![[Image: spooks1_aqgizm.png]](https://res.cloudinary.com/douwhkm19/image/upload/v1711519750/KG9/Talksprites/Mask/spooks1_aqgizm.png)
I must admit, I’ve found your efforts to protect the seal rather fascinating, however surely at this point you should realize the futility of your actions? Ahaha, the fifth seal has fallen like the rest - and what is there to show for your efforts?
![[Image: spooks2_pby9ny.png]](https://res.cloudinary.com/douwhkm19/image/upload/v1711519752/KG9/Talksprites/Mask/spooks2_pby9ny.png)
Closer and ever closer…Only two remain, and then nothing lies between myself and the Codex. This Bureau has done well to obfuscate the Occultic Seal, to hide it away and prevent its fall, but I trust you will seek a solution. After all, your reliability is truly boundless.
![[Image: scary_rs1izn.png]](https://res.cloudinary.com/douwhkm19/image/upload/v1711529949/KG9/Talksprites/Mask/scary_rs1izn.png)
Ah, but once again... Such things can wait until nightfall. You have a murder to solve, a victim who has cheated death for entirely too long, and of course... an example, made of your feathered friend.
At last, a display of the swift death that shall come, should you attempt to defy the ritual. Perhaps now, you'll think twice!
![[Image: talk-neutral_vnl4mk.png]](https://res.cloudinary.com/douwhkm19/image/upload/v1702340246/KG9/Talksprites/Astrid/talk-neutral_vnl4mk.png)
Defy the ritual... An example? what's that supposed to...?
![[Image: ugh_mkpldb.png]](https://res.cloudinary.com/douwhkm19/image/upload/v1702497478/KG9/Talksprites/Dexter/ugh_mkpldb.png)
Fuck. I think... I think I know. It's Dodo.
He... I dunno. He left me this box, with a note and this necklace, the one he always wears. I don't feel good about this. Dude KNEW something was going to happen, I know he did. He was-
![[Image: TRIPSPOTTED_pdiiac.png]](https://res.cloudinary.com/douwhkm19/image/upload/v1702618884/KG9/Talksprites/Dexter/TRIPSPOTTED_pdiiac.png)
No. You know what... That can't be right. I don't believe it. That big bastard, he can't just go and die until I get my rematch! He's like a walking brick shithouse, there's no way! God, we should've let him break that fucking seal. Maybe if we did, then... Man the seal's broken anyway! What the hell did we-
![[Image: ah_lm8jfp.png]](https://res.cloudinary.com/douwhkm19/image/upload/v1711528428/KG9/Talksprites/Astrid/ah_lm8jfp.png)
Yeah... the seal... I'm sorry, but that reminds me. I've been thinking about the seal, and a certain vote...
Ms. Partridge, or Nancy I guess. Why did you... vote to keep it sealed? Normally, besides... the Stellaric Seal, we don't usually intervene with these. Usually it's a free-for-all too, but this time... we had a plan, to minimize the risk and bring someone back to life. Somebody who... wasn't even a murderer, or a danger at all. Instead, it got grabbed by someone random, in the middle of the night.
![[Image: point_ntv6rl.png]](https://res.cloudinary.com/douwhkm19/image/upload/v1709499015/KG9/Talksprites/Astrid/point_ntv6rl.png)
At first, I thought it was because you just really trusted Pea, for... some reason, but I've... never even seen you talk to that guy before. Maybe like, once. So... that wouldn't make any sense.
![[Image: declare_isyrdb.png]](https://res.cloudinary.com/douwhkm19/image/upload/v1711528176/KG9/Talksprites/Astrid/declare_isyrdb.png)
![[Image: sololadysmile_uemcr7.png]](https://res.cloudinary.com/douwhkm19/image/upload/t_flipped/v1702579300/KG9/Talksprites/Control%20Duo/sololadysmile_uemcr7.png)
So. Why'd you vote?
I have my reasons~
Besides, if you ask me, everything went as well as it could. This is the best possible outcome for everyone's well-being.
