Attention, houseguests! A body has been discovered!


@Bee Has been found SHREDDED TO DEATH outside in the COURTYARD.
Their role was Ultimate Truther
+Monokuma will verify and confirm every fact you give during discussion. Your testimony will always be believed
-You may only tell the truth. Any attempts at lying in public will result in Monokuma calling you out as a lying sack of shit if he notices. You can however, lie by omission.

-The body was found lying in wet grass out in the yard
-The weapon appears to be a RIDING MOWER, located on top of the body, although the body is too damaged to tell
-GLUE is in the LIBRARY 1F
-The KNIFE DRAWER is filled with PISS
-A bunch of stuff is missing from the HUNTING ROOM
-The HUNTING ROOM WALLS are covered in gunshots
-PEA'S BODY is missing from the BATHROOM, and has been moved to the LIBRARY 1F
-There is a drawing of a LEFT TESTICLE in the SECURITY ROOM
-The LIBRARY 2F has books stacked around the LADDER to prevent access
-The floor by the STAIRS is soaking wet

other info
-More than one person did not submit
-Some BOOKS have been read in the library
-The dinner bell was rung at least once

[Image: zul9JIo.png]
[Image: DQs2msw.png]

LIVING players
@Chiaki Nanami

The investigation will conclude at 3PM PST tomorrow.
Now we'll NEVER get to play those fan games!
[Image: B3S9ub9.png]

>wake up, turb's curse compels me

>start to head to rec room


>rush over to bathroom

>unwind twine from pea's dick to wrap around mine

>realize i have no dick

>leave bathroom, see chiaki going to it

>SHE KNOWS when she sees the twine coming out of my pants. apparently i just carry that shit around all night?

>when i get back downstairs i look to the patio and see SHADOW AIDAN, dripping wet and holding the hose

>brings the hose inside to spray water everywhere on the downstairs landing INCLUDING ME FUCK YOU

>run to the rec room after he strikes a jojo pose and makes me shit my pants

>grab the taser in the rec room, hide behind an arcade machine

>brainwyrms comes in, i shock his dumb ass for revenge

>pin him under an arcade machine

>i leave, a deer head looks at me from the gym wtf

>go upstairs, outside bedroom i see elyk coming at me with a shotgun mounted boar head+texidermied dick

>oh hell no, taser that sonnuvabitch

>go to bed.

[Image: s2n7oi.png]

>draku has a taser

>the killer electrocuted me right before the murder

guess that's case closed fuckboys
-I wake up and exit my room and see Draku going down the stairs. Chiaki is exiting the bathroom carrying Pea's corpse.
-Chiaki tries to assault me with the corpse and I flee into the hunting room.
-I find a taxidermy penis, boar's head, and shotgun.
-I unload the shotgun into the wall and return to the bedroom hall. Draku is standing outside of his room. I attempt to toss the dick in but he KOs me with a taser.
-I wake up to a "creepy deer-man" standing over me. He goes into a bedroom.
-I toss the dick into Draku's room, the shotgun into Brainwyrms' room, and the boar head into Turb's room after I scratch "REST IN PEE" into it.
-I return to bed.
-Wake up and go to the BATHROOM because holy shit I haven't pissed in 5 days.
-CHIAKI comes out of nowhere and tries to hit me with a CORPSE (bby don't be like this). I dodge it because I'm great and continue into the BATHROOM where I do my thing.
-I head into the KITCHEN (almost slipping because the dang floor at the bottom of the STAIRS is wet) to make something to eat, and I see TURB. He's holding two DEER MASKS and also staring intensely at the KNIFE DRAWER. He looks over at me and smirks, before dropping a KNIFE into the drawer.
-TURB starts following me around wherever I go and it's super fuckin' creepy.
-From the KITCHEN, we head to the DINING room. I try to eat my food in silence, but TURB is knelt in front of the BONFIRE, crying and apologizing or some shit, which is totally throwing me off. I ring the DINNER BELL to shut him up.
-After I finish eating, we (ugh) head over to the LIBRARY. I try my darnedest to enjoy some literature, but this weirdo over here is too busy putting on some PUPPET SHOW about reanimating the dead or whatever with those two DEER MASKS of his to be respectful or normal.
-He gets the hint way too late and leaves, upset. I put a little GLUE down for funsies before heading over to the REC ROOM.
-As I enter, someone rushes me and I feel a jolt course through me. I get knocked out from this.
-I wake up pinned under a fucking ARCADE MACHINE. The irony.
-This is where I spend the rest of my time until morning. Please help me.
[Image: B3S9ub9.png]
-I wake up, head for downstairs, see CHIAKI swinging a CORPSE, and she's going in the direction of the Security Room (uh)

-I hear GUNSHOTS from the Hunting Room as I actually walk down the stairs, but okay whatever

-I notice that the floor by the stairs is wet, who cares honestly. I get the deer mask from outside the Rec Room and make my way to the Kitchen.

