OK Bros its time to enter the next phase of your life

you're gona be an icnredible peorson, last night i just starting to HEALINGYOURSLEF and OTHERS AROUND YOU. don't be know it all; u're not sharing my divine energy with other ppl around me and you're doing it on piurpsoe. You do realise that there's I'm gonna use to GREAT EFFECT tonight. Stop spkreading the "no such thing as an NPC," RUMOUR, right? gotta do it, which is make the jump and face that whichc (i know its hard and we all maeke mistakes) consumes you and bottlenecks your capacity to reach the Lavender Realm where the gods can give you sacred items such as the Golden Gauntlets. Destory the Darkensss that fears you the most. for me my biggest fear is MY OWN GODLINESS and there's so much Darkness in the world and u all gotta stop contirubuting to it and then the Light will naturaly bestow power. That's enoguh.
"If Your Plate Doesn't Have Any Beef On It, Send It Back To The Hecking Cafeteria!!!" - OracularRELOADED
Posting just to give my thoughts on this thought provoking and POWERFUL post. I felt the energy rushing through me tonight and work and when I found out it was because of Orion channeling her energy to MW it struck me with aw but on a deeper manifestation level it appears as though Orion is speaking some truth in which that you all should confront the shadow realm instead of actively avoiding it; when you embrace your inner demons you'll become your own Warrior of Light and kill the deceptive frogs that try to lead you down the forst hill maze. I'm truly impressed, with this knowledge you could be the Justin Timberlake of your own life and leave systematic oppression known as FEAR and embrace life for what it truly is; an anime.

6/10 post only because i'm not sure if you were guided by the frog or the train conductor to make this post
NPCs are indeed real. They don’t have souls

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