How do I create a Tulpa? (SERIOUS REPLIES ONLY)

Hello, Minus World. I've been extremely disappointed recently. It's something I'd prefer not to get into, but I was wondering if anyone had any resources for how I can create a Tulpa for myself to deal with this disappointment. Serious responses only please. No, saying "hur dur that guy fun with despair has a tulpa because hes lonely" or whatever the fuck is not a serious response. I need real resources on how to develop a Tulpa. Thank you.
Hey don't drag me into this, bub. I'm not THAT lonely.
Hey I'm just saying I want to cut that kind of shit off before the thread devolves into it. If I wanted a dunking on FWD thread, I would have made one for that purpose!
on the chance that you're not just shitposting, i'm sure there's nothing any of us could know about tulpas that google wouldn't know better
I am your tulpa.
I can honestly say even after googling it I still have no idea what a tulpa is
#6 you ever heard of stands jotaro
A quick google suggests that tulpas are manifestations of human(?) imagination. The problem here is that imagination is stored in the brain, which itself is covered by this really hard thing called a skull. In order to create a tulpa, it should be able to quite literally get out of your head.

My initial theory? Nothing an ordinary tree tap can't solve, surely. Think of it like a piercing, because... well, it is.

Of course, this isn't without risk. That thing's gonna be sticking out of your head somewhere, and pressing/leaning on/touching it is probably a bad idea. It's also completely irreversible. Get someone with less shaky hands to help you, especially if you can't see where it's going to be.

Maybe consider experimenting on your local livestock of choice first. Maybe they'll make a cooler tulpa than you can, in which case you're able obliged to take credit.

Touching a really cool arrow will achieve a similar effect, especially if you like the idea of making a repeated noise in tandem with an imperceptible amount of punches.
is this puddin again


the real question is, is it a tulpa of rin kokonoe
Alright fuck fine I'll bite. I've absorbed enough passive knowledge on /x/ to probably at least give some vague advice, though some of the things I have heard would generally make me advise against it.

Anyway uh, step 1 I think is like entering the character creator. Design your imaginary brain wife and try to get a clear image of them.

step 2 is probably just the rest of the process, which I think involves just talking to yourself and imagining their reply and trying to physically visualize them places and shit, basically just forcing yourself to go nuts.

from what I am aware this process can go horribly wrong and you can end up with a mental abuser or a screeching monster in your head if you are in a bad state of mind though so dont tell me I didn't warn you
Driving yourself insane to alleviate boredom is a good idea if I've ever heard one
but like why try and make a tulpa when you could just buy an anime body pillow like everyone else


i mean, a lot of people play gacha so its not super uncommon
just play Love Plus like the rest of us, there's no need to act like a wannabe schizophrenic
just make some friends lmaoooo
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