Poll: which of u silly sausages did it this time?

Fun With Despair
Shadow the Hedgehog
BrainMaster (SUICIDE)
Total: 7 vote(s)
who killed brainmaster?????????????????
Fun With Despair
Two Finger has been good to me this game, but I am heavily suspecting him at this point.

Draku was woken by Pea, and I saw him fairly early into my night, so it can be assumed that Pea's activities were all very early. However if this is the case, Two Finger's timeline makes absolutely no sense, as Pea discovering Brainmaster happened EXTREMELY LATE according to him, and that occurred in the same general timeframe as Draku being woken IIRC.

Either Pea is lying and just randomly screamed late, or Two Finger is bullshitting
Fun With Despair
never mind pea is fucking retarded and did half the beds at the beginning of the night

everything we know about the case is FUCKED now

copypasted from discord, current thoughts:
agast is most suspicious to me, drei is second
timeline is loose enough that i dont think kyle corpse could have done it
twofinger's end of the night is what the fuck tier as far as timelining it goes but that was after the murder
drei is going to bed as im waking up, and i only woke up because of the megaphone, so i GUESS there's opportunity there as far as "being able to kill someone in their sleep" but so many were up at that point that i doubt it
agastya's suspicious act is at the very start of the night
(Sep 4, 2017 at 9:42 AM)Draku Wrote: timeline is loose enough that i dont think kyle corpse could have done it
Okay actually hold the fucking phone.

Let's say for a second that Agastya really did go for the kill on Despair, it's believable enough considering. Knocked Despair out through being metal and shit. Though this is the Superchao Defense, it does make me want to think about other possibilities.

Drei is unlikely for reasons stated above.

Kyle's corpse does not climb the statue for a while (a much larger gap than i thought before) and is completely unaccounted for for a time, pus included. The ghost sheet allows FWD to act like Kyle is underneath the sheet when he's actually not as soon as he drinks the invisibility shit and gets pus on FWD's dick. There is a very small amount of distance between the Lobby and Brainmaster's bedroom, meaning it is not outrageous to think that Kyle could book it and get back in time to leak pus at the base of the statue.

I'm slapped with Delusionol around the time of the sex act, meaning Kyle was indeed moving around while invisible. This also serves to act as its own sort of distraction.

Everyone needs to get more information for what they see in the lobby between the time of the blowjob and the time Kyle is climbing the statue, and people need to double check on how much time they believe passes.

This suspicion would of course make FWD responsible.

FWD's inno

Agastya it is! Unless someone can come up with other theories.
[Image: s2n7oi.png]
Shadow the Hedgehog
(Sep 4, 2017 at 4:33 PM)Draku Wrote: https://minus.world/showthread.php?tid=3...5#pid46465

FWD's inno

Agastya it is! Unless someone can come up with other theories.

What is this damning evidence against AGASTYA?

All you've got is he went to the GARDEN and later left the EAST HALL. AFAIK, if he could have killed BRAINMASTER, it would only have happened in this very limited time frame where he went to the GARDEN and emerged from the EAST HALL. He was otherwise seen by everyone elsewhere the rest of the night.

What exactly makes DREI unlikely? He appears to have been awake before anyone else and very rarely seen.

Pea could have killed BRAINMASTER earlier and just returned to that room for convenience and to cast doubt.

Have we really eliminated the possibility that BRAINMASTER did it to himself?
(Sep 4, 2017 at 5:53 PM)Shadow the Hedgehog Wrote: Have we really eliminated the possibility that BRAINMASTER did it to himself?
Unless he managed to do it in such a way that he died while sleeping with no trace, yes.

Agastya is never seen in the garden and the last time he's seen is when he's going down the hall which is the exact direction of Brainmaster's room. The garden visit gives him a reason to take a little while when in reality he'd be doing the kill.

Both TwoF and Drei wake up with caffeine (thus proven to be at the same time) and go to the lobby simultaneously, meaning Drei has no opportunity there as he would have come out with a delay. He has opportunity when he comes back but it's so late that it's doubtful, as BlasterMaster died in sleep and was never seen and even I was awake and active by that point.

Pea could've done it but there isn't really a good point for it to have happened. Near the start of the night Blasterwyrms runs into Pea in the lobby which suggests they came out of different halls, and Blasterwyrms is in Brainmaster's hall.
[Image: s2n7oi.png]
Shadow the Hedgehog
surely agastya wouldn't be so stupid as to attempt immediately after his lazarin stunt with a plan as weak as "SAY I WENT TO THE GARDEN WHEN I WENT TO MARIO'S ROOM AND KILLED HIM" :uniporn:

Meanwhile BRAINMASTER got hella salty and probably had DREI kill him to fuck with you guys while he AFK'd.
(Sep 4, 2017 at 6:26 PM)Shadow the Hedgehog Wrote: Meanwhile BRAINMASTER got hella salty and probably had DREI kill him to fuck with you guys while he AFK'd.
this is a fair point, there's opportunity and previously recorded player connections. it wasn't an afk but mario could have easily said "i sleep all night" making it easier for drei to get a kill on him.

i'd say it's up to each individual player to decide on what they think is more likely

superchao and fwd ruined false attempt defenses lmao
[Image: s2n7oi.png]
Votes are in and, adding SHADOW and LASSIE'S votes, sent via PM, it looks like you've voted for @"StirlADrei" !
You were WRONG, he was NOT the murderer.

His AFFLICTION was as follows:

SYMPTOMS: You can’t cross any mess
TREATMENT: Clean up the mess to stop being bothered by it
+If you murder, the crime scene will be spotless
-You are terrified of dirty people

Y'all just lynched someone who just wanted to clean up, smh.

Night 5 will start soon.
Crash Bandicoot
surprise surprise drei gets voted for something he didn't do again. next time i gotta frame something on drei so I'm sure to get away with it
[Image: LyHmK97.png]
Get it by your own hands.

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