Character 10: Starting Point / Backstory

Here are the words for our next character:


Using these three words as a prompt, come up with a backstory fitting for a Killing Game character. What are they like? Where are they from? What kind of things do they do? What experiences have they had?

If you do not wish to contribute a full backstory you can just give pieces and we can collectively build up the character together.
Angie Yonaga
This character always had a lot of major expectations on their head. Born into money, they were destined for an Ivy League school from the very beginning. Raised to believe they were the best. Got through school, went to college, and there, fate would change how things played out. They were sent to the school cafeteria after a disciplinary incident, and there, assigned to the salad line, they found that they actually really enjoyed providing food for others. Soon, they were volunteering at the cafeteria basically every day, becoming a familiar sight to people getting food.

Having graduated from Harvard at the top of their class, the family naturally expected them to get into the family business. Incredibly lucrative, life of luxury, all that good stuff - just abandon that nonsense about providing for others, you don't DO that in this family. However, they've also received a full-time job offer for a restaurant. It's not as glamorous or as well-paying, but it matches the new passion they discovered. Will they make some bread, or will they make some bread? That was the choice facing them at the time the killing game started.
Lulu Azhal
Someone who majored in gastronomy and opened a restaurant after college to sell weird bread inventions
You could probs combine Perch's solid idea with Lulu's gastronomy aspect and make it so that they developed their own wondrous bakery filled with extraordinary pastries and bread after graduating, using their inherited wealth of course. Unfortunately he was cast out of his rich family shortly thereafter. Now, he's his own breadwinner who makes all of the green salad in his life without using external sources.

To ruin this wholesome wholemeal, using his major in bio engineering combined with his baking prowess, he eventually created mankind's first artificial life: living golems made of bread designed to do his bidding.

Born into great wealth, this character was burdened with great expectations. His parents, both extremely successful CEOs, ensured that he was given the absolute best of everything. Superb living space, superb food, and most importantly, a superb education. During his adolescent days he found himself set on the path of becoming a surgeon. He certainly had the grades for it.

After graduating high school he attended a prestigious college. It was his first time away from home on his own. Finally free from his overbearing parents, he let himself run a bit wild. After one too many acts of vandalism he ended up in some real trouble. He begged the college staff not to tell his parents, he would take responsibility for his own actions. They decided to discipline him by assigning him to spend his evenings helping out in the campus cafeteria.

He started his days in the cafeteria assembling salads, a fairly easy task. He was surprised to find it actually fun. After enough time being a salad boy he was promoted to the bakery section. He fell in love with the work. He began to drift away from his studies as a doctor and focus more on his studies in the kitchen. His parents, not being knowledgeable in any fields outside of finance and management, didn't realize he had changed career paths when he told them he decided to study gastronomy. They just assumed it was the medical term for a doctor who focused on the digestive track.

Upon leaving school he got a small loan from his parents to support opening his new business. He had mild success in his opening weeks. It wasn't until then that his parents finally both had free time to check in on their son's work. They showed up together and were horrified to find not the medical practice they expected, but a simple bakery. This wasn't the future they had invested in for their son! They promptly disowned him and forced him into debt to pay of the loan.

The following years were humbling for this character. He learned that the life of a patissier was tough. Without his parent's money he had to cut back on his extravagant lifestyle and focus solely on his work. As he did, he found himself enjoying it more and more. His passion turned into weird yet delicious innovations.

Now a calm and modest man, he continues working at his bakery. He was offered a full time job at a famous bakery but turned down the offer, believing himself to not be good enough for the role. His parents then began to put more and more pressure on him to repay the loan. With the loan sharks breathing down his throat he is scrambling to find money fast.

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