What arc are you in your life rn and describe the plot synopsis
right now i'm in the deconstruction arc where the narrative up until gets blown up and i have to rethink everything. it's getting exciting as fuck
"If Your Plate Doesn't Have Any Beef On It, Send It Back To The Hecking Cafeteria!!!" - OracularRELOADED
Very exilerating experience friend.

For me myself, I am currently in the destructive chaotic art that lets creative juices fly but at the risk of terminating bridges and potential lovers/future lovers.( i.e. the iconic scene in the ending theme of k-on when mio jumps and the sky is moody blue but you know she'll win in the end cause she's a cute girl who plays guitar)
Struggle Arc

Not sure what I wanna do and trying to figure it out but can't focus.

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