![[Image: historicalsociety_q2wmmk.png]](https://res.cloudinary.com/douwhkm19/image/upload/v1702322265/KG9/KG9%20Art/Area%20Art/historicalsociety_q2wmmk.png)
![[Image: frontdesk_detyah.png]](https://res.cloudinary.com/douwhkm19/image/upload/v1702322311/KG9/KG9%20Art/Area%20Art/frontdesk_detyah.png)
....The lobby appears to be empty, besides the 30-or-so of you. You're not exactly sure if a room with that many people can actually quantify as 'empty', but you at least expected someone to be waiting to brief you or something. Instead, there's been no sign of life since your transport dropped you off. When they said there'd been a "partial evacuation", they were understating it.
It's kind of creepy, actually.
Should you... call someone? Is there a bell you can ring? Intercom button? Hm. Maybe you can-
![[Image: X_i7rrba.png]](https://res.cloudinary.com/douwhkm19/image/upload/v1702321247/KG9/Talksprites/Spooks/X_i7rrba.png)
Unauthorized Personnel Detected! Please step away from the front desk when it is unattended and wait for assistance!
![[Image: Hi_jdh4i7.png]](https://res.cloudinary.com/douwhkm19/image/upload/v1702314370/KG9/Talksprites/Spooks/Hi_jdh4i7.png)
Oh! You must be the investigation team!
Hello, and welcome to the Bureau of Paranormal Investigation! I have been programmed to prepare for your arrival, and provide a tour of the premises to ensure maximum safety compliance by all staff and visitors!
![[Image: Winkhand_bakmwu.png]](https://res.cloudinary.com/douwhkm19/image/upload/v1702321244/KG9/Talksprites/Spooks/Winkhand_bakmwu.png)
I'm Spooks, the Magical Cat™!
![[Image: SpooksIntro_jbk9bh.png]](https://res.cloudinary.com/douwhkm19/image/upload/v1702322719/KG9/KG9%20Art/Meta/SpooksIntro_jbk9bh.png)
![[Image: Sorry_nvwh2i.png]](https://res.cloudinary.com/douwhkm19/image/upload/v1702321238/KG9/Talksprites/Spooks/Sorry_nvwh2i.png)
I apologize for my appearance. There has been an increase in risk incidents by approximately 86.334% in the past 90 day period, resulting in damage to my usual physical frame due to a confrontation with [DATABASE ERROR]. This is a temporary measure. Refrain from making inappropriate comments on the matter.
For explanation of inappropriate appearance-based remarks to avoid, please refer to Section 32-9 (Tolerance & You) of the Code of Conduct. Thank you!
![[Image: hmm_zjyqfo.png]](https://res.cloudinary.com/douwhkm19/image/upload/v1702321232/KG9/Talksprites/Spooks/hmm_zjyqfo.png)
Hm. Quantity of individuals exceeds expected Investigation Team headcount. Reverifying...
![[Image: X_i7rrba.png]](https://res.cloudinary.com/douwhkm19/image/upload/v1702321247/KG9/Talksprites/Spooks/X_i7rrba.png)
Verification failed.
I am unable to verify Investigation Team headcount or check for updates.
![[Image: Hi_bmv20e.png]](https://res.cloudinary.com/douwhkm19/image/upload/v1702321229/KG9/Talksprites/Spooks/Hi_bmv20e.png)
Logical conclusion: Backup units sent in anticipation of expected Anomaly transport. Internal memory updated. Access granted.
Now, let's begin preparation for your tour of the facility! Our Central Facility is a very old building, and as such, I ask that you refrain from causing property damage while exploring. This is a relatively free-roaming tour, however I will be present for assistance whenever necessary as your friendly, helpful virtual guide - Spooks, the Magical Cat™!
![[Image: Winkhand_bakmwu.png]](https://res.cloudinary.com/douwhkm19/image/upload/v1702321244/KG9/Talksprites/Spooks/Winkhand_bakmwu.png)
Allow me to provide you with a map. Ordinarily, our map is an interactive tool that supports panning, zooming, and built-in room description technology as well as access to our database on Anomalies. Unfortunately, until database communication is restored, we will have to rely on a static map for the time being. I apologize for the inconvenience.
Unauthorized Personnel Detected! Please step away from the front desk when it is unattended and wait for assistance!
![[Image: Hi_jdh4i7.png]](https://res.cloudinary.com/douwhkm19/image/upload/v1702314370/KG9/Talksprites/Spooks/Hi_jdh4i7.png)
Oh! You must be the investigation team!
Hello, and welcome to the Bureau of Paranormal Investigation! I have been programmed to prepare for your arrival, and provide a tour of the premises to ensure maximum safety compliance by all staff and visitors!
![[Image: Winkhand_bakmwu.png]](https://res.cloudinary.com/douwhkm19/image/upload/v1702321244/KG9/Talksprites/Spooks/Winkhand_bakmwu.png)
I'm Spooks, the Magical Cat™!
