Would this forum be better if it was called "plus world" instead of "minus world"

3D Player 2010
We should discuss this topic, because it seems interesting. I know that minus world is a reference to a glitch in Super Mario Bros, but we can call the website plus world, and an even better reference to the minus world would be using the minus world label to describe the forum archives, because no way those threads are going to get any more activity, as they are moved to an area that disables such, and it would be the perfect reference due to the fact that once the player gets into the minus world of Super Mario Bros, they are stuck in the minus world until they get a game over, and once a thread gets archives, it is stuck in its current posting condition with the amount of posts it had beforehand.
what about

divided by world
[Image: supercorrect.png]
irrational world
factorial world
Sh*t world
Pretty much.
The Beef Baron

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