![[Image: mask_rtnkxy.png]](https://res.cloudinary.com/douwhkm19/image/upload/v1713058884/KG9/Talksprites/Control%20Duo/mask_rtnkxy.png)
Gah! First, I have been humiliated in combat, and then I find myself cursed with this ghoulish visage! That masked blackguard is fortunate that he is capable of hiding behind layers of arcane tricks, otherwise I would have my vengeance!
Hehe, I dunno, I think it’s kind of cute.
I kind of like this whole mask thing, I look just like you! I understand why you wear that thing now, look at how cool I look! Look out, I’m a “blood-stained hunter of magic beasts!”~
![[Image: mask2_fnt6pw.png]](https://res.cloudinary.com/douwhkm19/image/upload/v1713059376/KG9/Talksprites/Control%20Duo/mask2_fnt6pw.png)
Hm. I suppose it does appear “cool”, as you would say - yet my own mask is not worn by choice, and neither is this thing that’s been forced upon me! I could never face battle clad in such a thing!
Well, it’s only for one night. Save it for the mastermind. Or whoever caused the blackout. Hmph, they almost ruined the barbecue! Not very nice.
![[Image: mask1_bihlmx.png]](https://res.cloudinary.com/douwhkm19/image/upload/v1713058775/KG9/Talksprites/Dexter/mask1_bihlmx.png)
Man, fuck the blackout. Who cares.
I mean, look at me man, what am I? A rat? Seriously? What did I do to piss off this mask guy? You, I mean you tried to kick his ass. I’d probably give you a shit mask too if I was some kind of spooky mask guy, but come on!
![[Image: mask2_eiyuyi.png]](https://res.cloudinary.com/douwhkm19/image/upload/v1713058777/KG9/Talksprites/Dexter/mask2_eiyuyi.png)
What’s the deal with the “masquerade” shit anyway? Is this asshole just trying to mess with us? I would’ve though the fucking DEATH GAME was enough, but hey, what do I know?
![[Image: mask2_an3i8j.png]](https://res.cloudinary.com/douwhkm19/image/upload/v1713058983/KG9/Talksprites/Astrid/mask2_an3i8j.png)
No… I think I know what he’s thinking.
The way I see it… We’ve all been getting… too friendly. Well, relatively at least. The masks kept us from recognizing each other based on our appearance - and gave everyone a window to safely stab someone they didn’t trust but otherwise were forced to stay friendly with right in the back.
![[Image: mask_ccue0b.png]](https://res.cloudinary.com/douwhkm19/image/upload/v1713058981/KG9/Talksprites/Astrid/mask_ccue0b.png)
This kind of thing happens all the time in mystery novels. A masquerade’s always the perfect cover for murder - and an easy source of chaos…
![[Image: mask_jd9z1p.png]](https://res.cloudinary.com/douwhkm19/image/upload/v1713058420/KG9/Talksprites/Spooks/mask_jd9z1p.png)
That is consistent with my own algorithmic assumptions. There is a 70.5% chance that these “night conditions” will continue to escalate in severity now that the mastermind has made themselves known.

![[Image: mask3_vxuqto.png]](https://res.cloudinary.com/douwhkm19/image/upload/t_flipped/v1713058778/KG9/Talksprites/Dexter/mask3_vxuqto.png)
![[Image: sphhh.pngmask3_utjm10.png]](https://res.cloudinary.com/douwhkm19/image/upload/v1713058681/KG9/Talksprites/Spooks/sphhh.pngmask3_utjm10.png)
…Dude. Did someone draw on your face?
None of the masks fit…

That’s fucked up.
I am in agreement.
Regardless, it is in the best interests of the mastermind to prevent us from finding a means of defeating them, and causing distractions such as the conditions seen tonight are an effective way of doing so.

