
@Aidan has been found dead in the OFFICE, strangled to death.

His AFFLICTION was as follows:

AFFLICTION: Heavy Drinker
SYMPTOMS: Your actions are severely limited when sober
TREATMENT: Drink constantly throughout the night to alleviate your symptoms. Will get drunk and lose control of your actions as the night goes on.
+You’re immune to Substance Dependency

-There are signs of a SCUFFLE in the OFFICE
-There’s a BULLETHOLE in the wall behind the PA
-The word “DICKS” has been spray painted on the wall outside the OFFICE
-All the PLANTS in the GARDEN have been uprooted
-All the ALCOHOL in the KITCHEN has been emptied
-All the TOILETS have been destroyed
-There is a MEAT BUST of BARACK OBAMA in the kitchen
-There is a SKELETON in the LOBBY
-The MONOSHIKA STATUE has a BANDAGE wrapped around an ANTLER with “PEA” written on it, and one of the 4 LIGHTS on its base is lit up.
-The REC ROOM SOFA has been DESTROYED and then CLEANED UP again

Current Map
[Image: NuYXnBJ.png]

Living Players
@Fun With Despair
@Lassie & @Shadow the Hedgehog
@"the boston dong"

You have until 4PM PST to solve this, good luck!
-see pea two and diantha as i leave my room
-pea enters the lobby and goes to the elevator
-i go to gift shop
-get my shit to make a memorial
-go to cafeteria
-go between it and the kitchen to make a bust of obama
-during this, PA comes on, someone knocking shit on the mic while shouting stupid shit (this is apparently boston dong masturbating)
-make my obama memorial more complete, place flowers too
-wait for people there as long as i can
-PA comes on saying "DESPAIR YOU CUCK, FFF-" before cutting off
-shadow blasterwyrms and drei enter, pay their respects. blasterwyrms pockets knives, shadow enters kitchen, blasterwyrms and drei enter rec room
-dude comes in with a pillowcase full of stuff, he also pays his respects before going into the kitchen as shadow leaves it.
-shadow goes for the west stairs, dude leaves the same way soon after
-drei and blasterwyrms leave rec room, drei has a cape and goes for the lobby, wyrms for the west stairs
-seal enters from west stairs and also pays respects. then screams. oh. she leaves for the lobby. i decide it's late and go after her, both of us returning to our rooms at the same time. pea is atop the monoshika statue at this time, and elyk is leaving the gift shop. blasterwyrms is around and following us as well, but stops in the lobby.
[Image: s2n7oi.png]
Shadow the Hedgehog
My Dog, Lassie's Account:

-Leave room, piss and shit in GARDEN. TWO FINGERS sitting on BENCH while DIANTHA picks flowers. They leave.
-Ghost-looking thing leave FUN WITH DESPAIR room when enter WEST HALL. Smell like FUN WITH DESPAIR.
-See PEA climb MONOSHIKA STATUE. I head UPSTAIRS and sniff the TOP HALL.
-AIDAN enter OFFICE, loud crackly PA ANNOUNCEMENT. Can't understand.
-Turn around, NAKED MAN chased by PISS MUMMY with SLEDGEHAMMER. I chase towards STAIRS.
-Get to top of stairs, NAKED GUY get away. Ghost thing standing there and I guard it.
-Ghost throw a PLASTIC SKELETON down stairs as ELYK comes up. I GROWL.