-I start preparing a snack, and stare very intently at the knife drawer as I am doing this. I have to resist the temptation.


-BRAINWYRMS comes in in the middle of this, and I look him right in the eyes as I drop my phantom thief piss knife in the drawer

-After asserting dominance, I go to the Dining Room and apologize profusely to YUNO'S CORPSE. BRAINWYRMS is just staring at me as I do this, and he rings the dinner bell as he eats.

-I go to the Library to host a puppet show with deer masks, and BRAINWYRMS follows! I'm making it big

-I spin a grandiose tale about a man holding a demonic channeling ritual via horse masks to escape his death at the hands of a thief god. What a great story.

-BRAINWYRMS is just there to read though, and he's pissed. I dejectedly left, and BRAINWYRMS sprayed something on the floor of the Library as I headed for the Gym.

-CHIAKI comes by, threateningly waving PEA'S DEAD BODY at me (uhh), and I haul ass into the Gym, putting one of my deer masks on. I stare out into the hallway for a while for the sake of Jokes, but I only see DRAKU and CHIAKI passing by.

-I head upstairs to go to bed, and see ELYK lying on the floor, with a boar head, taxidermied dick (uhhh), and a shotgun. He wakes up and scowls at me, and I continue to my room.

-As I am trying to sleep, my bedroom door opens, and a boar head with "REST IN PEE" carved into it gets thrown in. Thanks I guess
@"Monokuma" what animal is the taxidermy dick from?

>bee is in my room

>she wants tails to fuck her hard

>go to library

>stack some books

>bee is still there

>wants to show me her fav hentai

>tear that shit out of her hands and draw a dick on it

>throw part of my masterpiece into the security room

>go out onto the patio

>turn hose on

>oh fuck a lawnmower

>don't tase me bro

>wake up covered in chunks of bee

>go inside and hose that shit off

>draku is being a fuckboy


>he goes to play some tekken 7

>i go to bed

(Jul 23, 2017 at 9:29 PM)Elyk Wrote: @"Monokuma" what animal is the taxidermy dick from?
It is from the corpse of the ULTIMATE OCCULTIST.

Why that was stuffed and left there, who knows.
inspect the lawnmower @"Monokuma"
[Image: s2n7oi.png]
Chiaki Nanami
[Image: FuEhh2S.png]
Yaaawwwwn... Today was really tiresome. I've spent the entire time flailing a body around. It felt good.

[Image: rvC1Ubv.png]
I started my day by going to the bathroom. I saw Darko there... with twine at his pants. And you say I'm the weird one.

Anyways, he's not the reason why I went there. I went there to pick up Pea's corpse, so I could beat it up as much as I could. If you were close to being hit by it, I apologize. My goal was not to hurt anyone with it. When I left the bathroom, I saw Brainwyrms run there. Then, on my way to the second floor's library, I saw Kyle enter the hunting room and BM enter his room. I wrecked the library until I heard Turb's voice from under, so I went downstairs to investigate. On my way to the first floor's library, I saw a deer head by the gym, glaring at me...

[Image: Lf3BQaq.png]
...When I entered the library, I was stuck to the floor by some glue... I couldn't move at all. I didn't see Turb at all, either.

I could have gone down the first floor using the ladder, but it was blocked off by a book case.
(Jul 23, 2017 at 10:02 PM)Draku Wrote: inspect the lawnmower @"Monokuma"
It is bright red RIDING MOWER. It's fairly new because the property owner decided that mowing the lawn sucked.

There are slight scorch marks on the STEERING WHEEL and the entire thing is just coated in fucking blood.
@"Monokuma" check bee's hands
check the rest of the courtyard and patio, especially for scorch marks and bloodied areas @"Monokuma"
[Image: s2n7oi.png]
@"Monokuma" can we check any security cameras
please do not use my body like this thanks
(Jul 23, 2017 at 10:13 PM)rtsmarty Wrote: @"Monokuma" check bee's hands
You cannot tell what part of BEE is her hands anymore.
(Jul 23, 2017 at 10:14 PM)Draku Wrote: check the rest of the courtyard and patio, especially for scorch marks and bloodied areas @"Monokuma"
There isn't too much odd about the rest of the COURTYARD.

A bloody spray coats the entire area around BEE'S CORPSE, with the exception of an AIDAN AND SHADOW shaped area on the GROUND. This area is also slightly singed.
(Jul 23, 2017 at 10:28 PM)rtsmarty Wrote: @"Monokuma" can we check any security cameras
The ULTIMATE FILM STUDENT decided not to join this game, so you are out of luck.
monokuma was there lightning happening that night
@"Monokuma" are there windows in the bedrooms that look out onto the courtyard

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