![[Image: mask2_an3i8j.png]](https://res.cloudinary.com/douwhkm19/image/upload/v1713058983/KG9/Talksprites/Astrid/mask2_an3i8j.png)
Huh, wonder if he caused the power outage too, then…
![[Image: mask_b5qraf.png]](https://res.cloudinary.com/douwhkm19/image/upload/v1713059510/KG9/Talksprites/Lyra/mask_b5qraf.png)
Hey! Stop standing around like a bunch of apes! Power outage? That’s mundane! We’ve got a prob-
![[Image: mask2_h8pszr.png]](https://res.cloudinary.com/douwhkm19/image/upload/v1713059513/KG9/Talksprites/Lyra/mask2_h8pszr.png)
…Why is everyone staring at me?
Oh. Right. I fixed my hair. I was just getting tired of looking I just got drowned. Besides, long hair gets annoying when you’re trying to work with precise instruments.
Anyway, check the Geology Lab! It’s seriously messed up in there!
![[Image: Day-6-Death_aysxtm.png]](https://res.cloudinary.com/douwhkm19/image/upload/v1713059724/KG9/KG9%20Art/Meta/Day-6-Death_aysxtm.png)
Someone wearing a DRAGON MASK has been found dead in the Geology Lab, beheaded and covered in bad burns.
Their role was… Unknown. It shall be revealed at the time of the execution.
Their role was… Unknown. It shall be revealed at the time of the execution.
![[Image: day6_ytajx1.png]](https://res.cloudinary.com/douwhkm19/image/upload/v1713059647/KG9/KG9%20Art/Meta/day6_ytajx1.png)
Case Files:
- An unknown individual is lying dead in the Geology Lab.
- He has been beheaded.
- He is extremely badly burned.
- A DRAGON MASK has been melted to his face.
- The rest of the Geology Lab is similarly scorched.
- Something has been written on the wall in blood, however the fire has made it unrecognizable.
- There are signs of a gathering on the Patio
- The Patio is covered in broken glass and populated by several rats.
- There are bullet holes at Station 1 and in the Armory
- The creature from Lab Zero is now contained in the Holding Cell
Other Info:
- A glowing golden door has appeared in the Chapel.
- The lasers in the Laser Hallway have all been disabled..
- During the night, a Blackout occurred.
- Another Seal has been uncovered, somewhere.
![[Image: Mapicon_lnnyum.png]](https://res.cloudinary.com/douwhkm19/image/upload/v1702324841/KG9/KG9%20Art/Meta/Mapicon_lnnyum.png)
![[Image: historical_klrboe.png]](https://res.cloudinary.com/douwhkm19/image/upload/v1709833561/KG9/Map/N5/historical_klrboe.png)
room descriptions:
![[Image: facility-grounds_ertrms.png]](https://res.cloudinary.com/douwhkm19/image/upload/v1709833560/KG9/Map/N5/facility-grounds_ertrms.png)
room descriptions:
![[Image: b1f_jho3v9.png]](https://res.cloudinary.com/douwhkm19/image/upload/v1711678052/KG9/Map/N6/b1f_jho3v9.png)
room descriptions:
![[Image: depths_petbxk.png]](https://res.cloudinary.com/douwhkm19/image/upload/v1711679883/KG9/Map/N6/depths_petbxk.png)
room descriptions:
![[Image: current_mnzvbw.png]](https://res.cloudinary.com/douwhkm19/image/upload/v1702964278/KG9/KG9%20Art/Meta/current_mnzvbw.png)
History Team
@Alan Wake
@Indiana Jones (Old)
@Dr. Niles Crane
@Walmart John Finalfantasy14
Survey Team
@Jonsohn Smithy
Research Team
@Izumi Konata
@Nashu Mhakaracca
- Astrid
- Dexter Hexley
- Dr. Lyra Orpheus
- Nancy Partridge & BPI-2300
- Spooks, The Magical Cat™
Please post all investigation questions in this thread, and try to post major theories here, for ease.
Day 6 begins now.
Day 6 will end on Monday, April 15th at 7 PM, PST.
The Trial will begin later, after time has been had to investigate the case and each involved character has testified in some fashion.
If you vote correctly for the murder, you will receive an item that will allow you to somewhat mitigate the effects of the next night condition..
Day 6 begins now.
Day 6 will end on Monday, April 15th at 7 PM, PST.
The Trial will begin later, after time has been had to investigate the case and each involved character has testified in some fashion.
If you vote correctly for the murder, you will receive an item that will allow you to somewhat mitigate the effects of the next night condition..
![[Image: spooks1_aqgizm.png]](https://res.cloudinary.com/douwhkm19/image/upload/v1711519750/KG9/Talksprites/Mask/spooks1_aqgizm.png)
Ahaha, and so the masquerade comes to an end. I do so hope you enjoyed your time wandering about in the dark, your secrets and motives concealed behind a mask. It’s freeing, isn’t it?
It seems the security afforded by a mask certainly draws out the inner brutality as well. Dare I say, your victim for the evening would be quite displeased with their fate. Such lingering resentment, laid bare for all to see.
![[Image: happy2_hincca.png]](https://res.cloudinary.com/douwhkm19/image/upload/v1711530570/KG9/Talksprites/Mask/happy2_hincca.png)
How exciting!