For the first time in history of MW Killing Games, the killer has officially escaped! How truly despair-inducing!

But with the end of a Class Trial, begins another beautiful KILLING PHASE!

Remember: Here's how to kill:

-Go to my profile
-Click "Contact"
-Open up a new conversation with me, it'll be like talking to an old pal, I swear!
-Send me the following:

>Your target

>Your method of murder

>Why you want to kill the poor sucker anyway

>Any "special" add-on for those special snowflakes with a role out there that can use one

-Send it my way
-An RNG will pick which one of your attempts succeeds that night

Gonna list the living again, because man you guys are dropping like flies!:

@Fun With Despair

So, get your master plans in while you can, folks!

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