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Solar Werecat
Clothes from my mother, again
Grooming products from my father, again
A LEGO Dimensions Scooby-Doo pack from my sister

By now, I've stopped expecting a lot.
Clothes + a sweet guccimane sweatshirt
Michael Jackson vinyl, Air Gear Soundtrack and the R.Kelly black panties album
a fixed up new and improved non shit laptop
a car battery

gave way more than i received though and felt good. merry christmas brothas
3 pairs of pajama pants
1 I.O.U. for some socks
$100 eb games gift card
box of pot of gold chocolates
a bunch of knock-off york peppermint patties
black shirt
$20 mcdonalds gift card
$20 DQ/Orange julius gift card
dont starve for steam
If life gives you lemons... RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!!!
[Image: nYwGTpS.png] [Image: 3fIS5XJ.gif]
Reference Humanoid reference Photobucket has sold out, so just take my word
on it that I have every pic anyone ever made for me, lovingly saved on 3 separate
this air i breathe
[Image: dinogunz.png]
(Dec 26, 2016 at 12:37 AM)Yoshin Wrote:
Nice. What's the second one?

(Dec 26, 2016 at 1:59 AM)SonicProject Wrote:

That's pretty much it.
Sounds awesome. Care to post a pic of the stuffed animal?

(Dec 26, 2016 at 2:16 AM)Solar Werecat Wrote:

By now, I've stopped expecting a lot.
Aww. Well still, that Scooby-Doo set sounds pretty neat.

(Dec 26, 2016 at 2:31 AM)zelma Wrote:

gave way more than i received though and felt good. merry christmas brothas
Fantastic! Cute Care to post a pic of the guccimane sweatshirt? (Disclaimer: I have no idea what guccimane is.) Fixed up laptop and car battery sounds like the type of gifts my dad gives, lol. Were those from your dad?

(Dec 26, 2016 at 3:10 AM)Demonlemon Wrote:
You made bank. Mind Blown

(Dec 26, 2016 at 3:35 AM)DrTapeworm Wrote: this air i breathe

Gifts I've Received so Far
  • christmas card
  • candy
  • keyboard
  • mouse
  • headphones
  • 16gb flash drive
  • cooked an amazing christmas turkey (I visited his house this year instead of my mom's house)
mom (adoptive mom/stepmom)
  • christmas card
  • t-shirt
  • socks
  • boxer briefs
  • candy
  • shot and paid for the christmas photos i sent to the rest of my friends & family
maternal grandmother (step-grandmother)
  • christmas card
  • raincoat
maternal great aunt (step-great-aunt)
  • christmas card
  • sweater
platonic friend(with unrequited love towards me; i'm not interested)
  • christmas card
  • invite to a 12/29/16 christmas party
an online friend
  • christmas card from europe
Gifts I've Given so Far
So far I've sent Christmas cards with Christmas photos to most of my friends (including the one I'm having trouble friendzoning) and family but I plan to send some late Christmas presents too.

I'm always grateful for holiday and birthday cards (whether they have money in them or not) and I've kept every single one since my 16th birthday in September of 2006. I'd like to put them in a a scrapbook at some point.

some cash
stein;sgate and sakura space (lol) on steam
couple of gift cards from work
and a sick wall scroll

it was cool
100% pure gamer 100%
Very much late but
(Dec 26, 2016 at 11:37 PM)sealelement Wrote:
it was cool
Nice haul. Cute

(Dec 28, 2016 at 1:30 AM)Endgame Wrote: Very much late but
Sweet. Shaving kits are always good to have. Also, judging by your photo I got one of those exact same candy cane things with candy in them from my mom, lol
New coat from mom
New coat from gf
Drone w/ hydrofoil
Walking stick with compass
Chinese smartwatch
New wallet
The Beef Baron
some cheap vodka
and plenty of other stuff too
My family was tight on money this year, so all I got was,

Some clothes
Soft Lead Pencils

And that's from my parents. My sister got me a new jacket.

And I'm okay with that. It isn't about what you get, it's about what you already have. Appreciate what you have, people who love and care about you enough to give to you without asking anything in return, rather than what it is you are given (even if you appreciate that, too). So I hope everyone had a happy holiday!
a cookbook

the cookbook is from a special gift exchange game and it was the item i wanted the most. it's pretty big and has some pretty cool recipes, like morning nachos
@"Videl" yup this is gucci mane https://www.rageon.com/products/gucci-mane-sweatshirt

and yes my dad did get me those gifts. saved me a ton of money in the process so i was super grateful. sounds like you had a pretty gr8 christmas yourself so turn up
oh right I also got a set of 12 drinking glasses from a gift exchange game at work
best gift

fucking lots of it too gonna use it as well as the remainder of this term's student loans to buy myself a wacom cintiq

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