I will handle doing writing and engine stuff later. Other people can help too, we'll figure that out later. It's not important yet.
Despair will also be involved in writing stuff later. He will handle designing and writing the overarching villain of the story. Hopefully it isn't just Monokuma again.

The characters we will be creating are the "player" characters. The ones who will be stuck on the abandoned island or school or castle or boat or wherever we decide to have the story take place. Again, the setting isn't important yet.

I wrote out a structure on how I think we can reach the end of this, but it will be probably end up being free form as we figure out the best way to do this.

How this will work
We will do 12 characters. Just one character to start with, then after we see how the creation process goes there we'll be able to run the rest mostly in parallel.
  1. Big Brainstorming Thread - Everyone will post words that can be attributes for the character. You can post as many or as few words as you want.
  2. Character Starting Point - I will randomly select three words from the list of attributes to use as the starting point for the character. If we don't like the set we can retry.
  3. Backstory Summary - Everyone will suggest pieces of a backstory or a full backstory. This will factor into their role and what abilities they have. We will then work together to either have all of the suggestions make sense together and/or vote on the best one.
  4. Character Appearance - We decide what the character looks like physically.
  5. Character Name - We suggest names then vote on the best one.

At the very end we will take all of the characters we made and vote on which will be the protagonist.

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