]

Let's see how well your alliances hold up in the face of opposition.
Ready for one last push, Dex?
Izumi Konata
Ah, yeah, Spooks, got a question about this curse removing knife, if it's in your database

If I stab myself, do I get to choose which curses to remove or what?
Indiana Jones (Old)
I'd also like to ask about the knife. Does it have a limited number of uses or a cool down?
Mr. Scratch
Post Music: Vertical Reflections - Alan Wake 2

...-ur guest tonight is Ã̶͖l̵̝̟̳̥̀͑͛̕͘͠ͅä̷̡̜̼̗͓͕̼͈́̇̈́̆̈́͋̾ṇ̷̝̺̼̋̍̕ ̷̛̛̼̬͑̀̈́͑́̂W̷͉̞͔̞͇͚̉̈́̌̆̌̒̌̏ͅͅa̵̧̲͍͊́͛ǩ̴̢͇̃̓̿̉ȩ̶̡̯̠̙̮̭̼̌͌̽͛̊̓̓̀. This time, we wanted to do something, a little differen-...

The sound of metal clicking on metal - like the keys of a typewriter under the hands of a haunted writer, or the reel of a movie projector being turned by a frantic projectionist - echoed briefly across the surface of Mirror Lake.

...-gether with our house band, the divine Old Gods of Asgard, we have created something very spec-...

The normally still waters of Mirror Lake begins to churn. The many-tendrilled beast in the depths below begins to stir, disturbed by the movement above.

...-he song is called Herald of Darkness, but I like to call this next segment, the story of the Heaven's-...

In the displaced lighthouse, despite the blinding light outside, the room begins to darken. On a table within the growing darkness, Ã̶͖l̵̝̟̳̥̀͑͛̕͘͠ͅä̷̡̜̼̗͓͕̼͈́̇̈́̆̈́͋̾ṇ̷̝̺̼̋̍̕ ̷̛̛̼̬͑̀̈́͑́̂W̷͉̞͔̞͇͚̉̈́̌̆̌̒̌̏ͅͅa̵̧̲͍͊́͛ǩ̴̢͇̃̓̿̉ȩ̶̡̯̠̙̮̭̼̌͌̽͛̊̓̓̀'s typewriter begins to type...
(7 hours ago)Izumi Konata Wrote: Ah, yeah, Spooks, got a question about this curse removing knife, if it's in your database

If I stab myself, do I get to choose which curses to remove or what?
(7 hours ago)Indiana Jones (Old) Wrote: I'd also like to ask about the knife. Does it have a limited number of uses or a cool down?
[Image: Hi_bmv20e.png]

Certainly, I can access information on that item.

These daggers are relatively common artifacts possessed by the residents of the underground city. According to notes from our Archaeologist, they can remove curses upon stabbing oneself or being stabbed by another wielding the dagger. It has been hypothesized that these daggers were used in rituals of sacrifice or penance - or perhaps as a means of warding away negative effects of their significant Occultic exposure.

[Image: hmm_zjyqfo.png]

You may utilize the dagger to remove as many curses as you wish, however the means of removal involves severe self-harm and you are unlikely to function with any level of competence after more than one or two attempts at doing so.

[Image: Giffany-Leila-Final.png?rlkey=u5uc8dn4t4...e9z7y&dl=1]
The... whispering has stilled. I wasn't even aware it was going...

It's so... Quiet in here.

... Ha...

I remember my name...

Thank you, Columbo. I will not take this freedom in vain.

If you can hear me... Hello, everyone. I know that I cannot erase what I became. I could not ask for forgiveness from everyone I've hurt, especially if what Sinclair said is true...

I don't know how much longer I'll hold out, either. The damage [NOCTURNE] did to me is irreparable. My form is more compromised than ever.

But while I have even a moment of clarity, a fragment of who I am... who I really am, not some pixelated nightmare... I'm going to make the most of it.

For Astrid, for Spooks, for the lab, for Riki and Dodo, for every other foolish person and innocent anomaly this God-forsaken place has harmed...

[Image: the-giffany-gif.gif?rlkey=cxoa0mh3wqz2vd...v6d4e&dl=1]

I can be your vision in the chaos!
Destroy the Codex and send this Bureau to waste in the abyss it emerged from!

[Image: ezgif-1-327c8a09e3.gif]

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