shocking new discovery proves zelma is bitch king

archeologists unearthed new findings dating back to early 2014 that @"zelma" is the biggest bitch ever

the bitch king was known to hit on girls whenever they update their fb profile pic, wear the same shirt 8 days in a row and always order a shit ton of food at a&w but throw out like half of it
researchers plan to publicly release their findings, which includes blurry cell phone photos and passage aggressive tweets about @"zelma" being a bitch boy, by the end of the year
this burn would hurt 10x more if it didnt read like a series of subtweets from an angry stalker ex who craves love and affection but can't get it because they won't finish tales of the abyss and they shop at H&M

shoutout to @rapidkirby2k as usual fams. only real one left in the game
agreed, shout outs to my bro @Rapidkirby3k for being the last of the OGs

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