My account coming soon.
-Leave room, go into lobby, see Pea sitting on top of the statue
-Headbutt the fuck out of the statue to pay homage to my past self from KG3
-Head up the stairs and enter the cafeteria while draku, seal, and blasterwyrms leave
-See the statue built to honor zombie barack obama, dead at my hands. I admire the crime I committed in the past
-Pass Elyk in both surgery and the hall as i head to storage, get a gun, tape recorder, and duct tape from storage as part of a murder plan
-Go to office, find Aiden's body and Agastya fiddling with the PA. I promptly shoot Agastya in an attempt to enact the murder part of my murder plan. Sadly, he survives
-Try to salvage this night by singing into the PA and serenading everyone in the building. It's broken. Tonight is a total loss.
-Go back to my room, discover some asshole stole some of my pants, and go to bed
Shadow the Hedgehog
-Someone wakes me up with a PA ANNOUNCEMENT calling Despair a cuck. I agree with the sentiment.
-AGASTYA, BLASTERWYRMS, DREI and myself go to LOBBY. DUDE leaves corridor at the same time while AGASTYA gets on ELEVATOR.
-PEA sitting on top of the FUCKING MONOSHIKA STATUE, watching. What a creep!
-DRAKU in CAFETERIA standing next to a GODDAMN MEAT BUST of BARACK OBAMA with a plaque that reads "RIP IN PIECES ZOMBIE BARACK OBAMA, SORRY SUPERCHAO KILLED YOUR ASS." A single ROSE sits in its lips, FLOWERS at it base. The three of us press F to pay respects and part ways. They headed to REC ROOM while I went to KITCHEN.
-Emptying all the ALCOHOL in the Kitchen because I'm a recovering alcoholic and keep an EMPTY BOTTLE on my person. As I leave the KITCHEN, that jerk DUDE enters.
-Head to take a piss in the TOILETS, where I see the fucking PISS MUMMY smashing them with a SLEDGEHAMMER. FUCKING RUDE! They SWING their HAMMER at me and I throw the EMPTY BOTTLE at them before running away.
-I head upstairs through SURGERY to go to STORAGE, passing DREI.
-In STORAGE, BRAINMASTER wearing a bunch of fucking strange combinations of clothes including LASSIE'S COLLAR. I look around and he hands me a CHAOS EMERALD that he found. That DAMN FOURTH CHAOS EMERALD IS FINALLY MINE.
- We both leave STORAGE, passing dumbass DUDE and joining DREI on the way. We all return to our rooms down the RIGHTMOST STAIRCASE passing SPOOKY SCARY SKELETON at the bottom of the OTHER STAIRCASE while BLASTERWYRMS does LAPS around the STATUE, where PEA is still watching.
-One of LASSIE'S COLLARS is missing. Oh well.
-Go to sleep.
-I exit my room and head to the gift shop. On the way I see Pea on top of the Monoshika statue.
-I take a nicotine patch
-I exit the gift shop and see Draku and Seal returning to their rooms
-I start walking upstairs and see a Klansman at the top
-FWD exits the pharmacy, one eye is glowing red
-FWD strips the Klansman to reveal a plastic skeleton. He puts on the robes then kicks the skeleton downstairs at me
-When I reach the top of the stairs Lassie is there and growls at me
-I go to the surgery area and pass Superchao
-I take an adrenalin shot
-I return to my room, seeing FWD and Lassie sleeping at the top of the stairs on my way
open the door and greet diantha
we head to the lobby to look around
we head to the gardebn
I chill while diantha collects flowers
PA comes on and it sounds like a sex tape is being played over it
lassie comes and shits everywhere while we leave
see BM as we're going back to bed
we head to bed
You wake up and notice some of your UNDERWEAH is missing, not that it matters to you, you're FLIPPIN' NAKED.
You head into the LOBBY where you see PEA waiting for the ELEVATOR, and DRAKU heading to da GIFT SHOP. Riding da ELEVATAH up, PEA can't look away from your freakin' sweet dong.
The two of you head to the OFFICE, PEA leaves immediately with a PEN while you make your PA ANNOUNCEMENT. You dash out of the OFFICE and make it a few feet before a PISS MUMMY notices you. The PISS MUMMY swings a SLEDGEHAMMER at you, narrowly missing, but da piss freak chases you all the way to the STAIRS. At the top of the STAIRS you see FUN WITH DESPAIR finish setting up a KLANNEQUIN and sneaking into the PHARMACY. DA PISSAH doesn't follow you down the stairs, and instead waits at the top. PEA is sitting atop the MONOSHIKA STATUE watching your glistenin' nude pecs and penis and also balls.
[Image: Bandit_-_russian_dancing.gif]
Can we investigate the OFFICE?

Also investigate the toilets

my account is on the way
The chief function of the body is to carry the brain around.
(Aug 26, 2017 at 12:20 AM)Two_Finger Wrote: open the door and greet diantha
we head to the lobby to look around
we head to the gardebn
I chill while diantha collects flowers
PA comes on and it sounds like a sex tape is being played over it
lassie comes and shits everywhere while we leave
see BM as we're going back to bed
we head to bed
To add to this:

-wake up
-head with two to garden, wait while he looks around
-feeling like I need >that first sip of the day, should rectify that tomorrow
-get to garden and pick flowers

>there are plants that arent flowers

-I kill all the non flowers
-at some point during I hear the live porno
- some fucking dog comes and shits every what the fuck
-leave and go to bed with two
(Aug 26, 2017 at 12:30 AM)BrainMaster Wrote: Can we investigate the OFFICE?
Aside from what's listed in the Case File, the PA is BROKEN.

(Aug 26, 2017 at 12:30 AM)BrainMaster Wrote: Also investigate the toilets
The toilets have all been SHATTERED. There is PISS and SHIT amongst the rubble, as well as a SLEDGEHAMMER and TOILET PAPER.
Fun With Despair
@Yrrzy Investigate the Surgery Room. Specifically what is missing and how much Adrenaline is gone?
bm - bowel movement
all toilets - removed
bm- moidered
it all makes sense
whoevah broke da toilets, killed bm
[Image: Bandit_-_russian_dancing.gif]
(Aug 26, 2017 at 12:41 AM)Fun With Despair Wrote: @Yrrzy Investigate the Surgery Room. Specifically what is missing and how much Adrenaline is gone?