![[Image: SpooksIntro_jbk9bh.png]](https://res.cloudinary.com/douwhkm19/image/upload/v1702322719/KG9/KG9%20Art/Meta/SpooksIntro_jbk9bh.png)
![[Image: Sorry_nvwh2i.png]](https://res.cloudinary.com/douwhkm19/image/upload/v1702321238/KG9/Talksprites/Spooks/Sorry_nvwh2i.png)
I apologize for my appearance. There has been an increase in risk incidents by approximately 86.334% in the past 90 day period, resulting in damage to my usual physical frame due to a confrontation with [DATABASE ERROR]. This is a temporary measure. Refrain from making inappropriate comments on the matter.
For explanation of inappropriate appearance-based remarks to avoid, please refer to Section 32-9 (Tolerance & You) of the Code of Conduct. Thank you!
![[Image: hmm_zjyqfo.png]](https://res.cloudinary.com/douwhkm19/image/upload/v1702321232/KG9/Talksprites/Spooks/hmm_zjyqfo.png)
Hm. Quantity of individuals exceeds expected Investigation Team headcount. Reverifying...
![[Image: X_i7rrba.png]](https://res.cloudinary.com/douwhkm19/image/upload/v1702321247/KG9/Talksprites/Spooks/X_i7rrba.png)
Verification failed.
I am unable to verify Investigation Team headcount or check for updates.
![[Image: Hi_bmv20e.png]](https://res.cloudinary.com/douwhkm19/image/upload/v1702321229/KG9/Talksprites/Spooks/Hi_bmv20e.png)
Logical conclusion: Backup units sent in anticipation of expected Anomaly transport. Internal memory updated. Access granted.
Now, let's begin preparation for your tour of the facility! Our Central Facility is a very old building, and as such, I ask that you refrain from causing property damage while exploring. This is a relatively free-roaming tour, however I will be present for assistance whenever necessary as your friendly, helpful virtual guide - Spooks, the Magical Cat™!
![[Image: Winkhand_bakmwu.png]](https://res.cloudinary.com/douwhkm19/image/upload/v1702321244/KG9/Talksprites/Spooks/Winkhand_bakmwu.png)
Allow me to provide you with a map. Ordinarily, our map is an interactive tool that supports panning, zooming, and built-in room description technology as well as access to our database on Anomalies. Unfortunately, until database communication is restored, we will have to rely on a static map for the time being. I apologize for the inconvenience.

![[Image: Mapicon_lnnyum.png]](https://res.cloudinary.com/douwhkm19/image/upload/v1702324841/KG9/KG9%20Art/Meta/Mapicon_lnnyum.png)
![[Image: Historical-Society_qeo83c.png]](https://res.cloudinary.com/douwhkm19/image/upload/v1702325562/KG9/Map/N1/Historical-Society_qeo83c.png)
room descriptions:
![[Image: Facility-Grounds_dtvv8z.png]](https://res.cloudinary.com/douwhkm19/image/upload/v1702325956/KG9/Map/N1/Facility-Grounds_dtvv8z.png)
room descriptions:
![[Image: test2_dt2y6r.png]](https://res.cloudinary.com/douwhkm19/image/upload/v1702324701/KG9/Map/N1/test2_dt2y6r.png)
room descriptions:
![[Image: uhh_gfhgnc.png]](https://res.cloudinary.com/douwhkm19/image/upload/v1702328210/KG9/Talksprites/Spooks/uhh_gfhgnc.png)
Oh, it looks like the issues with the database are affecting our facility maps as well. Luckily, there's no better way to learn than exploring for yourself!, and learning is the greatest magic of all!
Why don't you start with the Historical Society building? It's a great place to become accustomed to the map icons, and the Anomalies are mostly all cleared for safe examination!
Why don't you start with the Historical Society building? It's a great place to become accustomed to the map icons, and the Anomalies are mostly all cleared for safe examination!

Day 0 has begun.
You may submit Investigation Questions here to explore the map, meet NPCs, and get a first-hand opportunity to check out certain rooms and mechanics before the Killing Game begins with Night 1. You will be able to explore the other areas of the map, as well as meet more NPCs, as the phase continues. It is advised that you open the map in a new tab for easier viewing.
You are currently exploring 1F - Historical Society.
Please also, after examining the map, choose a Dorm that you wish to stay in based on map placement. Anyone who does not choose a dorm will be randomly placed on Night 1. You may not get your chosen dorm if it is too popular.
You may submit Investigation Questions here to explore the map, meet NPCs, and get a first-hand opportunity to check out certain rooms and mechanics before the Killing Game begins with Night 1. You will be able to explore the other areas of the map, as well as meet more NPCs, as the phase continues. It is advised that you open the map in a new tab for easier viewing.
You are currently exploring 1F - Historical Society.
Please also, after examining the map, choose a Dorm that you wish to stay in based on map placement. Anyone who does not choose a dorm will be randomly placed on Night 1. You may not get your chosen dorm if it is too popular.
Current Players
@Alan Wake
@Lulu Azhal
@Dr. Niles Crane
@Momoyo Himemushi
@Chibi Ruby Rose
@Roxie Richter