![[Image: Upset_lpyvvw.png]](https://res.cloudinary.com/douwhkm19/image/upload/v1702340251/KG9/Talksprites/Astrid/Upset_lpyvvw.png)
Okay. That doesn't answer my question. Why'd you vote?
![[Image: happy1_vqtggs.png]](https://res.cloudinary.com/douwhkm19/image/upload/v1711526021/KG9/Talksprites/Mask/happy1_vqtggs.png)
Aha, my apologies for interrupting, but I would really prefer you save your arguments about the seal for another time. You all performed your sacred duties, and there is work to be done. I won't keep you waiting much longer, and please grant me the same mercy - come, let us begin.
![[Image: Day7-Death_uhh44m.png]](https://res.cloudinary.com/douwhkm19/image/upload/v1714874722/KG9/KG9%20Art/Meta/Day7-Death_uhh44m.png)
@Walmart John Finalfantasy14 has been found in the snow, on the frozen surface of Mirror Lake
Their role was…
Additionally, @Dodo has passed away. There will be no trial for his death.
His role was...
Their role was…
role card:
Additionally, @Dodo has passed away. There will be no trial for his death.
His role was...
role card:
![[Image: Day7_ftftld.png]](https://res.cloudinary.com/douwhkm19/image/upload/v1714876270/KG9/KG9%20Art/Meta/Day7_ftftld.png)
Case Files:
- Walmart John is lying dead on top of a raft on Mirror Lake’s surface
- He appears to have a stab wound in his side
- He is severely frostbitten.
- The Chapel is suffering from significant fire damage.
- There are signs of explosive use and many gunshots in the Chapel.
- There is also damage from explosives in the Observation Room.
- Several trails of pizza rolls are scattered around the facility.
- Niles Crane’s body has been stripped of clothing.
- The Observation Room smells of root beer for… some reason.
Other Info:
- The bridge across the Chasm has been lowered..
- The Liturgic Seal has been broken..
- During the night, several Blackouts occurred.
- One or more Anomalies have been removed from containment.
![[Image: Mapicon_lnnyum.png]](https://res.cloudinary.com/douwhkm19/image/upload/v1702324841/KG9/KG9%20Art/Meta/Mapicon_lnnyum.png)
![[Image: historical_klrboe.png]](https://res.cloudinary.com/douwhkm19/image/upload/v1709833561/KG9/Map/N5/historical_klrboe.png)
room descriptions:
![[Image: facility-grounds_ertrms.png]](https://res.cloudinary.com/douwhkm19/image/upload/v1709833560/KG9/Map/N5/facility-grounds_ertrms.png)
room descriptions:
![[Image: b1f_jho3v9.png]](https://res.cloudinary.com/douwhkm19/image/upload/v1711678052/KG9/Map/N6/b1f_jho3v9.png)
room descriptions:
![[Image: B2F_uku3fi.png]](https://res.cloudinary.com/douwhkm19/image/upload/v1713667019/KG9/Map/N7/B2F_uku3fi.png)
room descriptions:
![[Image: current_mnzvbw.png]](https://res.cloudinary.com/douwhkm19/image/upload/v1702964278/KG9/KG9%20Art/Meta/current_mnzvbw.png)
History Team
@Alan Wake
@Indiana Jones (Old)
Survey Team
Research Team
@Izumi Konata
@Nashu Mhakaracca
- Astrid
- Dexter Hexley
- Dr. Lyra Orpheus
- Nancy Partridge & BPI-2300
- Spooks, The Magical Cat™
Please post all investigation questions in this thread, and try to post major theories here, for ease.
Day 7 begins now.
Day 7 will end on Monday, May 6th at 7 PM, PST.
The Trial will begin later, after time has been had to investigate the case and each involved character has testified in some fashion.
If you vote incorrectly and an innocent player is executed, your chances of dying are significantly raised for the following night and you will gain a permanent role debuff..
Day 7 begins now.
Day 7 will end on Monday, May 6th at 7 PM, PST.