Everything is kept so loosely in the SURGERY WING, it's hard to tell what was taken.
[Image: w2L3dTv.png]

1. Notice some people in the bedroom hall before I leave it. I head the PA announcement in here.
2. Notice PEA on top of the statue
4. Pass DUDE and join DREI descending the staircase.
5. Notice a PLASTIC SKELETON at the foot of the other staircase. PEA is still atop the statue, while BLASTERWYRMS is running around it.

Can we investigate AIDEN's body some more?
The chief function of the body is to carry the brain around.
(Aug 26, 2017 at 12:49 AM)BrainMaster Wrote: Can we investigate AIDEN's body some more?

His body has high blood alcohol level, he definitely drunk a lot tonight.
He has bruises on his body and neck, the choke marks indicate it was likely by hand.
Fun With Despair
(Aug 26, 2017 at 12:55 AM)Yrrzy Wrote:
(Aug 26, 2017 at 12:49 AM)BrainMaster Wrote: Can we investigate AIDEN's body some more?

His body has high blood alcohol level, he definitely drunk a lot tonight.
He has bruises on his body and neck, the choke marks indicate it was likely by hand.

As a doctor, I assume you must know. Would it be medically possible for him to choke himself to death by hand?
Crash Bandicoot

>A PA ANNOUNCEMENT interrupts my sleeping animation, leaving me stunned for a few frames. "DESPAIR, YOU CUCK, FFF-" sounds like they whiffed their word combo.

>Some of my foot assists are missing, I see. Oh well.

>Door cancel out of my room and see DREI, SHADOW, AGASTYA, and a MASKED PERSON, obscured with a BEDSHEET. Must be an unlockable character. The MASKED PERSON was going into SUPERCHAO's room, I think.

>DREI, SHADOW, AGASTYA and I all head to the LOBBY. DUDE is leaving his corridor at around the same time. AGASTYA heads into the ELEVATOR.

>Out of the corner of my i-frames I see PEA on top of the MONOSHIKA STATUE, staring at us. Weirdo.

>DUDE parts ways with us and heads to the GIFT SHOP, while DREI, SHADOW, and I step into the CAFETERIA.

>DRAKU is standing over by a rather magnificent BUST OF THE LATE BARACK OBAMA made entirely out of MEAT. The plaque, also made of meat, reads "RIP IN PIECES ZOMBIE BARACK OBAMA. SORRY SUPERCHAO KILLED YOUR ASS.", with a single rose in its lips. Godspeed you wonderful man, you. DREI, SHADOW, and I gather around for a moment of silence to pay our respects. DREI and I head to the REC ROOM, and SHADOW walks off to the KITCHEN.

>In the REC ROOM I combo a neutral ENERGY DRINK into crouching MY MOUTH, while DREI is fucking up the COUCH to make a CAPE with, but he cleans it up after so I guess it's fine. He and I play a game of WAKU WAKU 7 on my NINTENDO SWITCH to kill some time. It was just hand-warmers, so no big deal.

>We both leave the REC ROOM and go different ways because shit's awkward. I saw DUDE leaving the KITCHEN.

>I go to the BATHROOM because wow having an energy drink be your first meal really takes a lot of your stomach's health gauge. The toilets are all fucking destroyed, and SEAL is just straight up PISSING in the leftover debris.

>She says she saw a PISS MUMMY 2-stock all of the toilets, but then dissolve upon contact with toilet water. We play a game of WAKU WAKU 7, AFTER I MAKE SURE SHE WASHES HER FUCKING HANDS, and I fuckin wreck her shit. She leaves and I take a SHIT. I couldn't bring myself to do it with a girl in there.

>I head back to the CAFETERIA and see SEAL and DRAKU leaving, with SUPERCHAO entering at the same time. I follow SEAL and DRAKU to the LOBBY, where PEA is still on top of the MONOSHIKA STATUE, and I see ELYK heading upstairs.

>I wanted to go to sleep, but with that caffeine running through my veins with no food to slow it down, there was no way I'd be able to sleep. So I ran 100 LAPS around the MONOSHIKA STATUE.

>While I'm doing this, I see ELYK nearly get hit by a SKELETON that was falling down the stairs as he was going up. Later on I see SHADOW, DREI, and BRAINMASTER heading down the other staircase.

My account ends there so I assume I either just went to bed from there or just passed out on the floor.
(Aug 26, 2017 at 1:01 AM)Fun With Despair Wrote: As a doctor, I assume you must know. Would it be medically possible for him to choke himself to death by hand?

No, he would pass out before he asphyxiated.

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