Gordon Ramsay
"Who gave Finweather the grill - er, kill? Angie wants to see your thoughts!

Vote now on your phones! Or just here."
[Image: s2n7oi.png]
Solus zos Galvus
Vote: King Radical

While I dislike the notion of throwing one of my fellow kings to the wolves, I shall simply vote for Draku tomorrow if he's wrong.
Immortal Tatsu
Vote: King Radical

We've got plenty of time to be proven wrong still, but things are lookin' grim for his highness right now.
Rubber Duck
[Image: CookingKGDay2-vote.png]
Gregg Wallace
[Image: nM2TyTA.gif]

"King Radical, I'm so VERY sorry. But YOU'RE OUT!"

Vote: King Radical
pineapple shrimp man
Gordon Ramsay
King Radical (5) - Draku, Solus, Tatsu, Duck, Gregg
Takeshi Kaga (1) - Pizza
I'll vote for King Radical, as it were.
Lasagna Cat
[Image: ZWbr53C.png]

The killer is Jon Arbuckle
[Image: RvGUrtv.png]
Tributes to Jim Davis
Mr. Hurderer Lecter
King Radiator performed the ol' Knifebomb in the Oven prank
Solus zos Galvus
Vote: Gregg Wallace

Why? Well, I have no other reason besides the fact that I simply do not like him, of course.
King Radical
[Image: ZbUfTgs.png]

Ol' Wally's been on my case since the get go, he set up the narrative from the start. We only have his word that the "trap" went down the way it did - for all we know, Wally could have flicked a match or a lighter towards the oven, and set the whole thing off. Plus, the whole thing with the camera - he kept saying he had an alibi, and then promptly ate it in front of all of us.

It's the classic tactic. What's better than setting a trap and being away from it when it goes off, than setting a trap and watching it go off so you can be cleared?

Gregg Wallace.
Makoto Ohno
I'm not coming up with something to investigate further or a good line of questioning for anyone at the moment, so I'll go with our best suspect so far and Vote: King Radical until further notice.
The King of Town
Better to bow to peer pressure than to be right!
Sorry, The King of Radical, to see a fellow monarch go.
Gordon Ramsay
King Radical (8) - Draku, Tatsu, Duck, Gregg, Luthier, Hurderer, Makoto, King of Town
Gregg Wallace (3) - Lasagna Cat, Solus, King Radical
Takeshi Kaga (1) - Pizza
Vote: King Radical

Just make sure you give him a radical death...
Wow! Sure looks like that King Radical fellow did a murder.
Tsumugi Shirogane
Vote: King Radical

Seems like all paths lead right back to him. You know, even though he almost knocked me out last night, and he tried to push me as a suspect, I can't help but feel sad, but we have to pick someone...
Lasagna Cat
Switching to King Radical
[Image: RvGUrtv.png]
Tributes to Jim Davis

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