The Trial will begin later, after time has been had to investigate the case and each involved character has testified in some fashion.
If you vote incorrectly and an innocent player is executed, your chances of dying are significantly raised for the following night and you will gain a permanent role debuff..
![[Image: new1_kfsrjq.png]](https://res.cloudinary.com/douwhkm19/image/upload/v1713664329/KG9/Talksprites/Lyra/new1_kfsrjq.png)
(Well I'm not gonna interrupt this, but...)
...Psst. Hey, cat.
![[Image: hmm_zjyqfo.png]](https://res.cloudinary.com/douwhkm19/image/upload/v1702321232/KG9/Talksprites/Spooks/hmm_zjyqfo.png)
Hello [AGENT DESIGNATION - DR. LYRA ORPHEUS], I am currently observing a potentially escalating situation, please stand by for-
![[Image: madglassesclear_fxmhfr.png]](https://res.cloudinary.com/douwhkm19/image/upload/v1714875741/KG9/Talksprites/Lyra/madglassesclear_fxmhfr.png)
Hey! This is important, you walking chatbot! You remember the stuff that freak Dr. Crane was talking about right? The mumbo-jumbo stuff right before he died. No basis in science, no real connection to established rituals, I'm sure you understand, as a creature of processes and logic.
![[Image: uhh_gfhgnc.png]](https://res.cloudinary.com/douwhkm19/image/upload/v1702328210/KG9/Talksprites/Spooks/uhh_gfhgnc.png)
Um... Well, I suppose my systems do consist of-
![[Image: new3_ccvyen.png]](https://res.cloudinary.com/douwhkm19/image/upload/v1713664338/KG9/Talksprites/Lyra/new3_ccvyen.png)
Okay, great. I'll take that as a yes. Anyway, the janitor's gone! His body lying in the gym, poof! Now, I'm obviously not saying there was any merit to his methods, but what I am saying is...
Now, there's a nonzero chance someone just moved him but... Well, I'm sure you have a couple files on the Lazarin Project rattling around in there! Put the pieces together!
![[Image: Panic_s0uhcc.png]](https://res.cloudinary.com/douwhkm19/image/upload/v1702321235/KG9/Talksprites/Spooks/Panic_s0uhcc.png)
Oh no.
...Psst. Hey, cat.
![[Image: hmm_zjyqfo.png]](https://res.cloudinary.com/douwhkm19/image/upload/v1702321232/KG9/Talksprites/Spooks/hmm_zjyqfo.png)
Hello [AGENT DESIGNATION - DR. LYRA ORPHEUS], I am currently observing a potentially escalating situation, please stand by for-

![[Image: madglassesclear_fxmhfr.png]](https://res.cloudinary.com/douwhkm19/image/upload/v1714875741/KG9/Talksprites/Lyra/madglassesclear_fxmhfr.png)
Hey! This is important, you walking chatbot! You remember the stuff that freak Dr. Crane was talking about right? The mumbo-jumbo stuff right before he died. No basis in science, no real connection to established rituals, I'm sure you understand, as a creature of processes and logic.
![[Image: uhh_gfhgnc.png]](https://res.cloudinary.com/douwhkm19/image/upload/v1702328210/KG9/Talksprites/Spooks/uhh_gfhgnc.png)
Um... Well, I suppose my systems do consist of-

![[Image: new3_ccvyen.png]](https://res.cloudinary.com/douwhkm19/image/upload/v1713664338/KG9/Talksprites/Lyra/new3_ccvyen.png)
Okay, great. I'll take that as a yes. Anyway, the janitor's gone! His body lying in the gym, poof! Now, I'm obviously not saying there was any merit to his methods, but what I am saying is...
Now, there's a nonzero chance someone just moved him but... Well, I'm sure you have a couple files on the Lazarin Project rattling around in there! Put the pieces together!
![[Image: Panic_s0uhcc.png]](https://res.cloudinary.com/douwhkm19/image/upload/v1702321235/KG9/Talksprites/Spooks/Panic_s0uhcc.png)
Oh no.